
This teacher-student hookup phenomenon

Thursday, August 3, 2017 3:36 PM
I'm going to ask the more experienced people on this site for their opinions on this. Supposing a teacher-student hookup, such as those we read about on [view link], is based on mutual consent and mutual desire, how and why is that considered abuse? What is the basis for the age-of-consent laws? I remember fantasizing about being with a couple of my teachers when I was under the age of 15. Is it so abnormal that acting on those desires needs to be legally forbidden? Have there been studies that show that teens who engage in mutually consenting and desiring sexual relations is damaging in a quantifiable way?


  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    the presumption is that in the case of a person in a position of authority there can be no mutual consent not even among consenting adults. for instance a college professor maybe “trading” grades for sex may seem harmless but the exploited student feels forced to go along or else. or maybe the student willingly enters into that agreement but is then no longer in a position to call it off without potentially suffering consequences. fact is it is probably far worse than the charges made here against rickdugan for exploiting vulnerable women because at least he doesn’t have the leverage to intimidate them into doing what he wants
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    This is an example of what all the technology has done to mess up the world. In my day before smartphones recording everything, banging the student teacher or any teacher in school was keep within a small group. Boys and girls would usually only share with their close circle of friends. No Facebook-Instagram-Twitter to brag about or be jealous of the experience. Only ones being taken advantage of was the teacher until so called educated people decided to create their own positions by telling us we were being abused.
  • gunrack
    7 years ago
    Because it's immoral behavior while the student is under 18. If it's 17 I can see cutting the teacher some slack. You need to have some moral standards. If they really dig each other that much, wait until there 18/graduated, first. Plus your thinking from a dude perspective fucking a hot teacher. I'm sorry, I don't want no male teacher messing around with my 14 year old daughter.
  • DisRuptive1
    7 years ago
    The Teacher-Student relationship is what makes the situation more wrong than plain statutory rape (and otherwise nothing wrong if the child is over the age of consent). There's a power dynamic there that makes the student more likely to consent in situations that they wouldn't have consented if that relationship didn't exist.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    I have an ex-coworker whose daughter quietly married her biology teacher the week after graduating high school. She had not yet turned 18. She had a baby six months later. The dude was fat, bald and had to be forty (the husband, not the baby). Never heard any repercussions or such about it. It was a very posh private school. He still teaches there. They have been married 4 years and the 4th kid is on the way.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Are you serious?
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Younger teachers lowered standards feminism less harsh sentences lack of female accountability in general pedophilia...yeah its a problem
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    They were in some weird church (the family and the husband). Borderline cultish. I keep up because the guy has Facebook and about all he posts about are church and which daughters are pregnant. Three daughters all married much older men (at least early 30's) the summer after high school. The one married about 7 years ago has 5 kids (a set of twins in there) and the one that just turned 20 is pregnant with kid number two. So this was not so much she married her teacher as they were brought up to marry established men at a young age and become brood mares. No thought of a career other than raising lots of babies. Also, the other two sisters had babies very soon after getting married. Almost like they had to prove they were fertile (yikes!!!)
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I think the laws are there to protect girls and maybe guys from gay male teachers. Hard to imagine boys who fuck their female teachers are damaged by it.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    DisRuptive1 said it exactly correct it's also true in professional to client relationships a psychologist having sex with a patient or a judge with a defendant, the theory is established in law and has to do with the power dynamic as well as the laypersons ability to refuse being diminished by that power dynamic.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    I'm just glad that doesn't extend to the stripper - PL relationship. After all, we are in power because we have money and they want some. Or are they in power because they have pussy and we want some?
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    In all seriousness I bet that does fuck with a boy's mind.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ good question.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    Are there any studies that demonstrate negative effects caused by sexual activity between teenagers and people of age greater than 18? You know, like those studies that demonstrate that smoking 5 packs of cigarettes a day damages the lungs?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Check in with NAMBLA I think they might be able to direct you to the correct site, where the research is stored.)
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Word is that RickyBoy was fucked in the ass repeatedly by male teachers older than 18 when he was still in high school. You decide for yourself if it caused him negative effects.
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    I was a high school principal for 15 years and in the 1980's I discovered a 17 year old female student was living with a 39 year old teacher. I contacted the girl's parents and they knew & didn't care. I scheduled a meeting with the teacher with proper due process notifications. The night before the meeting the teacher died of an overdose. I was prepared to fire him for abusing his authority. A very sad case because the teacher was a hot shit and had a 3 year old son. Just sad all the way around.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    This stuff has always happened but is better reported now. I thin the incidents are more frequent because high school girls are more promiscuous now than ever before and female teacher are more aggressive. Back when I was in high school there was not a single teacher I would have ever considered hot enough to sleep with even if she offered. Most were old and married, most of the ones young enough to be considered were mostly fat, ugly or both. I did hear about a coach getting caught in the school pool naked with a senior cheerleader. They evidently had been screwing since her 18th birthday. He was single and she was over 18 but her was still fired. I heard later they got pregnant and married(the 70's).
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    This is embarrassing. The females are out doing the males. C'mon guys get in the fight. :)
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