
Out and about with a stripper OTC

How many strippers have you hung out OTC with as far as shopping with her, going to dinner with her, taking her to events etc?

I’m not talking about fucking, but of course for a lot of you, a lot of these events will lead to fucking in your hotel room afterwards. I’m just focusing in on being out and about with a stripper.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    There was one dancer that I knew (and liked) well enough to meet her out for lunch / coffee a couple of times. Beyond that, none.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    A few years ago one specific stripper to Vegas twice for weekends. Did club, shows, food, oh and yea sexxx. SB's are in their own class you did not ask about.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    strippers: 3
    SBs: 4
  • hotdog0007
    7 years ago
    Multiple strippers, part of the OTC pay usually, but a couple turned into a regular OTC date , once or twice a month.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I’ve done with it three strippers. I’m taking a fourth one to the Saints Rams game next week, should be fun.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Nearly all of my OTCs begin with dinner, drinks, etc. Occasionally, events work their way into the OTC as well (I once took a stripper who was into art, to a great exhibit at the de Young, it was fun, then we had lunch, got drunk, and had sex. Perfect day).

    Generally speaking, if I'm out with a stripper, it's for OTC. The main exception is that I'll sometimes take a stripper out for drinks immediately before her shift, just as some pre-shift-warmup, or immediately after her shift, for post-shift cooldown :)

    Actually, now that I read Ishmael's response, there was a stripper who lived pretty close to me, and she would sometimes call me and ask if I wanted to go to lunch. I had lunch with her a bunch of times
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
  • Timbuck12
    7 years ago
    Numerous. But I’ve never taken any of them shopping. Wouldn’t do that in a million years.
  • bang69
    7 years ago
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    I've done it plenty of times. With the right girl it's awesome
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    2, but it was a shopping hustle each time. I just bought some cheap stuff and had low expectations.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    About 6 or 7 I think. never shopping. usually dinner and drinks.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Also if you guys can say some of the things you’ve done OTC with strippers, I’m interested to hear.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    With my ATF I did dinner, movies, sporting events, we walked around a mall but I didn't buy anything for her. They really were more FWB dates than anything.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Only counting girls I was with on a one-to-one basis, about a dozen that I can recall off the top of my head.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    “With the right girl it’s awesome”

    You damn right.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    Zero. Never. I don't know if this is a function of my age or my personality (possibly a mix of both). The only time I came close was once ordering room service with a stripper at the hotel where we were fucking. It felt kind of weird. Despite that, I have asked a few others if they want to get together on the outside, but they just make promises that don't come true (SS). This is probably for the best as we seldom have anything in common. There has to be more than just sex and money to make people hang out for hours with their clothes on.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Fuck no. I have a wife and daughters at home, so my cup overfloweth with female interaction. The last thing I need is to have to worry about entertaining another one. I go to the club so that they can entertain me, not the other way around.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Dugan I thought you said you have done the dinner at a restaurant thing with a couple of OTC girls?
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    Hanging out is part of the fun for me, with the right girl of course.

    I've done a bunch of different things... take her to basketball game, go mini golf, go bowling, go to art museum, etc.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Bowling or mini golf with her in a mini skirt. Heaven!
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    RickDugan has done the "hold her purse" while she shoots up in the washroom thing.
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