
Lightning Does Strike twice

The Square Above Charlie Weaver
A few years ago I posted about finding a friends daughter dancing. I took some grief about not revealing I knew who she was (yet took her to VIP).

I'll be darned same club last night and a girl turned the corner and my first thought was she looked just like a girl I worked with about 15 years ago. At the time we were quite close, but she was married. I just looked at this girl and she noticed and came up and hugged me and asked if I wanted some company. I said yes and this time came clean. I asked if her mother's name was A****. She turned red. I said "are you B****?" She turned absolutely crimson and her jaw dropped and she ran to the dressing room. I figured I would just take a seat and see if she ever came back out. I grabbed a seat at the bar and only a minute later someone hugged me from behind and asked in my ear "Are you C****?" She had remembered my name!

So three drinks for her (she had just turned 21 and loved that she could drink heavily at work) and four or five promises that I would never tell her mother she worked there and after catching up on her life story (sorority sister got her dancing there, came in from UGA two nights a week), she asked one more time that I not tell her mother. I said that it depended on whether we were going to do a room or not. She was mortified! She said there was no way because I had probably had sex with her mother and that would be too weird. For the record, never actually tapped that ex-beauty queen. So I said I would settle for a couple of dances.

She didn't have a problem dancing for me, at least at first. She was thin and athletic and I could tell those DD's were natural they way they moved and the way they felt when she kept ramming them into my face. she was expert at rubbing the dick with her knee and later switched to actual stick shifting. During the second dance she said she didn't think I was enjoying the dance and it was OK to touch her. She guided my hand where I dared not go on my own. But she cut the second dance short and said it was just too weird to be the second generation playing with the same dick (her way of putting it). How I wish that were true!

She called a friend over (not the sorority sister) to dance for me. I eventually took the friend to VIP. I did see B**** go into a VIP with a guy right before we went. When we were done and I was chilled for a minute before leaving, I saw her coming out of a room on the other side of the club with a different guy. I flagged her down to say goodbye and said maybe next time we would do a room. I expected to get a "no way" response but instead she said I'd have to pay a lot more than usual to get her in VIP.

So, was that a polite way to say no, or does it literally mean if I drop a few extra Benjamins she was up for it?

Also, did I do right this time by ID'ing myself?


  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    If it makes you sleep better than yes if not then no...that simple

    She is weirdest out over the situation...she may need some time to get over it...brake her in slowly..treat her like any Woman...like a oven...she needs seduced...she needs to get comfee witch chew....after warming her up..bless her by feasting on her heavenly snatch...eat until she gives you her Jell-O pudding...then and only then toss the hot dog down that hall way playboy
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    I'm guessing it was the girl's Mom you worked with 15 years ago unless you were a 1st grade teacher which would make this whole story pretty fucked up.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    Yes, her mom LOL. I probably last saw the kid when she was 9 or 10. The moved way out in the sticks and I lost track except for Facebook. She looks just like her Mom at about the same age (worked with Mom for about 10 years, so I know her from her early 20's). Well, in the face anyhow. Mom was a B cup. Daughter may be as big as DD and it is all her.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    My thought is that after the initial shock, it could be a lot more normal. That is, after time has passed and she hasn't heard from her mom that C****** saw her at the strip club, etc. When I unexpectedly saw a girl I knew from real life, at first it was like OMG, I KNOW YOU! but within a few visits, she was asking if she saw me outside of the club, whether I would still come see her inside. It might also help to mention that you and her mom were never like that, etc.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Agreed ..give her some time

    She will get over it then the fun can go down
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Well everyone has a price, and I think her parting comment to you was translated like this: "man it would be really weird doing anything extra with you but if you pay me enough over what I normally get I can overlook it."

    I'm guessing you really want to hit that, since you missed out on the mom, so if you go in a few more times, chat with her and don't pressure her for a room, eventually her comfort level will increase with you and she'll be more willing to do a room with you. Hopefully at her normal fee or maybe a little over her normal fee, since she knows you want to get with her just for the memory of her mom.... and she's going to make you pay for that pleasure!
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Well said
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I told a story a few months back about a friends daughter I'll look later if I can find the thread I'll post it here for you.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    This is the kind of crazy story I come to TUSCL for! Brilliant!
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    That and rim jobs lol brilliant
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Great story !
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    go back a day or two before rent is due.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    Cool story. I would not have disclosed that I knew her. Also, after she said that BS about paying more for VIP, I would not have given a single dollar more, ever. Sounds like you were pretty cool to her and she was...well...not so cool.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I don't think she was uncool.

    I can see how it would seem more uncomfortable to her than taking care of some anonymous guy's dick.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    Dear Penthouse Forum...
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    @Lone_Wolf. This happened to me once before and I got some serious shit on this board for taking a girl to VIP and not letting on that I knew she was the daughter of people I knew. the ironic thing is that girl recognized me and did not let on either. She was afraid I would not spend the VIP money on her if she reveled her identity.

    With that one she was all about making that VIP money to support her hard partying habits at college. She got seriously into stripping and even escorting. She now has her degree in something useless and is working retail at a mall while living with the parents.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Her and her mom must have had a good relationship. If it had been strained, I would think she would have been more eager to prove she was "better" than her mom.

    I once knew a mother, daughter pair of escorts (grandma had been a hooker, too - family business). They had a great relationship but daughter was ALWAYS trying to out do mother.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    "She now has her degree in something useless and is working retail at a mall while living with the parents."

    Why didn't she just stick with being a stripper? Sounds like she was making some money at it.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    "Why didn't she just stick with being a stripper?"

    She probably it would be non-brilliant to have to explain to her parents why "Uncle goldmongerATL" was coming over for a visit just to hang out in her room!
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    I "saw" her for about a year after I first came upon her (pun intended). She once told me she is still "seeing" an occasional regular on the side. Her paycheck plus one guy a week after work could support some major partying. She has no other expenses. Daddy bought her a nice used CLK for graduation.

    Another reason to stop stripping may be when she was stripping in ATL and JAX she was going to school near Savannah, so not stripping in her own back yard. She is also smart enough to know to get away from that lifestyle. Part time whoring with a small, private list of clients avoids a lot of those issues. I suppose I could still "see" her, but she got to where she was charging $400.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    "She probably it would be non-brilliant to have to explain to her parents why "Uncle goldmongerATL" was coming over for a visit just to hang out in her room!"

    This girl was "petsitting" for work from home guys in her parents' subdivision even before stripping. This girl knows how to meet up with a guy and his money LOL!
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    "I suppose I could still "see" her, but she got to where she was charging $400."

    If that's a SB $400 (date out, lengthy fun back at the hotel; occasional overnights or trips; texting between visits, sexy pics, etc) I prob give it serious thought.

    If that's an escort $400 (meet up, have sex, out in under an hour) - pass
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I wonder if Daddy is ok letting her live at home because he actually knows what she's up to and is pimping her out to powerful neighbors for business or personal gain?

    Wouldn't that be a story for HBO or Netflix to turn into a documentary.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    Nah, it's not that sleazy. Parents are oblivious. I first heard the petsitting story as a rumor from another neighbor in that subdivision. It was more like "ya know I hear she goes and feed's John Smith's dog sometimes. Funny thing is Mrs Smith goes to work every day, but John Smith works from home. I heard John Smith had some young thing on the side. Gotta wonder. Well, she's 18 now so I guess she can do what she wants."

    From what I understood, "John Smith" was mid 20's and totally unknown to the family. Had to have been very successful to be in that neighborhood at that age.

    The girl later told me had slept with men (plural) in the parent's neighborhood.
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