
Founder...Just some thoughts on making Tuscl better

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Tuscl is already great especially with the current changes but this is some thoughts from my head do with it as you feel

I also hope other contribute to this as well with their personal opinions on these thoughts I'm going to lay out

TUSCL Vs Stripperweb
Oct 2014
Jun '17
TUSCL vs Stripperweb
I have seen many post that steered TUSCL dancers toward Stripperweb. To me Stripperweb seems to be out of date especially the the reviews. TUSCL seems to be more developed, current, and active. I think both dancers and customers should use TUSCL. I would definitely like to see more dancer reviews with details of club internals. Or do you all think that dancers and customers need their own space?
Papi_Chulo8 Hours Ago
Dancers and custies have different agendas and there would be even more bickering than we have now - the few dancers that post here IMO probably often have to bite their tongue and probably disagree w/ a lot of our view-points
ThereAndBackAgain8 Hours Ago
----You would like to see more dancer reviews. Why? Are you a dancer or environmental activist?
warhawks8 Hours Ago
Your typical stripperweb poster girl's ass is so tight, she could turn coal into a diamond.

Personally, I'd avoid most stripper web girl posters like the plague if I met them in a club.

If I wanted conceited, stuck up attitudes, I'd have stayed married.
Dougster8 Hours Ago
Stripperweb = Dumb whores (and their ass kissers like RickyBoyDugan)
chessmaster8 Hours Ago
agree there would be even more arguing and bickering if more strippers posted here. stripperweb has a mod and they shut that shit down real quick if you go against the norm. they have a utopia not unlike tuscl utopia and the other side hates it in both instances I'm sure.

the reviews are outdated and useless on sw. most common reason is anonymity. hell some of them read the reviews here so they can get the dirt(looking to avoid extras clubs).
Bj998 Hours Ago
I choose to relate on TUSCL bc I'm already privy to what other dancers think, and the last thing I need in my mindset is stripper group think. I do think there are a few guys here who would benefit from immersing themselves in a stripper run discussion board.. Some guys just can't relate to women and it would be a good learning experience. Not who you are prolly guessing.. Larry seems fairly sweet ;)
ThereAndBackAgain7 Hours Ago
^^^ prolly --The word you are trying to spell is "probably". Couldn't resist saying after seeing the same error umpteenth time.
Bj997 Hours Ago
Papi_Chulo7 Hours Ago
prolly is not an error - that is how many young people today intentionally write to be able to type less (and faster) on a cell ph which is not easy to type on - it's not hard to get the context of what the person is saying
Papi_Chulo7 Hours Ago
New TUSCL rule:

No TUSCLer shall criticize anything a TUSCL dancer poster posts if she's showing us sexy pics of herself - get w/ the program
larryfisherman7 Hours Ago
Thanks bj99!
ThereAndBackAgain7 Hours Ago
@Papi, now you're being a PL in virtual life as well.

Criticism should be welcome if given as right feedback :)
lopaw7 Hours Ago
He's prolly right.
Bj997 Hours Ago
Prolly is enough. The real word is too long and has dumb letters. You get the point. I'm fairly educated, but being all sophisticated ab it is redundant and kinda egotistical. Go to stripper web and learn to communicate.
MrDeuce7 Hours Ago
^ Ha! I personally can't bring myself to type "prolly", but I realize that it's an abbreviation and not an error. The young people that I exchange frequent texts with (i.e. strippers in their 20s and 30s) type things like prolly, cuz, and b4 all the time, not to mention omw, brb, u no?, etc. We old farts just have to get with the program.

Now get off my lawn!
RandomMember7 Hours Ago
SW is an overmoderared cesspool.
ThereAndBackAgain7 Hours Ago
Lol, I take back my criticism if it's destroying your peace.

BTW, you spelled sophisticated, redundant and egotistical pretty well. Prolly it was an intentional acronym as you never used any other variant more than 10 times.
Bj997 Hours Ago
Gee, thanks ;) maybe you don't need to go through the stripper web gauntlet.
ThereAndBackAgain7 Hours Ago
I have a very good memory, I may recognize you if I see your ass in public, if it's the same :)
sharkhunter7 Hours Ago
Let's all take this to street walker site and let's all get band.
Bj997 Hours Ago
@There, Line forms to the right. Grab me a glass of red wine while you wait.
ThereAndBackAgain7 Hours Ago
Maybe, PM me some more pics first :)
crazyjoe6 Hours Ago
It is best to shit at McD's
Subraman5 Hours Ago
Good for us to get the occasional dancer perspective here. But you've gone full retard if you think any good could come from SW girls posting here wholesale. In fact, SW girls and tuscl PLs posting together might well be a sign of the apocalypse.

-->"I have seen many post that steered TUSCL dancers toward Stripperweb."

I've always thought that was a bad idea. SW's absolutely hateful, toxic, cheer-on-larceny-and-battery-unless-it's-against-us ethic is not good for any stripper. Repeating the mantra "it's a stripper support site" doesn't make it any less unhealthy for all participating. IMO, any newbie stripper is far better off going into a strip club and learning the ropes as a live fire exercise, than reading SW and having that toxicity creep into her psyche
rogertex5 Hours Ago
To each its own

StripperWeb is a Web. Complex. Inter-woven. You fall in it and don't know how to get out. Eventually get eaten by black widow!

TUSCL is The Ultimate Strip Club List. At the end of the day it's just a "List". Perfect for guys.

Despite all the ego-maniacs on StripperWeb there are few smart cookies out there.
And despite Kings (LDK) and Papi's here on TUSCL - no denial there are a few nuts amongst us.
jackslash2 Hours Ago
I wish more dancers would post on TUSCL--dancers like BJ99. But I don't want any SW dancers.
juicebox69Just Now
I think it's good for the separation and the mingle of both

I like the structure on stripper web as in the pink and blue site

But the down side it's over controlled by biases of the moderators that have choked the site to damn near Death.

Tuscl is great because of its freedoms and ability to allow various view points even if it causes arguments...even that can be learned from.

I would enjoy to see founder try and compete by added a page on tuscl just for actual strippers and not web can girls witch is another down fail of stripper web...it's more a cam web lol

I would enjoy a tuscl that kept it's freedom and great reviews and evolve a few features that could take tuscl to the next level such as

Page just for actual strippers international for group discussions ( like we have but for strippers only)

Page for actual strippers local to submit and comment on reviews ( like we have for us but for strippers only)

Page just for customer international for group discussions ( we currently have that )

Page just for customer local to submit reviews and comments( we just evolved into this great feature)

A page international for customer and actual strippers to communicate with each other

That would be damn near perfect if founder could pull this off especially with keeping our freedom's witch is why tuscl has not died off.

I understand this is mainly a stripper site but we already have massage parlors, brothels, ladgura clubs and other similar sub groups reviews on the site...so the infrastructure is kinda in place it just needs to be better labeled and encouragement to expand on that

Wouldn't even be bad if tuscl had a dancer review section like The erotic site has for hookers but we could do just for dancers

This would smear out the ROBs and incress business for the right kinds of girls

Founder could make more cash from a wider range of advertising and even membership fees

Of course offer a basic free package like we have and even allow free month VIP for writing solid reviews

But their could be levels to the paid membership and could help increase the revenue even from this angle

I also think tuscl should also add a donation option for those that might already have a lifetime membership but feel extra genouris to help support or alumni

Hell churches, colleges and other business structure have these alumni donation options

Just some thoughts


  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Wow...sorry guys I some how copied and pasted to much of that

    My thoughts are ner the bottom

    Sorry again
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I am impressed with your spelling
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Tuscl is great, but the left winged trolls like SJG are what is bringing this site and all of America down.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Rick dungeon is a narcissistic homosexual psyopath
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    About Founder's Review Guidelines:

    How about discussion of front room friendliness, GFE auditions? It is either that, or it is a 'wanna dance' place, like what Deja Vu did to San Francisco. As I see it, these are the modern version of clip joints.

    Front room GFE auditions are what make Tijuana go. That's what is widely reported on for the most notorious of US dives. That is the way you get great back room experiences and the best beginning of outside contact.

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