Stage Tipping Habits

avatar for SirLapdancealot
Former Knight of the Round Table Dance
What are your stage tipping habits?

If a stripper is putting in effort and dancing well, I will tip at least a dollar even when I'm not sitting on the rack.

If she is alone on the stage and nobody has tipped her yet, again I will tip at least a dollar. The saddest thing in a strip club is a stripper alone on the stage.

If she is a fave or I want dances from her I will sit at the stage and tip.

If she is a known ROB I will never tip her. NEVER EVER!


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avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
I only approach the stage if it is a stripper that I could plausibly buy dances from later. I feel sorry for some of the chubby and unattractive women who try stripping and collect no tips - but it is better to let the invisible hand of the market function, than give false hopes.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@Lurker_X LOL when I tip the unattractive ones I quickly put a dollar down and walk away without much eye contact. I don't want to give her any idea that I want a dance later, but LOL almost inevitably she stops by anyway to see if I want any dances.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
I will tip a girl on stage if I want to talk to her, usually to invite her over or just to introduce.

I ALWAYS make the girl come get the tip in her garter or g-string. Just tossing money on the stage truly is a chump's game.

Lately, I try to pay attention to if she has been sitting with someone before she goes on stage. I saw one dancer a couple days ago collect $30 or more in tips from a bunch of different guys. when she was done, made a beeline right back to the guy she was sitting with. Didn't say thanks to a single other customer. Glad there wasn't any of my money in her garter.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I usually tip all the dancers $1 or $2. If there’s a ROB - I’ll avoid her - and I’ll ignore her when she’s on stage. I like to tip dancers working the stage - as usually they put effort into their stage sets - and that’s how I show my appreciation.

I’ve tipped a few dancers more - when the club was pretty empty - and nobody was tipping. I felt bad to see them doing a nice set - but getting no tips from the guys sitting and watching.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
Oh and I always bend my tip into an A frame before I set it down.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I don't tip anyone that I don't want to approach me after she's done on stage.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
I think this was part of one of my first discussions. I generally only tip a girl if i want to get a dance with her and this is usually the best way to get her attention and let my intentions be known. The other situation is if the club has nude stages and i feel i can get an experience or view that i can't get, say from perverts row or anywhere in the club, really as with most topless clubs i've been to. These clubs usually have empty or mostly empty stages even on weekends and if i'm the only one that goes up to tip even if i'm not interested in a dance, i'll probably get unwanted attention later from the girl or other girls that notice i'm the only one tipping.
avatar for Digitech
7 years ago
In the past I'd sit at the rail through multiple dancers' stage shows and tip at least a dollar per song. These days I only sit at the stage or walk and tip for dancers I am interested in exploring more.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
This is my stage tipping method:…
avatar for lick-that
7 years ago
If you're sitting at the bar you should tip, period. I tip at least $2 so my sympathy tip is a buck.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Not a big stage tipper, do it once in a while to get the attention of a dancer I want dances from or to cop a few feels at the stage - in the black dives I go to throwing $1s on the stage ie common and does not mean interest in a dance thus me tipping to show dance-interest is null-and-void
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Why do Portland guys call it the rack, only seen that in Portland reviews or comments by Portland SCers,
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
One benefit I have found from tipping strippers even when not interested in anything more from them is that they are friendly and helpful to me when I see them. All of them know I'm there for my ATF DS and they will help and let her know that I've arrived or let me know that she hasn't arrived yet. And they invite me to go smoke weed.
avatar for bvino
7 years ago
I always tip the girls that are making an effort to really dance. I will go $5.00 and tell them it is just because they look good up there. Girls I want to lure table side I tip 10-20 dollars and tell them to come see me when they are done. I find tipping around in small amounts builds a buzz that can be exploited.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
I tip the girls that I want to come sit with me after their stageset, and I tip generously.
avatar for Dolfan
7 years ago
I don't pity tip. I don't tip girls that try to goad me into tipping. I will tip girl who is attractive and/or putting in a good effort, but only if I'm not already occupied. I'll pretty much always tip a fave, even if it means getting up and leaving another girl sitting at my table alone.

The amount varies. Its usually two bucks, but sometimes its just a buck and for for some its more like 10-40 (2 5's, 10's, or 20's.) Its rare I tip anyone but a fave more than $5. Maybe $2, two times.

Unless its a fave, I'm generally tipping to signal my interest. Meaning, I want her to come over. Usually, I'll ask her to do so while tipping but sometimes its just idle chit chat up there and occasionally its basically nothing.
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
I've started to dislike stage tipping as it doesn't really affect my experience in the club. $5 on stage with no other tips will go a long way if you like the dancer. Otherwise I don't stage tip (or sit at the stage) at all.

I'm a dude who buys lap dances and the girls who take my money for lap dances have no problem with me not being into their stage dance. Better to tip one of the waitresses or a bouncer to have them call your girl over the speakers rather than tip the girl on stage and hope she comes and talks to you.
avatar for rl27
7 years ago
It depends on the club. In a club where most of the seats are at the stage, I will tip each dancer once. If I don't like a dancer I will leave the stage rather than tip her.

In most clubs I will sit at a table with a nice view of the main stage and any side stages if they exist. I'll tip any of my favorites when she is on stage. I'll also tip dancers with good stage presence, even if they aren't ones I normally get dances from.

I also use the time to let dancer I am interested in to stop by. Especially if she is hot new dancer.
avatar for orangepicture
7 years ago
Stage tipping: $1 to be nice or $2 if I like the girl. $3 if I want her to come over after her dances.

VIP tipping: If they really go the extra mile, I have tipped $10 to $40 for half an hour's dance.

Table/Both tipping: Never offer. If the girl asks and was really grinds and touchy, I may do $5.
avatar for orangepicture
7 years ago
^^ I meant "Table/Booth"
avatar for goldmongerATL
7 years ago
In Atlanta at least, when I started clubbing 30+ years ago, the $1 tip and $10 dance were a lot more money than they are now. I am surprised more clubs do not do what the South Carolina Platinum Plus chain did-- give change in $2 bills.

Maybe because I am cheap (other than spending hundreds in VIP) but I still only tip $1. I may go up and tip several times, but only $1 at a time. OTOH I have recently tried tipping 2 $1 bills at a time. Does not seem to register or increase the chance a dancer I want will come by.
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