The real question is:

The real question is what is the difference between a dancer who has sex for money and a girl who won't have sex until you put a ring on her finger that costs you a year's pay or worse yet you sign a contract (marriage license) giving her 1/2 of everything you earn for the rest of your life?
Who the honest woman:
A} The dancer
B} The "civilian" girl
Both (once you take away all the horse shit) are in it for the money.
Both are in it to support their kids (born or unborn).

Is this why in days past it was said former whores made the best wives?


  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Anyone who looks at sex as the foundation for marriage is an ignoramus. Marriage is much, much more. I laugh at people in real life who are so hung up on "their money" that they think somehow the spouse hasn't earned the right to half of it. I make 6x what my wife makes and would never embarrass myself by pretending we don't have an equal partnership and half of everything is hers by right. Her being a team player allows me to earn what I earn.
  • JackScott
    7 years ago
    I agree with skibum. You really can't make a comparison between the two because they are completely different worlds.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    It's outdated too, with women getting closer to parity in terms of salary.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    ... But TiredTraveler was born when women were still not allowed to vote
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    Yea man you dont realize how good your wife is until you meet a stripper outside of the club. That shit opened my eyes.

    In the club, strippers are like goddesses, outside the club....
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    So is that why you who are married and still clubbing?

  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Somebody sure is jaded.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    This is a classic apples to oranges comparison. It’s a flawed argument from the beginning.

    If you just want sex - find a civilian girl who just wants to fuck - or find a whore and pay her.

    If you want a real relationship - that isn’t entirely about sex - and one that is long term - then look for a deeper connection. There are lots of nights when having a spouse is much better than having a fuck buddy.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    Not married:
    I have always traveled to much to have a home(a vacation/retirement home yes). Most women I have come across wanted home, kids and stability. None of which I was going to provide.
    My "jaded" attitude does not come from me but the persons I know who have lost virtually everything to divorce(both men and women).
    More then 1/2 of the men had never cheated and close to 1/3 had wives step out on them.
    About 1/4 of the women planned ahead for the divorce(sometimes years) hiding their assets and made sure they got virtually everything of value from their former spouses even to the point of using children as weapons.
    About 1/4 of men planned for divorce (again sometimes for years) hiding assets etc.
    Yes I am jaded: I was willing to share as equal partners but as my friends began to get divorces in their mid 20's while I was single and building my career with the pain and bitterness on both sides with kids the true victims I decided not for me.

    I have had relationships, platonic female friends, female friends with benefits, and once had a friend's wife crawl into bed with me naked while he was asleep in the other room(I got up told her I had to pee, put on pants and moved to the sofa while I was a guest staying at their house (next time I stayed in a hotel) but no wives no kids. (plenty of nieces and nephews)

    I constantly run into single women (mostly divorced) my age looking for a companion/housemate some young looking for a sugar daddy. I have found that I do not need a companion or housemate - have had both and was eventually glad to be rid of them.

    Although I have been clubbing for years getting extra once in a while is a recent endevour. Most middle aged women read to much into sex.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I reached a point - in my early 40’s - when I changed - and realized that I didn’t need my money to be happy. I had earned a significant amount before my divorce - in my late 40’s - and the emotional pain of the divorce far surpassed the monetary pain.

    So, I’m not looking at relationships and thinking of the cost if there is a falling out. I’m less money motivated now than ever - so if I must split my holdings again - I’m fine with that. The experience and connection - of the relationship - is what matters most to me.

    My view isn’t intended to work for others - it’s simply the way I feel at this time in my life.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I was watching South Park today, and I think chef and James Taylor make some interesting points.…

  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    Never buy the car without a test drive.

    Don't marry a goddamn virgin.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I test drove my wife a bunch before we got married, she said I do, then shortly after she said I don't, I don't give blow jobs, I don't lije sex, I don't care if you do. Oh yeah and also important, I don't want to have sex nor do I want you to get it elsewhere... Test drives are not that helpful.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    ^ I actully hear that a lot. I do think a lot of women exchange sex for security, and once they are married (and have kids), they feel secure enough that they don’t crave sex if it was mostly for reassurance, or bonding.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Lol @doces300
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