I've had it since my prostate surgery about 5 years ago. It was at best a novelty, until now. I managed my first LDK last week and it was ever so nice not to have to worry about the mess.
7 years ago
I look at the dances on stage as advertisement of what the dancers have to offer me in a LD or VIP. I will sometimes tip a bit just to entice one over to my table after her dance.
7 years ago
I'll offer some additional insights (yes, I should probably go write some reviews).
I only recently started patronizing Columbus SCs on anything approaching a regular basis. Before about 2 months ago it was once or twice a year, and sometimes multiple years in between. Now that I've read all the wisdom of TUSCL I'm becoming a monger. Thanks guys, thanks a lot!
I've really only been to Sirens and The Dollhouse. Both have booths for lapdances and VIPs like LecherousMonk describes, no lapdances in public.
I only went to The Dollhouse once, on a Friday night about 11pm. It was pretty empty and I got a low-medium mileage dance from a pretty young spinner, the rest of the dancers there were 5-6 at best. Two who promised great lapdances were far too thick for my tastes, but if that's your thing the mileage might have been better.
Sirens I've been to half a dozen times now, once on a tuesday early evening the rest on weekends 10-midnightish. Dances are $20 before 7:30, $30 after. VIP is $75 or $100 for 15 minutes (before/after 7:30), though there may be volume discounts that I didn't investigate. It's much better than Dollhouse, lot of 7-8s and a few higher. Mileage was excellent each time, and one girl I think was trying to LDK me, but I haven't quite gotten my head in the right space to let that happen yet. Just seems wrong. But I haven't seen any indication that any extras are available, as LM indicates, so LDK seems to be the upper limit of ITC.
I have asked 4 of the dancers about OTC so far and gotten 3 out of 4 positive responses. I've followed up with 2 of those successfully. I'm not sure I'll repeat either of them, but the opportunity exists. The 4th was wishy washy, saying she'd have to get to know me better, which may (probably) have been a ploy to string me along. But she was the hottest I've taken to VIP so far and dance was excellent, so I may be opening my wallet more to her.
For what it's worth, a few years ago 1 way contact was enforced, but I haven't encountered any objections to generous 2-way in my recent forays. So despite the presence of signs in the LD booths prohibiting touching of upper thighs, breasts, mouth, etc., things seem to have relaxed considerably. I haven't gone fishing under the g-strings yet though, if some girls allow it I wouldn't know.
7 years ago
I used to live in Albuquerque. Now I'm back in Ohio. God I miss the food down there, fried bread especially.
7 years ago
I'm relatively new to the OTC scene, only three times so far.
Twice was with one girl in a city a few hours away whom I only see once a year. She's very 'together' and a shit ton of fun to be with. I could see falling in love with her, but I recognize the folly of such a thing, so I just enjoy the experience.
My one other OTC was with a black stripper who threw a lot of SS at me right from the beginning. We set up a time to meet after work at a local hotel and I got there and started to wait. Other the next two hours she kept texting saying how close she was and how she would be there soon. I almost left several times imagining all sorts of shit, like her bf showing up with her to try to rob me etc. I'm used to black people time (and I had already paid for the room and I really wanted to get laid by then) so I just kept waiting. Luckily I had brought my laptop with me and could get some work done while i waited. She finally showed up, entering the room in a whirlwind, begging me to fuck her right now, ass pussy whatever, she just needed. I'm not accustomed to that kind of thing, so it put me off my guard. Luckily nothing bad happened, although she had a pussy the size of an airplane hangar. She did squirt, which was also new to me. All in all it wasn't a bad experience, but it was weird enough that I didn't call her back.
Oh, and then there was the fact that we never talked price beforehand, and she acted all weird about taking money at first, but then after I gave her $300 she talked about how that wasn't really enough to fuck a married man and she really deserved more. She was a schizophrenic thing, so I'm glad I haven't seen her at the same club again.
Comments made by ReluctantBuckeye
I've had it since my prostate surgery about 5 years ago. It was at best a novelty, until now. I managed my first LDK last week and it was ever so nice not to have to worry about the mess.
I only recently started patronizing Columbus SCs on anything approaching a regular basis. Before about 2 months ago it was once or twice a year, and sometimes multiple years in between. Now that I've read all the wisdom of TUSCL I'm becoming a monger. Thanks guys, thanks a lot!
I've really only been to Sirens and The Dollhouse. Both have booths for lapdances and VIPs like LecherousMonk describes, no lapdances in public.
I only went to The Dollhouse once, on a Friday night about 11pm. It was pretty empty and I got a low-medium mileage dance from a pretty young spinner, the rest of the dancers there were 5-6 at best. Two who promised great lapdances were far too thick for my tastes, but if that's your thing the mileage might have been better.
Sirens I've been to half a dozen times now, once on a tuesday early evening the rest on weekends 10-midnightish. Dances are $20 before 7:30, $30 after. VIP is $75 or $100 for 15 minutes (before/after 7:30), though there may be volume discounts that I didn't investigate. It's much better than Dollhouse, lot of 7-8s and a few higher. Mileage was excellent each time, and one girl I think was trying to LDK me, but I haven't quite gotten my head in the right space to let that happen yet. Just seems wrong. But I haven't seen any indication that any extras are available, as LM indicates, so LDK seems to be the upper limit of ITC.
I have asked 4 of the dancers about OTC so far and gotten 3 out of 4 positive responses. I've followed up with 2 of those successfully. I'm not sure I'll repeat either of them, but the opportunity exists. The 4th was wishy washy, saying she'd have to get to know me better, which may (probably) have been a ploy to string me along. But she was the hottest I've taken to VIP so far and dance was excellent, so I may be opening my wallet more to her.
For what it's worth, a few years ago 1 way contact was enforced, but I haven't encountered any objections to generous 2-way in my recent forays. So despite the presence of signs in the LD booths prohibiting touching of upper thighs, breasts, mouth, etc., things seem to have relaxed considerably. I haven't gone fishing under the g-strings yet though, if some girls allow it I wouldn't know.
Twice was with one girl in a city a few hours away whom I only see once a year. She's very 'together' and a shit ton of fun to be with. I could see falling in love with her, but I recognize the folly of such a thing, so I just enjoy the experience.
My one other OTC was with a black stripper who threw a lot of SS at me right from the beginning. We set up a time to meet after work at a local hotel and I got there and started to wait. Other the next two hours she kept texting saying how close she was and how she would be there soon. I almost left several times imagining all sorts of shit, like her bf showing up with her to try to rob me etc. I'm used to black people time (and I had already paid for the room and I really wanted to get laid by then) so I just kept waiting. Luckily I had brought my laptop with me and could get some work done while i waited. She finally showed up, entering the room in a whirlwind, begging me to fuck her right now, ass pussy whatever, she just needed. I'm not accustomed to that kind of thing, so it put me off my guard. Luckily nothing bad happened, although she had a pussy the size of an airplane hangar. She did squirt, which was also new to me. All in all it wasn't a bad experience, but it was weird enough that I didn't call her back.
Oh, and then there was the fact that we never talked price beforehand, and she acted all weird about taking money at first, but then after I gave her $300 she talked about how that wasn't really enough to fuck a married man and she really deserved more. She was a schizophrenic thing, so I'm glad I haven't seen her at the same club again.