VM picks on BJ for no damn good reason

avatar for BigTimeBonerBoy
What a fucking piece of Shit. I bet he sucks ducks for twenties just to buy heroin


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avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Lick my ass crack, faggot. You suck dick all the time while you shoot up your H. I've never touched Heroin, it's for loser fagboys like you. LMAO
avatar for BigTimeBonerBoy
7 years ago
Your an X war vet so from Vietnam so it's obvious your sweet lady H habit stared right after you killed your own battalion. The guilt you felt was so intense you had no option but suck off the V Gong for that Heroin
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
You are so fucking stupid, another, Douchester/txtittydumbass/Hj99 style schmuck that is hilariously wrong. Come on, stupid faggot, suck and lick those asscracks !!!
avatar for BigTimeBonerBoy
7 years ago
Vince pussy ass faggots I will shit down your through and jerk myself off into your homosexual ass. Then I will force feed your eye sockets my ball sack until you ejaculate inside your kidneys like a pussy faggots your really are

Why not tell the truth on how you went A wall in a Canadian and let the real Americans die. Your a faggots ass piece of dog Shit I wouldn't wipe off my shoes
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Truth is you are a stupid asshole who never speaks truth. I laugh at the BS you dumb cunts try to convince the others here. If you are so sure, come meet me. I've made the offer many, many times, but you are a wimpy coward. Fuck you, dickbreath.
avatar for BigTimeBonerBoy
7 years ago
If you don't shut up old man I will fuck your dead mother
avatar for BBBC
7 years ago
Boner boy stop being rude or I will give your computer or phone a bug and fuck it up

Apologies to my friend Vince
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Dumbass liar BTBB, my mother is very much alive. Wrong again, faggot. LMAO
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ I can vouch for that. She is a live one for sure.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
vinceygirl's mother is also a cave dweller.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
"Dumbass liar BTBB, my mother is very much alive. Wrong again, faggot. LMAO"

Was that supposed to be a come back?
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
I guess if vinceygirl was willing to lie about military service we shouldn't be that surprised by the other bad behavior he displays. Guess his cave dwelling mother never taught him that well.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
OOOOH, the baby faggot has a dirty diaper. Whassa matter,Douchester/txtittydumbass. Maybe your girlfriend, Hj99 can give you her diaper. She dropped a load in it, too. LMAO
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
Hey, vinceygirl: Is true your cave dwelling mother the first your line of ancestors to actually be able to walk upright?
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