
The back end of the "turning her out" cycle

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
There are few things more fun to me than having a hot ass girl who initially refuses to go OTC finally relent and join me at my hotel. Some of the hottest women I have ever banged OTC took time and effort to get out of the club. In each instance, I needed to wait until a slow period at the club to finally get the shot and it was almost always worth it, because once she went with me once, the odds were good that she would do so again. So for some period of time, the payoff includes a hot low volume OTC girl.

But I have noticed a trend over time. Once a girl becomes accustomed to earning easy money from me by doing that, she eventually becomes comfortable doing it with others as well. The signs are subtle at first as she is just starting to ramp up, but eventually it becomes clear that she is no longer a low volume provider. Shit, one girl even asked me to introduce her to my friends, which I did not do. Another asked me to introduce her to the USAG community (which I did and her dance card filled up fast).

The problem is that once they are completely turned out, I don't want them anymore. The allure for me is the low volume nature of the relationship, or at least the illusion of it. Once that is gone, so too is my interest in her.

Anyway, this is on my mind because another one of my favorites is now hitting the back-end of that cycle. She is by far the hottest girl at the club, but that doesn't matter anymore. Last year I posted about how long it took to get her out and how she even cried at the hotel because she didn't want me to think that she was this type of girl (which of course I assured her that I didn't). I had a lot of fun with her for several months, but now she IS that type of girl, leaving the club 2 or even 3 times during her shift. Oh, and I should mention that a couple of the other dancers are only too eager to come over when she disappears to tell me where she is going, no doubt hoping that I will direct my spending to them instead (little vipers, lol).

Oh well, nothing good lasts forever. On to the next one.


  • RandomMember
    7 years ago

    How much are you paying her?
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    @rick, I agree pretty much with your entire post. :)
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    Agree completely. Jive with my own OTC experience.

    The hunt. The kill. Feeding. Then what's left is not longer satisfying.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    That's interesting as the girls i would most like to OTC with are the ones that would in general be very reluctant to do it. But i guess, once they do it and get compensated for it, it becomes very easy for them to do again with whomever they want and they start grooming candidates. For some there is probably little to no grooming. As long as they are very selective, i don't see how it's that different that a dancer that has a BF or fuckbuddy in real life, which i don't really want to know about either. The question is how many of these girls remain selective?
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    It's not the hint, or the kill, or smug self satisfaction at getting her. If I'm one of a few, or even one of one, she's far more likely to get into the sex itself. If I'm one of many, then at some point, I'm going to become just another nut for cash. That shows up in her performance, eventually.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    So, has anyone figured out exactly when the "escort event horizon" occurs? I.e. that moment in time when she stops being a stripper who has been talked into doing something she never envisioned doing and becomes an escort that happens to be using a strip club as her channel to advertise her services and screen her clients.
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    The hunt is being the first to "turn her out". Once you do and get to enjoy it, as OP says she eventually becomes regular at it, don't fool yourself. You're not going to be the only one for too long.
    That is unquantifiable. Too many individual variables involved. But from what I've seen, it usually involves her circle of friends, Bc they do talk about it.
    I have a current one who's threatening to go the SB route. Told her God Luck.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @LT point taken wrt generalization of the EEH.

    related question: is the EEH different for the girl and different for you?
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Ever story of yours is the same as the last, RickyBoy. You really ought to get a life one of these days.
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    Hmmm great question. Had to consider for a min. For her it might seem imperceptible the shift. I've seen it gradually happen and seen one who went through a life event and just switched into Fuck-it mode.
    From our perspective, well they don't call is PL's for nothing. Even after seeing your girl start to wild-out, we'll hold on long into the spiral down the abyss.
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    I'm reminded of a dancer who claimed I was the first to meet her OTC. As time went on she told me that there was another but swore we were the only two, beside her boyfriend, that she was banging. Then her menu ITC started to grow and she said I only give head to guys I know and no CIM allowed.
    A week later she complained that some bastard had dropped a huge load in her mouth. What's his name I asked since its only guys you know? "His name was $500, asshole" was her response.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    People with RickyBoy's self-confessed "personality damage" only have four modes of thinking: splitting, projection, fantasy, and confirmation bias. Believing all these girls who tell him it's their first time plays into his fantasy (which they know) and he uses his confirmation bias to come to these conclusions.
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