Detroit meetup preparation

avatar for l00ber
Tijuana and Detroit

In preparation for the "Juice Memorial Tour" on Monday and Tuesday, I had a question for the Detroit locals. I take it that clubs in the general 313 vicinity have no explicit dress codes. However, are there loose guidelines that I should be aware of? I am asking about the upper and lower bounds of both what I should and should not wear.

Even if a sport coat is not required for entry, would I be turned away in a wife beater? I enjoy walking around in sneakers but should I pack dress shoes for higher end clubs? Would wearing custom tailored silk trousers and dress shoes hurt my negotiating position with the talent?

Are there any colors I should avoid showing? A touch of humor has been injected, but I am asking seriously. I've been to TJ, Central Africa, and Brazil, but this is my first time going to a statistically dangerous place.


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avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

Three piece white suit is required at all TUSCL meets, no exceptions not even for you. )

avatar for warhawks
7 yrs ago

Penthouse is the only one off the top of my head that might have a dress code.

I've been in PH though with a polo shirt, dress shorts and a hat and never had any problems. Most clubs will let you in with a nice t-shirt and jeans.

The only time I've ever had a problem at a club was one time when it was kind of cold out, I had a hoodie sweatshirt on and they made me take it off. (I had a polo shirt on under it).

Day shift is a bit more loose on the dress code. Like I said, I've been in most clubs with shorts on after playing golf.

Night time might be more strict. But it's really up to the bouncer or manager at the door most times, in my experience.

avatar for Jascoi
7 yrs ago

vegas spearmint rhino is the worse i've encountered. me and the main hawaiian door guy don't get along anymore.

avatar for Jascoi
7 yrs ago

of course i've never tipped him either.

avatar for PrimetimeSchein
7 yrs ago

No cargo pants, sleeveless shirts or Jerseys. Not sure about flip flops

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

In general some clubs at times won't let you in w/o a collard shirt but this is not too common these days - you're better off keeping some slacks, collard shirt, and decent shoes, in the car as backup

avatar for jackslash
7 yrs ago

Even the high end clubs like Penthouse and Flight Club do not have a dress code per se. However, they might bar someone in torn or dirty clothing just to keep the bums out. For a Detroit meet a few years ago, a famous TUSCLer asked me if he could wear shorts. I have never worn shorts to a club, but I asked the manager of the Flight Club and was told shorts were acceptable if you wore a collared shirt.

I have entered Detroit clubs in everything from a three-piece suit to business casual to jeans and a T-shirt. Now that I'm retired, I typically wear jeans and a (nice) T-shirt and Nike shoes to the clubs.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Twentyfive, is really easy to spot. He's the guy with the baby.


avatar for jackslash
7 yrs ago

"Are there any colors I should avoid showing?"

Club Venus has a sign on the door saying that motorcycle gang insignia are prohibited. None of you should want to go to Club Venus.

Detroit is not the post-apocalyptic hellscape that is so often described. It certainly has dangerous areas and dangerous venues, but you can easy avoid them. The clubs in the suburbs of Dearborn, Inkster and Romulus are not in bad areas. Day or night, I am completely comfortable going alone to BT's, Criket, Flight Club, Bogart's, Henry VIII, Landing Strip, or Subi's.

The 8 Mile Road area is a little more threatening. You don't want to walk down the street or stop at the gas stations or fast food places. Use the valet parking at the clubs or take a taxi or Uber. The clubs are clean and safe. I have never felt threatened in Penthouse, Coliseum, Trumpp's, or Players.

Exercise caution and good judgment. Don't go with a Detroit stripper back to her apartment for OTC.

avatar for l00ber
7 yrs ago

This was nearly 40 years ago now. I imagine that things have only gone downhill since.

avatar for Mate27
7 yrs ago

I'm only going if they allow shorts attire.

avatar for Longball300
7 yrs ago

I have been in all of the D clubs in dress shorts and a collared golf shirt after a round; no problem. All purpose for the evening: black Haggar Cool 18's and a synthetic button front short sleeve shirt. Slip on shoes have been know to be helpful. The dancers love soft clothing for as long as it will stay on. Been to everywhere from Bogarts to PHC in that ensemble no problemo. Colors? as in offending someone. Not an issue in the clubs you have mentioned. I have never felt unsafe in any of those clubs either.

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