
Need advice/suggestions. Is this SS or is she possibly being legit?

Fellow PLs….I need your advice/suggestions/expertise. I was at a local club 4 weeks ago and met this dancer (I’ll call her my CF.) We talked for a good couple of hours. I spent $60 on dances…definitely not a whale. After the dances, she came back to my table and we talked some more. She went to the back to model different outfits for me…to see which one I liked best. As we were talking, she said, “You seem like boyfriend material. I like you. I’d like to get to know you.” Before I leave, we exchange numbers. She gives me her usual schedule and tells me to come visit her at the club.

I think nothing of it. We text back and forth the next few days…just getting to know each other. She says she has kids. She claims she is single and not dating anyone currently. She claims her ex-husband is locked up. Is she telling the truth….who knows…because….you know, stripper shit. She starts this “I think about you all the time. I want to see you again.” So, the next week we make plans for me to see her again at the club. I show up, she’s on stage dancing for a customer sitting at the rail. She stops dancing for him, stands up, shouts my name, waves, and blows me a kiss.

After she’s done on stage, she comes over and joins me. We talk and talk and talk. She introduces me to the waitress as “her boyfriend” and that she “loves me.” I respond with, “Whoa….slow down. We’ve known each other for 1 week. You don’t love me. I’m not your boyfriend…you don’t even know me.” She then apologizes and reintroduces me to the waitress as her “future boyfriend.” She says she doesn’t “L-O-V-E me…its more like an L-U-S-T for me.” The waitress laughs and looks at me and says, “Sounds like someone is really horny tonight!”

While we were talking, and while she was sober, she said, “I really want to hang out with you outside of here. Would you like to grab lunch sometime? I normally don’t do this…but you are a lot of fun to hang out with and you seem like a sweetheart.” I agree to meet up sometime for lunch.

This night, it just so happens my ATF is also working. I learned, quickly, my ATF and my CF do NOT get along. I’ve been getting dances from my ATF for about 1.5 years now. I just met my CF 1 week ago. As me and my CF are talking, my ATF walks by my table and smiles and gives me a wave. I smile and wave back. My CF loses her shit. “Do you want her instead of me? You know she has a boyfriend, don’t you? I don’t have a boyfriend. She does. There is nothing there for you. Nothing will ever happen between you. She’ll lie to you. I won’t lie to you. I bet she never told you she had a boyfriend! What do you even see in that bitch? I get it. She’s young and cute. Did she suck your dick? Did you fuck her? If you want her, let me know and I’ll get up and leave right now!”

Wow. I assured her me and my ATF have never done anything like that. It’s strictly a customer/dancer relationship at the club. Nothing more. We talk a little bit more and she calms down…then we head to the back for more dances. During one of the songs, we were the only ones back in the back. She stepped up on the couch and pulled her G-string aside and smothered me with her pussy. She then instructed me to “Lick it. Kiss it. Kiss it. Lick it.” She began grinding her hips while saying “Kiss. Lick. Lick. Kiss.” This went on for 45 seconds to a minute…then she jumped down and covered herself up. During the last song, my ATF walks back there with another customer. My CF is sitting in my lap kissing and biting my ears. She looks up at my ATF and says, “What the fuck are you looking at?” My CF then looks at me and says, “Do you still want her? Do you think about her when you are with me? Have you been thinking about her this entire time?” I answer, “No. I’m here with you thinking about you.” My CF kisses me on the cheek and says, “Lets get out of here. This is weird. I don’t want her watching us.”

The next day I got another text from my CF “Had a blast last night. I can’t stop thinking about you. Hope the feeling is mutual.”
We text back and forth that week and end up making plans to meet up on Saturday night for dinner. I shoot her a text Saturday late morning to make sure everything is still a go….no response. She texts me back around 4pm telling me her “daddy was in a car accident” and is in the hospital and she can’t meet up. Said she’d text me later on with an update to let me know how everything is going. Never heard back from her.

I get a call a few days later from “Caller ID Unavailable.” I let it go to voicemail. Turns out to be my CF. She claims her phone was shut off…and she’s calling from her cousins phone. But her cousin didn’t want me to know the number. She said her “daddy” had a heart attack and had to have heart surgery…but he was ok…and getting released in a couple of days. (Heart attack? Her text said car accident...) She said since we didn’t get to go out Saturday, she wanted to see if I could stop by the club that night and we could talk and hang out and make plans to go out on a date another time.

I go to the club that night. I find a table and my CF sees me and comes running over and jumps in my lap and starts kissing me. Saying, “I’m so glad you made it! I really wanted to see you!” I just say “Hey.” She then starts, “What’s wrong? Are you mad at me?” I told her I had a rough week…and I was tired of her games. I told her I was perfectly happy with a dancer/customer relationship in the club. If that’s all she wanted…I was perfectly fine with that. She then said, “No. I really want to get to know you. I like hanging out with you. I feel like I can ‘be myself’ around you….not the stripper that works here. That’s not who I really am.”

We talk some more and she tells me she gets jealous when other dancers come over and talk to me…and she really doesn’t want me coming to the club…even to visit her. She asks if I get jealous when she dances for other guys. I respond with “Not really. I have nothing to be jealous about. I’m not your boyfriend. You aren’t my girlfriend. I look at it as just a part of your job. It’s what you do to make money.”

We then talk some more about our “situation” and what she really wants. She said she really wants to get to know me outside of the club. She then asks when my next day off was…I tell her. She said she has to work that night…but she will just call in sick and we will hang out that night. Well, that night is tonight…and I’ve yet to hear anything from her.

We eventually head to the back for some dances. Plenty of grinding and dirty talk. She keeps asking me “What’s on your mind? What are you thinking about?” I tell her I’m thinking of nothing…just enjoying the moment with her. I ask her “What are you thinking about?” She responds, “I’m thinking about feeling your cock inside me!”

Just like last time, she stepped up and pulled her g-string aside and ordered me to “Suck it. Lick it. Kiss it. Touch it. Suck. Lick. Kiss. Touch.” She then stepped down and covered herself. Then stuck her boobs in my face and ordered me to do the same thing: “Suck them. Lick them. Kiss them. Touch them. Suck. Lick. Kiss. Touch.” For the last half of the last song, she sat in my lap and told me to “kiss her.” I kissed her…and she kissed back. And we made out for the remainder of the song. After the last song, I stood up, and was getting ready to pay her in the side of her G-string. Then she said, “Stop! Wait!” She then pulled the front of her G-string out and said “Shove it down the front and rub my pussy!” She then grabbed my hand and shoved it down her g-string and rubbed it back and forth for a good 10-15 seconds.

She hasn’t asked for money. I pay for a few dances I get in the club…and that’s it. I was really surprised she didn’t ask for money to “turn her phone back on.” When she said her “daddy” had a heart attack…that choice of words I found…interesting. Not her dad. Her daddy. Sugar daddy? Baby daddy? I’m being VERY cautious. What is everyone’s take on this?


  • rickey888
    7 years ago
    you are wasting your time, she is playing you to keep coming back to spend money on her in the club. If she was really so called interested and already in love with you she would have already met up with you outside club
  • KatanaBaby
    7 years ago

    First off, you're a DREAM customer. So patient and willing to listen to pretty much ANYTHING obviously.

    Second, this bitch is CRAY. You need to run the fk away and never look back. Probably should just go ahead and find a new club at this point. From my experience (veteran dancer), this chick is most likely on some type of drugs and can't remember shit you guys talk about an hour after you talk about it. Also, there must be something you've told her about your life that makes her feel that you can "save" her. You must be pretty stable in your livelihood. She feels that the $60-$100 you drop on her is a worthy loss for the big come up she could have if she can become your girlfriend. A new dad for the kids. "Daddy" = pimp in our world so she may be trying to leave him and you may be just the savior to make it happen.

    Like I said, RUN and don't look back! Find a new club and tell ATF to meet you over there (assuming you give her more than $60 here and there otherwise she won't give a damn that you left lol)
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    My read is she is simply pussy blocking you from former ATF or other dancers. Seriously I would ask other dancers/ bartender what they think of this new girl. You might get some interesting intel if you can filter out the jealousy statements.

    But she clearly seems to want you to screw her in the club. That also just may be a ploy to lock you in as her customer.

    Is your question does she really want to date you? I would say no based on her lack of inititive to meet up with you.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I gave up reading after the DATY part. I'd call it SSS. Schizophrenic Stripper Shit.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    7 years ago
    If legitimate, she is bipolar:
    "Mania is the defining feature of bipolar disorder and can occur with different levels of severity. With milder levels of mania, known as hypomania, individuals are energetic, excitable, and may be highly productive. As hypomania worsens, individuals begin to exhibit erratic and impulsive behavior, often making poor decisions due to unrealistic ideas about the future..."
    Otherwise, she is playing you, and is looking for a new "Daddy", she must be having issues with her current Sugar Daddy and is looking to you to be her new " Boyfriend/Sugar Daddy".
    The thing is that sex can be "crazy good", with some of these "crazy girls", but the relationship is often to crazy and difficult to handle in the long run.
    I would be extra careful and only engage if I am sure I can walk away when the heat (craziness) becomes to much for me to handle.
    My two cents.
    Good luck, let us know what happens.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Is it SS? If you gotta ask then th answer is most likely yes.

    This chick is treating you like a puppet and you seem to constantly have to be answering to her and reassuring her, grow a fucking pair and be in control of the situation, you are the one paying so you need to be in control and not be answering to her as a whipped husband.

    At best she's doing the long-con on you, at worst she's an unstable psycho - if you can't read and react properly to SS then do not get involved with strippers other than ITC - you cannot let a stripper control the situation and set the terms for you to follow like a good boy-scout, if you do this you are asking for drama and mistreatment
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    She's fucking crazy. She's being incredibly rude and disrespectful to talk to you like that ab your ATF. Also, if she was truly interested in you, she wouldn't want you seeing her at work so much. I don't care if this bitch moves in w you, she will never be your gf, and the pussy isn't worth that crap she will pull; think, keying your car, burning your shit, stalking any female in your phone, and having the cops called on you. I suggest taking a break from that club, and waiting a few weeks for her to get fired.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Are you still in high school are you in the same school as lil fish sticks?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I do not like bullies - if I see a dancer mistreat or try to intimidate another dancer I'm done with her
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I don't subscribe to the "leave the club with your tail b/w your legs" b/c you are afraid to confront a stripper, that is what Subraman would refer to as LBS (little bitch syndrome) - if it was me and she had a problem with me getting with other dancers then I'd dump her - she either shapes up or I don't deal with her - no *paying* custy should allow himself to be jerked around like a puppet
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    Jesus. You got a friend with a lot land and a backhoe? Sounds like you're gonna need it.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Papi he's just a little pussy himself.
  • mrrock
    7 years ago
    1. She's bat shit crazy
    2. Yes she's full of SS
    3. Run away now while you still can
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    A strip club can be similar to being in prison, if you don't assert yourself you will be repeatedly abused and taken advantage of
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Is it SS?

    Do women outside the strip club throw themselves at you the same way?
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    Ive come to the conclusion that everything a stripper says is SS... So yea its SS.

    Just enjoy it for what its worth..Getting your dick hard without wifi. Don't put too much energy into SCing.

    Have fun, get some lap dances, laugh and joke with the strippers, get a couple of drinks, then go back home. If she or any other stripper really want you like that, you'll know it.
  • GACA
    7 years ago
    Like others have said, she us definitely mentally unstable. Unlike the others have said, I think you should take her for a spin, but bro don't walk into that club again for another month. If she wants to see you, she'll meet you outside of the club.

    She's mental so don't take her any place you'll be embarrassed if her crazy comes out. All that immediate attachment love bullshit is a dead give away of a bipolar crazy person, who is dragging you into her world. You clearly aren't in charge of the situation or even yourself.

    I think you should go for it obviously you don't do well with women any person who has had even the mildest experience with single women with no how to call this one. So I say go ahead get laid the worst that'll happen is she will f*** your ass up call the cops on you get you beat up by ex-boyfriends. But at least you get to back to all your other loser buddies that you f*** a stripper that didn't ask for money up front.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Just Fuck her
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Run away and don't look back.
  • indymovieman
    7 years ago
    Update - No word from her..not surprised. Like most of you suggested, she obviously has some mental issues. I got my head out of my ass and started to think clearly...I'm definitely not pursuing that anymore. I stopped in the club on one of her days off last week. I talked to a few dancers. I was told she was fired the night before...for having sex with a customer in the private dance area. Another dancer, who is pretty close with management, said she wasn't technically fired but she was "sent home early" for having sex in the private area...and they are "working on" getting rid of her. So, it's just a matter of time before they weed her out...if they haven't done so already.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Lol, And I was giving her a couple weeks before that happened.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Crazy dancers can be fun as long as you know what you're dealing with and know how to deal with it
  • mrrock
    7 years ago
    And there you go. Several different dancers with the same story of her having sex with custies. Good thing you didn't go further than you already did.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    Didn't read the thread. Just read the subject line, "Need advice/suggestions. Is this SS or is she possibly being legit?" and now I give my answers:

    1. It's SS. It always is.

    2. For many women, in many contexts, there is no difference between "legit." and "SS" anyway, because they are always simply being "true to the present feeling" of how they think things ought to go. When a hot girl says, "Omigooooooood you and I are SO in love" it doesn't mean, "I thought about our past and our future and I'm making an honest logical statement of the type which would work out properly as an axiom or postulate or theorem in high-school level geometry." No, it means, "right now for the next forty seconds I think we feel like I feel like my feeling is that I feel in love with someone who feels kind of like you feel when the feeling is felt like I'm feeling, for now." And with most strippers the feeling inside her will last no more than forty seconds.

    Answer 1 is more accurate than answer 2, but answer 2 is interesting to me none the less.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Wow, it's hard to imagine putting up with that kind of bullshit. You lose major points for explaining like a dipshit exactly what did and didn't happen with the one you're calling your ATF.

    Also how can you have a CF and an ATF at the same time if your ATF is still around and available? Sounds like that would make the one you are calling an ATF into a former CF.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Block her number. And don't look back.

    Bat shit crazy is an understatement.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I don't understand why she was fired. If that does it the unemployment line in Detroit would be a mile long from what I understand. Oh wait, it is. Okay then, the only employees left at Follies would be the DJ and bouncers. No, strike that. They'd probably be fired too.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    she sounds like fun.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    Has kids, ex husband in jail? Story checks out.

    She's crazy. You could probably fuck her for free. She will be fun for a week, then a nightmare.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    As most people have said..that bitch is crazy! thats pure SS if i've heard it. She is a drama queen and a bull shiter. And judging from your username I assume your in Indy and I bet all this went down at Club Rio right?
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    7 years ago
    Just normal stuff a normal stripper would say... somewhere between an smart independent woman and a damsel in distress dancing to relieve her pain she's everything on the spectrum, her emotions are all over the town.
    Its very erotic dealing with a neurotic femme fatale that also acts like a blonde. Just beware not to drive off a cliff.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Fuck you Jackie
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Huh. I go to the strip club for more fun and less drama.

    Guess I'm doing it wrong.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    Not sure if it was just SS, or just the miscellaneous ramblings of a bat-shit crazy woman!

    Hope you didn't give her your full name...
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @flagooner The handful of new girls quoting 300 and up for VIP would still be working, cause they haven't had sex in the VIP yet.

    @papi "Do women outside the strip club throw themselves at you the same way?"

    Best SS detector / reality check question ever!
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ LOL
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    I got agida just reading about her. Stripper shit or true I wouldn't meet her OTC unless I had a machine gun.
  • bvino
    7 years ago
    I knew a girl like this more than once. She is probably mental , as others have said, and could be fun in the club but i would not share my name ,numbers, or address with this one. Crazy is called crazy for a reason . You will not be able to predict anything and anything (really-ANYTHING) could happen. Park the White Knight and go rescue someone normal.
  • Conundrum
    7 years ago
    Makes you want to "Fatal Attraction"....
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