
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Just sharing an amusing story.

At noon my neighbor's kid (just started his senior year in high school) got dropped off by a couple of really cute girls. I asked where he had been and he said his (female) cousin took him to UGA yesterday so he could check it out. I'm not sure if school has started but the frat and sorority parties are in full swing. He said he got to help set up his cousin's sorority party for last night. The rest of the conversation went like this. The whole time he had that "this is the most wonderful thing on earth" expression on his face that a boy gets the first time he sees boobies in real life.

Did you have a good time?
Oh, yeah!
Get drunk?
Yeah, I got real drunk-- but I didn't puke! (way to go, young man)
I had to sleep on my cousin's floor.
Did ya get lucky? (half joking, with a grin)
(blank stare)
Did ya score?
(blank stare. Damn is our vernacular so outdated?)
Did you get lucky, I mean, with a girl?
Oh, get lucky! Yeah TWICE!
Wow. Same girl?
NO! there was like FIVE of them!


Not sure what actually happened and I'm sure he had a hell of a time, but I do not think that word means what he thinks it means.


  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    Funny! I think you're right.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Omg - gold, I'm pretty sure you and I aren't that far apart in age - you just made me feel really old! Lol

    I live in a college town and students are starting to trickle in (all the dorms open up next Thursday). My wife and I went it tonight and just had to laugh at all the upper classmen already back in town.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Talking about sex with a minor child of your neighbor. What you did was innocent but there are some lines I wouldn't cross out of a practical concern if his parents or any authorities misinterpret the conversation. I'm probably overly cautious, I hope.
  • DisRuptive1
    7 years ago
    He's a senior in high school; it's Ephebophilia, not Pedophilia.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Either sex in High School is a lot more prevalent now, or I had no game in HS, or the internet has made it seem as if the youth of today gets more.

    I'm guessing a combo of all 3.
  • magicrat
    7 years ago
    I had to explain to a not so young civie friend what getting some strange meant. Yeah some of us are old.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @flagooner Having 2 kids who just recently finished HS, and hearing their stories, I'd say the divide between the Do's and the Do Not's is bigger. Those that are having sex are having a lot more and apps like tinder and hookup make it easier to find lots of willing partners, but there's also a growing number choosing to abstain (the Internet is also good at disseminating info on STD horror stories, hookup horror stories, etc)
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I was wearing my "I love shaved beaver" t-shirt at Follies awhile back and one very young dancer asked me if beaver was the same thing as pussy. :)
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    In College, I vaguely remember a girl taking me to a sorority party and they took me to their basement to play beer pong or some other games. I think I was the only guy down in the basement. Even though I had a lot of female attention, I did not get lucky that I remember. Too much attention is not always a good thing. I think if I had been alone with only one or two girls maybe. On the other hand, I didn't know anything about strip clubs back then. I missed a lot of opportunities. Alone in a sorority basement surrounded by girls. They gave me a lot of beer.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    " Alone in a sorority basement surrounded by girls. They gave me a lot of beer."

    I hope they didn't tar and feather you afterwards.

  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Nope. I suspect the girl that brought me there might have been keeping tabs on me but my memory has gone blank on this subject.

    I think I had more fun partying there but I did enjoy seeing the naked stripper in the basement at a frat party I went to. I bet things like that wouldn't fly nowadays advertising frat party with topless stripper. Those guys were crazy. They did ask me to join. I didn't want to add 2 years of college. They told me it would take that much longer to graduate if I joined their fraternity so at least they were honest.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Being in a frat doesn't have to add time to college, but the frat dues ARE like paying for an extra two years of college.

    The frat my son belongs to doesn't have to pay strippers for topless entertaining. The sorority girls that come to their parties will dance topless or naked for free.
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