
When running "The System" timing is everything. ;)

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Alright, in the spirit of a request from founder to keep things a bit more on topic, and to perhaps lighten the mood a bit overall, I will do what I do best: Brag about paying a "hooker" for sex. ;)

After giving another member crap yesterday for thinking about sitting on the sidelines on such a wonderful clubbing day due to a bit of weather, I felt a little extra motivated and decided to spread my wings. So I picked a cluster of clubs a bit further away than I usually venture when on the homefront, booked a room by those clubs to avoid driving back inebriated, and went on a bit of an adventure.

My theory was that I was going to find some hungry dancers, broke after Xmas spending, a holiday weak with light crowds and beginning of the month bills coming due. I also suspected that the clubs would be dead on New Year's Day and that the combo of hungry dancers and a dead club would be great for a guy like me. Boy was I right. ;)

I had every intention of sampling a few clubs, but got held up at a sport bar watching a fantastic Rose Bowl game. Even still, the clubs in my chosen destination close at 3:00, so I assumed that I would have some time to bounce around a bit. But I did not make it 30 minutes at my first stop before a hot young dancer, who had been sitting with me the whole time, was dropping not so subtle hints that a trip back to my hotel was an option. With only three guys in this large cavernous club at 10:30 at night, her prospects were looking bleak and, for all of the reasons I outlined earlier, she was hungry for the cash. She even gave me a ride back to the hotel in her car, since of course I was on foot so that I could enjoy the game and then the clubs without having to worry. Oh, and she was awesome enough that I intend to connect with her again soon.

What a great day of the year to try out a new club. :)


  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Anyone else have a similar story about clubbing yesterday? Anyone see different conditions than what I experienced?
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "I will do what I do best: Brag about paying a "hooker" for sex. ;)"
    How much did you pay her?
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Went to Follies in Atlanta from around 4-6pm. Customers outnumbered dancers 10 to 1. There were some hot girls there and they were extremely busy, so they made bank by showing up. Given the ratio, I bet they were upcharging quite a bit, since the one girl we (my SB and I) got dances from quoted $350 to go to VIP with both of us.

    So, looked like it was good for dancers, not so good for customers.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    I like how Dugan framed this as “a request from Founder”.

    Yeah, right.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    nice going, rick!
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    joc, thanks for sharing. I guess location matters a lot, but I wonder if other Atlanta clubs were doing as well as Follies.

    Just an add-on: encouraged by the New Year Day success, I went back out again last night to my local clubs. Success there too and, perhaps more important, a lead-in on a potential new OTC girl who I see all the time, but never had that conversation with before. The clubs were so dead last night that it was like shooting fish in a barrel, lol.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    hard to know which is worse, SJG raping women in their sleep or Rick finding new and creative ways to sexually exploit desperate women. I guess it’s a tie.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Sheesh JS, I was kinda' hoping that I would get a little credit for at least waiting until she is both awake and of age. Now in some places, getting legal consent might not considered as setting the bar too high, but around these parts... ;)

  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    And remind me again of how exchanging money for sex with a grown woman, with no pimp or other control person in sight, qualifies as "exploitation?" Shit, the girl even drove me back to the hotel in her own car so that she could fuck me and get paid faster.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I was in Oasis on NYE and the place was dead. Maybe 10 girls working night shift. 2 of the 10 were "3 tool players" (looks, personality, work ethic) and we're probably gonna suck up whatever money there was to be made. 1 of them I know well, and was glad she came in.

    The girls I talked to at end of day shift said day shift was a waste (although the hot day shift bartender who got a couple $50 tips and bottle of expensive perfume from a just-met-her-yesterday RIL made out pretty good, unless the dude becomes a stalker).
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Agree with @Meat and I’ll go a bit further did anyone notice how our newfound moral arbiter that famously family man Poppa Rick Dugan a man with young daughters at home chose to spend his holiday with prostitute instead of opting for some time with his children, what a man !
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The System (tm) makes a lot of sense. Certainly beats buying dances and LDKing.


    But in my view, getting front room GFE auditions is even better. Shows you that the girl will be good, but it also lets her see that you like her, and this always makes a big difference. And then initial FS-ITC goes even further. After than, then OTC.

  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    twenty, my family was out of town for a few days and I wasn't able to go due to work obligations. My night time activities were an unplanned by-product.

    But even if I made the choices that you implied, in what twisted world would you make a comparison between that and a grown man sticking his dick in the mouth of a 14 year old girl? Seriously dude, do you live in some weird bubble where the consequences of pedophilia simply don't compute with you? Are you seriously here trying to defend the practice yet again?

    You know, in light of founder's request, I'm really trying to be good as I post in a place with a subset of truly sick fucks who aren't particularly fazed by the molestation of a 14 year old girl. Perhaps a pedophile sympathizer like you should just quietly slink along rather than drawing more attention to himself.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Rick, not sure who you are addressing yourself to. I had some PM contact with VincentMichael over a year ago. It is unlikely that he has done anything seriously unlawful, and even more unlikely that he would be stupid enough to admit to it. I would not take the trolling against him seriously. Most all of the trolling should not be taken seriously.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Fuck you Dugan, you manly man, with your glib excuse's for everything ! I laugh at you along, with most here, that you are so misguided, that you think they are laughing with you, wake up man, they're all laughing at you.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    SJG, are you saying that the trolls hacked his account and posted those things under his username? Are you then saying that the trolls kept doubling down on his behalf?

    I think it would be best if we don't rehash this again.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    It seems that you were in the right place - at the right time. You had some great results - and that’s excellent!

    I won’t digress for long - but your efforts helped to expose VM for what he is. I now understand his actions are indefensible.

    I had expected NY day to be slow for action - but I was wrong. I’m beginning to see the insight in your posts.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    I went back to work Tuesday and clubbed at lunch. It was packed full of guys with a decent number of girls, mostly the usual late 30s dancers and the Mexican extras girls. The only white girl under 35 who showed up was a 9.5 before adding 30 pounds... I'm starting to wonder if she's pregnant.

    Clubbed again for lunch today and the odds were good but the goods were odd. Definitely the "B squad".

    School isn't back in session until next Monday, and the under 30 stoner/drunk girls don't seem to have dragged themselves in to work yet I'm 2018.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^ Be careful, hanky panky on the lunch hour is usually the mark of a guy who no longer cares about his job.

    I've done it, some awesome GFE-FS AMP sessions.

    But just be aware, that is a negative road, if you have to go down it.

    Also, can't drink on the lunch hour. Can't drink and drive.

  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    I haven't cares about my job in a long time and am seeking a better one.

    I don't day drink and prefer to be sober when I club. It's best to be sharp when negotiating.
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