Joined Jun, 2017
Last Seen Oct, 2017

VM Shoots it out in VegasA 64-year-old man armed with more than 10 rifles rained down gunfire on a Las Vegas country music festival on Sunday, slaughtering at least…

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VM picks on BJ for no damn good reasonIf you don't shut up old man I will fuck your dead mother

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VM picks on BJ for no damn good reasonVince pussy ass faggots I will shit down your through and jerk myself off into your homosexual ass. Then I will force feed your…

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VM picks on BJ for no damn good reasonYour an X war vet so from Vietnam so it's obvious your sweet lady H habit stared right after you killed your own battalion.…

VM picks on BJ for no damn good reasonWhat a fucking piece of Shit. I bet he sucks ducks for twenties just to buy heroin

Gay Sex in a Strip ClubI've pm Rick and Vince to see if they want to meet up at a strip club for Gay Sex
Anybody else wanna join ?
Anybody else wanna join ?

Biggist Fag on TusclAnd it's not Ricky Boy
It's tuscl best kept secret
And he is an actual fagget
You have been warned
It's tuscl best kept secret
And he is an actual fagget
You have been warned