VIP Rooms?
Club Caberet in Peoria, IL area offers couch dances for $25, but they have a VIP room available for either $150 or $300. My guy has been getting couch dances which means totally naked dancer puts her lady bits about 2 inches from his face, rubs her tits in his face and let's him rub them. He can also rub her butt and smack her on the butt. She rubs his man bits through his pants and even licks his pants there. Why would anyone pay so much for a VIP room? What more do they do? We are brand new at going to strip clubs but they really spice up our sex life.
Now as to the worth of paying more for that, it is highly subjective. I would say that by your description those $25 couch dances are pretty good mileage. I pay the same here in Portland and by description the mileage is similar: decent but not ultra high. But then for me at that price point I would not upgrade to VIP for anything more that $150 for 1/2 hr. $250 would be too much unless the mileage was guaranteed to be ultra high. Also based on numbers alone, $150 for 1/2 hr is a decent VIP deal because it works out to be $25 for 5 minutes which is longer than the average song.
Personally I switch up between $25 couch dances and $150 VIPs with my ATF DS all the time. I mainly do 2-3 couches per visit but as a treat I get the 1/2 hr VIP about every third or fourth visit. And she always makes it a worthy upgrade. I'll LDK either way but in VIP they are even more intense.