Witless Protection

Had a stripper ask me if I was in the Mafia. I said no, but she said I was dressed like someone in the Mafia. I was wearing an Atlanta Braves golf shirt and bermuda shorts. I told her I was Italian and the guys in the Mafia were Russian, so I could not be in the Mafia. That seemed to calm her down a bit. I asked her why she was worried I was in the Mafia. She said she was in Witness Protection and hiding from the Mafia.
Yep. At this point I had to just learn all about this genius.
I asked why she was in witness protection. She said her boyfriend put her in witness protection. I told her the FBI or police usually put people in witness protection. She said her boyfriend did it himself because the Mafia was after her. She did not know why the Mafia was after her. She said she was working at this club to make money while she was in witness protection. I asked how long she had been in witness protection. She said about three years. I asked her what she did before she went into witness protection and became a stripper like her boyfriend asked her to (at this point I am thinking this genius is somehow being duped by the boyfriend). Oh, she was already a stripper before witness protection, just at a different club. So now I'm thinking somehow this was to get her to ATL where she could make more money for the BF. So I asked what part of the country she was stripping in before witness protection. Oh, she's from Atlanta. She was working at Fannie's (another ATL club).
I was thinking of quoting Inigo Montoya "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." But that may have required far more explanation than I had time to give. I promised her I would not tell a soul and left.
last commentKnown fact Mafia will only go to one strip club to find you, so if you don't get seen the first time you are safe.
What the saying? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
I don't expect intelligence from a stripper, ever :-)
She probably misunderstood. It sounds more like a witless protection program. That sounds more plausible.
The strip club is a crazy world where pretty girls have little incentive to smarten up when guys are throwing money at them all day for how they look. Its pretty easy for a dumb girl to thrive in that world.
You heard her rong, what she said was witless protection.
She belongs in witless protection
So did you get some free service as protector of the witless?
If it was anywhere else but a strip club, I would say that is a made up story.
That's why I called the thread "witless" protection :-)
I asked her what her VIP's were like. She said she preferred I play with her a little before we fuck. Alas, she still was not certain I was not a Mafia hitman and did not want to go to VIP with me. Yep, she turned down VIP.
@rh48hr - I'm some sort of weirdo magnet.
She was either fucking with your head or a flat psycho.
If she was fucking with me, it was a good act. She seemed to really believe the shit she was spewing. The capper was turning down VIP because I might be a hitman. I vote, um, "sincere in her delusion"
goldmonger - I guess so. Was she blond? There seems to be a ton of blond jokes that could come out of this situation.
Thanks for sharing brother Goldmonger!
I had another girl tell me she was writing a book about her club experiences, to my dismay she hasn't found a publisher and it puzzled her to figure that this was an eventual step in the making she hasn't thought about.
I told her I'd be her editor and would only ask for 5% of the revenue. She thought this was a smoking deal!
I could ask her do I look like a hitman? If she was silent, I might wait a few seconds to see if her head started smoking from overthinking. Then tell her you are thinking too hard, I see smoke coming off your head. :)