
Afterwork "Happy Hour" at the Club

Saturday, January 13, 2007 12:11 PM
Since I commute from the " burbs" to my downtown work location, I have to consider which clubs are open in the early evening when I get my car from the commuter train station. I've noticed that some clubs do not open until 7 or 8 PM and those that are open from lunch through out the wee hours of the a.m. tend to be in a "dead zone," from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. A few of us guys prefer these hours for winding down, having a few beers and some lappers, before heading home. There seems to be a few clubs in my area which will instill "2-song breaks" between dancers on stage because the day shift and night shift have this lull. I don't know how this effects you guys; it makes me want to seek out a livelier venue. Yea, it is usually No Cover before the night shift; but wouldn't it be better to offer dances as 2 for 1's, reduced drink prices, VIP, etc, as an inducement to get a better crowd in there during "Happy Hour ?" Some of us "aging gentlemen" do not like to hang around the clubs during the bewitching hours, when the young Turks begin to assert themselves. What say you?


  • dennyspade
    17 years ago
    I have a few clubs in the Chicago area that I will visit because its not so crowded, that you have to compete with a "Whale" or a group of guys sharing smokes and drinks with a dancer in you may have potential interest. I dislike the low-level attention afforded customers during this period who may have $$$, time and interest in getting to know the dancers. Make it worth my while. Give me a reason to stay or a better reason to return. That's all I'm saying.
    17 years ago
    Denny, I used to go to my last regular club around lunch time and I always had a similar impression. The place had good food but it was always nearly empty because it was too expensive for that time of day. I repeatedly suggested that they lower prices during the day but they had no interest. They'd rather have high prices and no customers than do a big business with lower prices. Makes you wonder.
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