
Axis For Transmitting Violence

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
I used to sit with my wife watching the 11pm TV news. It was always the lights on the emergency vehicles and the police in uniform. I told her, "Here, every night, we see the crazy things which men do. But I tell you, women are just as reckless and destructive. They just do it in different ways."

So often it is presented like the primary axis for the transmission of violence is from husband to wife. Or from father to son or father to daughter.

I am not an anti-feminist, I am pro-feminist. And I am not the originator of this idea.

Could it be that the primary axis for the transmission of violence is from mother to son?



  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Probably not. I suspect it's primarily testosterone promoting aggressiveness. Women may use their wiles to direct it certain ways to serve their ends, but it would be there either way. In the case of a guy committing violence, if it wasn't some guy disrespecting his woman, it would be some guy smudging his Pumas.

    It would be a father's role to direct the effects of testosterone toward the forces of good.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    pphw, I think the originator of the idea was referring to types of emotional violence, often transmitted mother to son, and about our society which is always blind to sorts of mother originated violence.

    I believe it is real and likely true. People don't want to see how much power women have in familial situations and how there most definitely can be a kind of gender war in play, and a real campaign to harm boys.

    It is not necessarily that 'women are evil', though I know this might come across that way. It is simply that the rise of the middle-class family has put everyone into some dire straights.

  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I have seen Don't Go in the House. I just don't buy into that as being the driving force behind societal-level violence. Witness Sweden that is female-dominated and had very little violence until importing it from elsewhere.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Don't know about "Don't Go in the House", or about Sweden being female-dominated.

    Not really talking about "societal-level violence" either.

    Rather, a mother to son violence, likely emotional, but sometimes also physical or sexual, is simply a crippling and debilitating effect. Sometimes it may be a factor in other societal violence, but often not, just crippling and debilitating.

    Instead of talking about an "axis for the transmission of violence", I would say, "the locus for the infliction of debilitating and crippling violence".

    Our society, like many others, worships mothers. Rarely does anyone challenge this, but just engaging in denial accomplishes nothing.

    Philip Wylie, Momism

    Momism: The Silent Disease of America, 1976

    And by far the most interesting:

  • BBBC
    7 years ago
    Rikkubōi wa geidesu
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Not surprising that you wouldn't know anything to do with your theories. From what I have seen, this kind of violence results from the lack of a father figure more so than the misdeeds of mothers.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ppwh, talking with you is impossible.

    Maybe my original post was ambiguous. But I am not here talking about "causes of violence". I am talking about the practice of violence.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    san_jose_fag: "I am not an anti-feminist, I am pro-feminist"

    You're the biggest misogynist I've ever seen.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    SJG hates women, and lives for young boys.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    7 years ago
    I think Alfred Hitchcock covered this one in the character of "Norman Bates", but that's just fiction.
    A word that totally defines your version of reality, SJG- now that I come to think of it.
  • BBBC
    7 years ago
    SJG... you wanna do a 3 way with with Dougster and I? I eat lots of pineapple. I taste real good...
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    meat: "SJG hates women"

    Yep, looks like it all started with his mother.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The idea that the primary axis for applying violence is mother to son, did not start with me. It comes from anti-feminist camps, which I do not go along with.

    But it does make sense. Why else would you have grown men willing to sit through church services and socials, if they had not somehow been broken.

    Want to read this:

    Most of the mother son violence will just be emotional, but some will be physical and sexual. And then most middle-class child abuse seems to involve doctors of one sort or another. But the real cause is just that child has zero power. Often the mother really does not either, but she takes it out on her children, and seemly most often on boys.

    Very interesting book, coming out of the main hospital in Providence Rhode Island, and intended for practicing pediatricians.

    And so once a boy has been motherized in these ways, women off all ages will have highly polar reactions to him. Some will like him, seeing his as someone they can relate to, someone in their sphere. Others will see him as a potential romantic partner, as they intuitively see him as someone they can control. Others will be be repulsed by him, as being entirely the opposite of what they would want in a romantic partner, as severely crippled and morally defective. And then still others will see him as a societal threat, especially if he starts to fight back and starts trying to regain the aliveness which has been taken from him. These women will see him as a threat, as they can't do to him what they routinely do to their own husbands and sons. They can see that something very deep in him has changed as the result of his no longer being willing to comply.

    Narcissistic abuse was originally just defined as a specific form of emotional abuse of children by narcissistic parents – parents who require the child to give up their own wants and feelings in order to serve the parent's needs for esteem.[


    Some, like Dorothy Dinnerstein see the remedy in letting men share 50% of the child care work, so then boys have early experience with a care taker of the same sex, instead of only of the opposite sex.


    As I see it, more and more we are finding that supposed learning disabilities, plaguing primarily boys, are simply the results of critical and disapproving female norms being applied, mothers, teachers, school therapists. They are making judgements, but they are also inflicting harms.


    Very good book about a woman who had to take her child to hundreds and hundreds of doctors, and almost got the child into open heart surgery at the age of 12. Though the child being sacrificed in this way was a daughter.


    And then the Arizona 5 case, 5 children all supposedly suffering from the "neurological difference" known as autism, and being driven to doctor after doctor, seeking extreme and radical medical procedures.

    Pediatricians at the Phoenix Children's Hospital finally blew the whistle and got Child Protective Services involved. And then even testifying in open court against the very same PCH doctors who had made the 5x autism diagnoses, they convinced the court that these parents were a menace and that as they had been able to fool hundreds of doctors but were now exposed, that strong actions were needed, otherwise they would just leave the state and all start over again driving from doctor to doctor. The court removed all 5 children, plus another older child the woman had from a previous marriage. Arizona really shined that day!

    I know that in some Native American cultures that beyond a certain age a mother is prohibited from talking to her son. Any necessary messages have to be conveyed though some other woman, or best through a girl more the boys age.

    This mother to son communications prohibition continues until the boy goes through his initiation into adulthood. After that it is allowed, but he is also then eligible to select a wife and start pumping loads of jizm into her, so his status has changed completely.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    So, let's if I am following correctly, SJG: Your (obvious) mental problems are due to the way your mother treated you. Is that correct?
  • ime
    7 years ago
    yep San_jose_guy 's Mommy didn't love him and his ex wife took his balls, Lloyd Schoene is a fucking loser of epic proportions. But it does help explain his misogyny, fantasy of owning sex slaves, sleepy time rape, love of serial killers, and wanting to be in a sex cult.

    Dougster can you pinoint how he gets his total lack of self awareness? or is that more of being an extreme left wing progressive, it seems very very prominent amongst them, not so much with the moderates or sane democrats.

    He also has that pathological liar issue, and delusions of grandeur, I think a psychologist could really break ground cracking into his shit filled brain and seeing what makes him tick.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Reflecting, there are a number of interesting men I am aware of who were married 3 times.

    Communications Theorist Gregory Bateson ( married to Margaret Mead )
    Architect Frank Lloyd Wright
    Zen Teacher Alan Watts
    Writter John Steinbeck

    The first marriage ran quite a while, at least 15 years. But it was hard. Partnership ended up not being there, and it had to end for the man to keep growing into what he needed to be. But even though hard, the first wife remained in an esteemed position, almost like having a second mother. Sexually off limits, but still respected.

    Alan Watts also remained close to his first mother-in-law.

    These first marriages forced the man to harden. Survival was tough. But it was necessary, rather like learning to stand up to one's mother.

    The second marriages were psychotic. A sometimes outside parties had to intercede to end it, or likely it would have been unsurvivable.

    Steinbeck's second wife, a movie actress, was the inspiration behind the psychotic madame in East of Eden.

    The third marriages worked out, there was partnership, there was a kind of respect for solitude.

    There really are conflicts between men and women. It is not just gender conflict, it is caused by our society, capitalism, and middle-class values. And it does not start in marriage, it starts mother - son, and it is emotional violence of the worst sort.

    A man has to face this and learn how to stand up to it, before he ever gets married, or that first marriage will be hell.

    Our society idolizes mothers and worships the holy family. Nothing but horror ever comes from this.


    Why men hate going to church / David Murrow, 2011, going to read this
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    So first we had SJG avoiding the question of the different roles of men and women in his imaginary church. Now he doesn't want to talk what's he's suggesting here: it's mother who is responsible for the fact that he is a complete psycho.

    Run, SJG! Run!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Is Dougster's sentience actually 'living' in Google Immortality, or does it just spit out posts by putting words together?

  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    This thread is a classic and should be put in the TUSCL time capsule for future generations!

    Txtittyfag was on a roll slam dunking the creep!
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    SJG scores 10/10 in terms of misogyny. Apparently it's all his mother's fault.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    For the most part i didn't read his ramblings here or his other posts either but i agree that he has a tendency to shift his shortcomings on to others and refuses to acknowledge his strange behavior.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    Actually it's probably all part of his troll act. He doesn't believe the shit he posts he just wants to get a rise from people. Sad.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The issue is power, and how the middle-class family arose because it turned children into property.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Well yes, when a wife turns into someone committed to inflicting harm, then it is impossible to 'pursue' her for sex. Any sex with her becomes impossible.

    But why and how is she committed to inflicting harm? Its because she has turned into another mother.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    that's all it's about!

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Who's shitters are better Mickey ads or Wendy's ?
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