
For those of you getting "extras"at clubs..

Avatar for drnastytime

In your area are you usually paying:

1 Just the base VIP room fee. (Extras included in the session)


2.The base VIP room fee + an agreed amount for the extras


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Usually one has to pay extra for any sort of extras - in some clubs the dancers get a cut of the VIP room fee and in others not.

Also, let's say a club has a 15-minute $100 VIP fee, if u pay her directly instead of the club then she's likely keeping most of that $$$

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Different clubs in different areas work different - some clubs are just a straight-up room fee where the dancer may or may not get a cut of the room fee but the fee is just for the room, not dances or anything else.

Other clubs have VIP dances - e.g. 15-minutes of VIP dances where the dancer keeps a good portion if not most of VIP charge and then extras would be on top of the VIP dance price, not in lieu of the VIP charge.

Im my neck of the woods (So Fla), most clubs have a VIP room fee that's just for the room & I'm not sure if the dancer gets a cut of that but would not be surprised if they do as an incentive to push/sell rooms, but this does not include the charge for dances/extras (room fees avg anout $100 for 30-minutes).

But there is one club that works different - that clubs has 3 VIP dances for $100 in a private booth, you pay the dancer and she then has ro pay the house $25 - thus the going rate in this club is $125 for CBJ (so she can keep $100) or $225 for CFS (so she can keep $200).

Avatar for orangepicture

At my primary club, 80% of the girls perform HJs as part of the base level couch dance, but those dances are $30 a piece. It is up to the PL as to whether he can get off in as few dances as possible or ask the girl to extend the experience. I have gotten off in 2 dances ($60 total cost) and well as taken a dancer for 11 straight dances for a second pop that was $330. But that cost included 44 minutes of LD room time. The club takes 33%.

At my secondary club, the girls quote $300 to $500 for half an hour of private VIP with all activities include. The house gets $100 of that. So, the girls charging on $300 are really just making $200 for 30 minutes of their time and CFS and BBBJ services.

Avatar for goldmongerATL

If you are talking about the base fee (room+girl) for a standard non-extras VIP, at several Atlanta clubs some girls let it be known the base fee includes extras. Others will say they are extra or just charge more than the base fee for their VIP (because they provide extras). At Follies in particular, many girls do anything and everything for the standard 50+100. It is gentlemanly to provide a small tip if you feel it is warranted.

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

It probably depends on how hot (desirable) the girl is. The "dogs" probably can't charge a premium on the base VIP pricing and have a hard time selling them without extras.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

IMO - base-price, tip, etc, does not matter - it's the total cost that counts and mainly how much she keeps from what you pay her as to whether it's fair-payment - strip-clubs and strippers play all kinds of games on custies to over-charge them often unbeknownst to most custies that they are over-paying and the dancer is making more $$$ than he thinks.

Avatar for whodey

Why would a stripper charge extra? Do you think they are just doing this for money?

Strippers only do extra things in VIP with men they are sexually attracted to and only when the customer and dancer share a deep love that transcends money.

At least that's what they tell me and I've never known of a stripper lying.

Avatar for wallanon

The math isn't that challenging. If you were satisfied with your experience and can afford it, then you got a good deal. If you can find the same level of satisfaction for less, even better.

Avatar for Jolly2425

I have to agree with whodey. Any strippers that did "extras" with me were doing so because they were attracted to me, felt how huge my unit was and hadda know, or we instantly fell in love but it didn't last very long, expiring about the same time we exited the little room.

Seriously, I have met a few who did extras without a known tip, but they accepted it. Many were clear about what kind of tip they hoped for and what kind of experience I might have for said tip.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

IMO there's a difference b/w a tip, and the going-rate for extras - i.e. clubs "don't charge for extras", of course - they either charge a room-fee and everything else is b/w the custy and dancer; or they charge $X for VIP dances and custy and dancers work-out an up-charge for additional services beyond VIP dances.

Avatar for Darkblue999

It depends. The near by club where I go dancer set their own rates ,but they get 50% of that rate. Usually it will be minimum $250 for 30 minutes.Hot and pretty girls charge more.

So $150 goes to dancer of its $300.00 One need to pay to Bargirl in advances. You need to tip the bar girl. Bargirl says to tip the dancer also. There is no chance of extras here but you have to tip the girl.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ that's an odd set-up - what's to keep a custy from giving the dancer $$$ on the down-lo so she has to give less to the club

Avatar for Cashman1234

The club that I frequent provides extras, and they are usually included in the price of the dance. It’s important to talk with the dancer before going to the LD booth - so that you both understand what services will be provided.

It generally varies with the club, the girl - and the shift or time of day.

Avatar for Electronman

Metro Detroit is pretty simple. A small VIP access charge to the club, typically 10-20 dollars (but more in a few clubs) and a fee that is negotiated with the dancer. Dancer fees depend on the club, the dancer, the services negotiated and especially the negotiating skill of the customer. That said, it is not unusual to go home happy for $200 or less. Often times the dancer pays a per song fee to the club out of her take.

Avatar for CouldBe

Both. Depends on the club and the girl.

Avatar for Doces300

Most of the clubs I go to there is the room fee plus negotiated tip for extras. There is one club, the one with the superstar black girl, where with her all is included in the VIP fee. But the way things have worked with her she is making more than the other girls with the tip. She is worth every penny. Btw since seeing her I have not been back to see my CF. Guess I have a new one.

Avatar for Rickberge

Yea one particular club I go to in Atlanta (dayshift) its $35 for 30 min in VIP. The dancer is "supposed" to charge $10 a song but thats udually not the case.

All the times Ive went. Ill give the bouncer $50 ($15 tip) and he'll let me stay back there for an hour as long as no one else is waiting.

Avatar for joc13

At Oasis in Atlanta the small VIP rooms go in 30min increments, $25 days, $40 nights. You pay the room fee to the waitress that brings you to the room. The waitress always checks with the dancer before she leaves if she has gotten her money yet, so the expectation is that you pay up front. Girls have told me stories of guys who didn't pay, so I guess not all girls require it. Small rooms are only big enough for PL and dancer. There are larger rooms that can accommodate groups at slightly higher prices. Rooms have curtains. Some curtains have visibility panels so it's easy to look in.

MSRP to the dancer is $200. Part of that money ends up going to the club (a bouncer keeps a sign in list, so they know who has been, how many times, and for how long). Dancers can adjust. $150 is a pretty common dayshift rate. Many night shift girls will do $300 for 1 hr to get off the floor for a longer time, and they only pay the house fee once per custy.

Oasis is very low mileage on the floor, so the typical VIP expectation is medium mileage dances, but reality is a wide range. Reports include BJs and CFS, but I have never been lucky enough to find any of those girls. My experiences have been middle of the road. I've heard dancers say they would only fuck in VIP if they were getting $400 or $500

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