
Any one else open a saving account with strippers names on them ?

Atlanta ,GA
Now I'm not dumb enough to do a joint account with a stripper but what I'm referring to is let's say your targeting a girl for OTC do you go ahead and save up the amount your going to spend while waiting for the opportunity she says yes ? That way your ready at all times for that text

I've currently got three savings accounts for three different girls with $1,000 each in them.

They already know the money is waiting for them when they need it. They also know to access that grand it's going to take three to four pops


  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I think you messed up your decimal point in reference to those accounts. I believe you meant to say:

    "I've currently got three savings accounts for three different girls with $10.00 each in them.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I don't know about saving up for OTC. If it is that hard for you to come up with enough money, then you should decline.

    But the idea of making an account for your regular girl sounds good. But banks have fees and account minimums.

    She probably has a bank account and would let you deposit into it.

    How about just paying her or her landlord by check?

    Anyone do it with untaxed funds?

  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    You can't even open an account for $10. I believe the minimum is at least a $100 but don't quote me on this. I'm sure your trying to make a joke and yes I did laugh
  • Phoenix133
    7 years ago
    Seems like a decent idea and a good way to manage your money
  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    SJG I'm not retarded enough to straight deposit my money into her account without services rendered

    Phenoix thank you beautiful
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    You have to check bank by bank. But if the girl is to take out the money, then that could run the account dowo to where it draws fees. Bank accounts only make sense if you have some minimum amount of money.


    Martinism ( AMORC )

    [Talk Gnosis] Martinism & Gnosticism
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I think you're better off getting 3 piggy banks and putting them in your room, label them #1, 2 and 3. Just don't break them when you need money for a fast food run at 2AM on a Saturday night.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I mean with a girl you know well. And it doesn't have to be pre-paid.

    And I mean more like mistress maintenance, more than P4P.

  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    Not sure what this thread has to do with my diet and no I don't eat junk food. If some of you guy's don't stay on topic I might be forced to ignore some of you guys
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Actually UGK.22 you can open an account with just a dollar.

    Anyway, I agree with SJG. If you can't afford to just pay for your rendezvous, then you just shouldn't do it.
  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    I agree with the idea if you don't have it then don't do it but saving the money up so you can afford to at any time she needs it is the very essence of being financially sound especially in regards of strip clubbing.

    So I don't see how this implies I don't have it to give in the first place when I just explained how I did indeed have it with financial planning.

    Just because I don't have a free $1,000 every check or month doesn't mean I don't have it. This idea in it of itself is hypocrisy and idiotic in its logical fallacies.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    What are the names on the accounts?




  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    Officially on Ignore
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Fixating on individual strippers to this extent is what leads to eating cat food.

    Btw, what do you do with the account when one stops stripping? Does it stay as a memorial / for wishful thinking that she might start back up?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Sounds like the old Christmas club accounts the banks used to offer.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    BTW the idea of saving money to give to a stripper is more than ridiculous.
  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    I usually give each dancer six months to cash out and if they don't I US the money for myself or another stripper I'm targeting for OTC
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    I'm curious about this. Not the accounts, that's like whatever. I just keep track of my money and don't need to actually create separate accounts to know whether I can afford it or whatever. But what you're doing is actually talked about a lot in personal finance literature. Not the strippers, but how to save for purchases.

    I'm curious about the letting them know part. As I keep it ambiguous how much I have set aside. Do you say something like "hey girl, I gotta grand saved up so I'm ready for you whenever you wanna have sex"
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    I'm curious how telling them would work out. I've got a fav that I adore, but she's super unreliable as to when she works and texts. I've been extremely tempted on several occasions to say "damn girl, I got a grand a month that's yours if you'd see me once a week and texted me at least twice a week to schedule meetings!!"

    I haven't done it though. I just get a text every few weeks and see her even less. I see other girls this way. I'm afraid she'd say yes and that's like twice my budget, but I'd do it for her.
  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    Yes I employee the straight forward and direct methods
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    I don't know why I'm so fascinated by this, please expand.

    So do you say "I have $x dollars budgeted just for you, so I'm ready to see you y times."
  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    This is play by play :

    First I go clubbing to find an attractive stripper that I click with

    Second once I've found this kind of chick the first couple visits are fun in the club parties. I will pay for get drinks or meals if she wishes. I will buy a few hundred worth of dances wear we can get highly sexualized and acclimated to each other.

    Third I will make a baby step and ask how much more should I pay to make out with her per dance. Once it's negotiations goes down then proceeded with the fun

    Fourth after a few make out visits you both should know each other extremely well thus making it easier to make the needed proposition. Usually either after a good laugh or a seductive dance I will hold her close and let her know if she ever needs an extra grand I have it for her saved back but she will need to meet me back at my room for thee grand finishing.

    If she declined I will let her know the offer stands for to next three to six months and if she changes her mind then feel free to text me.

    That's simple
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    I understand, thanks for the explanation and your steps. I'm always curious how others do it.
  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    This is how I operate in an non extras club

    In a club like follies I just buy dances until I'm comfortable to fuck then after fucking them ITC for a few visits if I crave OTC I just ask and a very high percentage accept. Not really much need to save back for a club like this

    Two different mentality
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    UGK, P4P is more for guys with lots of money. For the rest, civilians are better.

    Banks are helpful, but only if you have some minimum amount of money. Otherwise their fees eat up to much of your loot, and so you are better with peanut butter jars, and burying them under the ground, and things like that.

    Not all banks let you open an account with just $1. You need to check out the policies of each bank you are considering.

    If you were in the organization I am building you would never need to worry about things like this.

    1. We would set you up with a high wage career, and a good path for upwards mobility. All you would have to do is let us place you. NEVER would we ever let one of our people be subjected to the humiliation ritual known as "looking for a job".

    2. We would expect you to be paying us dues, as that pays for our club houses. But we would make sure your income is plenty sufficient for this, or we would grant a fee waiver.

    3. We would help you set up a self directed educational path, for career development and for personal development.

    4. Our stripper grade hotties would be draining you dry each time you come to the club house. They don't ask questions, except for maybe which of their three inputs you want to put your load into, for that round.

    5. You can come to the club house every day and stay over night if you like. Though you can't actually reside there.

    6. So mostly you would be able to say no to spending money on things to impress girls, like fancy clothes, apartment, and car. So financially you are way way ahead, and we would make sure your career is always advancing.

    7. If you opted for the Inner Order, then you would be living on our properties, getting an exit parachute if you ever decide to leave, and otherwise having a life long place, not needing any money or to ever buy anything. But more will be expected of those who go for the inner order. The most important thing will always remain, 365 day per year PS ( Pussy Saturation ).

    I am working to build this, because the mundane world really is screwy!

    Good luck there with your local girl,


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