Had some telltale symptoms for an STD and a trip to the clinic today confirmed my concerns. Wanted to note to fellow mongers that you can pick up something from a BBBJ -- that's how I got mine. I'm always covered for FS, but occasionally I cannot pass up a BBBJ. I have concluded that I need to have less of a cavalier attitude about this and have to be more careful. I was wondering if any of you have been in my shoes and if you have had "the conversation" with your dancer/STD provider. How did it go? Any guidance? How long before you got back on the horse?
I guess a message of "be safe out there" has more meaning to me now.
I think most guys on tuscl understand that a BBBj is not without risk. But the risks of catching anything are considerably lower than with vaginal penetration. Also there is a limit on what you can catch from a BBBJ, and as a practical matter it is impossible to contract HIV. In my case, I've had a few dozen unciovered blow jobs from strippers, both from frequent extras girls and more discerning and expensive extras girls, and I've never caught anything. That doesn't mean that I never will but the risks are pretty clearly a lot less in her mouth.
Since you have decided to share this experience it would be interesting to know what you caught and what kind of dancer she was. I also wonder how long the blow job lasted (longer carries more risk),
I have a friend who caught Chlamydia from a slutty girl we went to college with. I had gotten head from her about a month before no symptoms but went and got checked and caught nothing. We later heard about about 7 other guys who got went and got checked out and none of them got anything from her either. SHe must have blown half the guys in our dorm.
After everyone else who got tested we all kind of new each other my friend says, "It's kind of like I won the lottery, a very shitty lottery." Other than ghonnorea and even that the doctor said when i was getting tested that is very rare to get something from oral sex, but as a doctor he said to always use a condom..he was probably required to say that.
Sounds like a generic bullshit story designed to get others to cough up real info. Lucky for me I have nothing to report. Next the girly fucktard will be extolling the virrtues of dental dams.
I have read that oral herpes (cold sores) can be spread to genitals. I have also read that HPV(genital warts virus) has been linked to oral and throat cancer.
Lol gotta stop listening to the med experts on stripper forums and your desperation. Bare mouth can easily spread cooties...but i knew this in middle school.
JS69: " from a BBBJ, and as a practical matter it is impossible to contract HIV."
Incorrect. They had an interview with Bob Wood who is the one the leading experts in the country on HIV, and he says he heard enough stories of people who insisted their only exposure was oral and they still contracted HIV from him to believe they were all lying.
It appears that herpes type 1 (usually cold sores which is technically not an STD unless on the genitals) is the main STD that people (mostly women) get from oral sex. However, if people already have HSV-1 (a large majority of people do) then it is very unlikely for them to get reinfected on their genitals from oral sex. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are usually only transmitted to the giver of oral sex (again usually women really and gay men) and even then, that's very rare. HPV might be the only STD you can get from a handjob, but that's also probably very rare.
Thanks for posting ... BBBJ has risks even for the receiver, even if they're relatively low. My general rule is, I don't partake in BBBJ from strippers, but the exceptions prove the rule, and I do occasionally indulge with ATFs.
There's a well-known guy on a local forum who has been eating stripper pussy and asshole (yes!) for decades, and clams he's never gotten anything. Lower risk doesn't mean no risk, but lots of guys have had long runs without catching anything. On the other hand, guys have reported catching something, and I do respect the balls it takes to post about it here
My good friend told me how when he caught chlamydia the doctor inserted a swab all the way down his penis hole. He said he never felt pain like that before in his penis, worse than the std he got. After that I swore no unprotected sex for me, and he said condom sex is better than getting your penis hole swabbed.
If you were in a middle school health class in the last 15 years it is the notion that someone might not believe in orally spread STI's that would surprise you.
@Random, not from personal experience but reading a "testing procedures/diagnostic handbook from my two nurse sisters, the urine screen for Chlamydia, is not highly reliable, must be "first catch" after mutiple hours without urinating. The urethra swab is highly reliable.
Been a while since my last check, but I seem to remember they can test for chlamydia with a blood test now. I think they might be able to test for everything with a blood test now: can't remember if I had to give a urine sample or not.
HIV testing was down to 9 or 11 days at that time for high risk groups. For lower risk groups the official word was still six weeks, but everyone understand that for practical matters in low risk groups it's more 3 to 4 weeks.
And, yes, I did have the chlamydia swab test once, you guys are WAY exaggerating how bad it is. Bunch of wimps.
MrDouche polluted the thread with his Islamophobia.
Dancer gave me symptomless chlamydia, which was discovered by a urine test at Planned Parenthood. I get tested every 3 months or so. Being such a saint, I immediately told the dancer and I had to tell my wife (still married, and not going into the details). Both the dancer and her BF took antibiotics. The dancer texted a picture of the bottle of antibiotics as proof that she was clean. Amusing, since I learned her true name and identity from the label on the antibiotics bottle. I saw her for a few months after that, and she eventually married her BF (a truck driver) and she left stripping for good. SO we all lived happily ever after...
I go to the free clinic every few months, they prick my finger and do a blood-test for HIV and I get the HIV results in 5-minutes - then I give a urine sample, they swab my mouth, and draw blood, and I get the results a few days later for other STDs.
Seems to be lots of free STD testing, or voluntary payment. One of the big reasons that it's free is that alot more people get tested if its anonymous: meaning don't need to submit medical insurance.
last commentThanks brother!
Since you have decided to share this experience it would be interesting to know what you caught and what kind of dancer she was. I also wonder how long the blow job lasted (longer carries more risk),
After everyone else who got tested we all kind of new each other my friend says, "It's kind of like I won the lottery, a very shitty lottery." Other than ghonnorea and even that the doctor said when i was getting tested that is very rare to get something from oral sex, but as a doctor he said to always use a condom..he was probably required to say that.
" went and got checked and caught nothing."
didn't know you could catch anything from getting checked ; )
I'm not worried about stds in strip clubs. I can't even see nipples in strip clubs.
Incorrect. They had an interview with Bob Wood who is the one the leading experts in the country on HIV, and he says he heard enough stories of people who insisted their only exposure was oral and they still contracted HIV from him to believe they were all lying.
There's a well-known guy on a local forum who has been eating stripper pussy and asshole (yes!) for decades, and clams he's never gotten anything. Lower risk doesn't mean no risk, but lots of guys have had long runs without catching anything. On the other hand, guys have reported catching something, and I do respect the balls it takes to post about it here
HIV testing was down to 9 or 11 days at that time for high risk groups. For lower risk groups the official word was still six weeks, but everyone understand that for practical matters in low risk groups it's more 3 to 4 weeks.
And, yes, I did have the chlamydia swab test once, you guys are WAY exaggerating how bad it is. Bunch of wimps.
MrDouche polluted the thread with his Islamophobia.
Dancer gave me symptomless chlamydia, which was discovered by a urine test at Planned Parenthood. I get tested every 3 months or so. Being such a saint, I immediately told the dancer and I had to tell my wife (still married, and not going into the details). Both the dancer and her BF took antibiotics. The dancer texted a picture of the bottle of antibiotics as proof that she was clean. Amusing, since I learned her true name and identity from the label on the antibiotics bottle. I saw her for a few months after that, and she eventually married her BF (a truck driver) and she left stripping for good. SO we all lived happily ever after...
I guess I'm naive thinking that inmost pay the doctor for this type of testing.