For Those That Frequent Follies VIP

avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
Which VIP do you prefer? Most visits I don't do VIP because the floor dances are that good, but from time to time I'll be in a VIP mood with the right dancer. I may be in the minority but I actually prefer the large VIP rather than the individual ones.

The large VIP is hardly ever full. At most during my trips there is often only one other couple or dancers just hanging out. Also, I've gone well over my time limit a couple of times without the dancer or managers intervening. In one instance me and a dancer even snuck in there without paying the room fee.

The small, individual VIPs are located in a very high traffic area by the couches, and guys always peek in whenever I'm in there. Plus, due to high demand and turnaround throughout the day, the rooms becomes less sanitary. Then there is often a wait times for those rooms.

These are just my reasons.


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avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
95% of my VIP trips have been to the 2 small cubicles simply because I don't want to be in the same room as another couple. I agree with what you said about them but most of it is the bouncers checking to see if the room is vacant or not.

I have used the big room if I can get that sofa up on top. Unfortunately for the big room, you get a lot of dancers and drug dealer popping on there to smoke pot or make a sale.

So neither is perfect and 98% of the girls don't get unnerved by the interruptions like I do. :)
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago
I've never been in the big room, so I can't say

I will say this though, I was surprised by how small the individual VIP rooms are at Follies
avatar for ime
8 years ago
i prefer the smaller rooms but if it has to be big room, i like the couch furthest back
avatar for UGK.22
8 years ago
The individual VIP are smaller than you might desire. I love the big VIP those couches are so fluffy and comfortable. Plus it's much easier to damn near lay down and have my dancer ride me
avatar for UGK.22
8 years ago
Facing forward. I do not enjoy reverse cowgirl
avatar for EastCoaster
8 years ago
I much prefer the privacy of the small rooms. I've been going to Follies since 1999 and remember when there were only three couches in the large room, and that was kind of OK, but now there are five couches crammed in there. I completely agree with what shadowcat said. And I think they should charge less for the large room.

BTW, I walked into one of the small rooms yesterday and the dancer with me said "Wow, a new couch!" Will wonders never cease.
avatar for ime
8 years ago
It will look new for about 4 days.
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