
Democrats, please, show me the evidence. Oh wait, you can't.


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You have left evidence all over TUSCL of what a dimwit you are.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    They know they have no evidence, but they don't care. This is about creating as many distractions as possible in order to slow Republicans down in their efforts to effect health care and tax reforms, among other things, and to smear the President as much as possible. If all of this noise and nonsense actually results in anything of substance, it will just be a bonus.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    I go back and forth between several theories about rickdugan.

    Sometimes I think he is nothing but a lying and/or delusional d-bag that doesn't actually visit stripclubs, mostly I think he is a serial exaggerator that has some logic and truth behind his posts, and occasionally actually being somewhat truthful.

    However, whenever I think rickdugan might have some logic behind the stuff he posts he manages to post something that pushes me back toward the lying and/or delusional d-bag theory.

    The post on this thread doesn't even make sense if you accept everything anonlvone says as true.

    I don't understand Dougster's rickdugan obsession and I don't have the desire to engage with it. But that doesn't change the fact that rickdugan = non-brilliant :(
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @RickDugan Just to clarify what you just said none of the anti Trump folks have principles and any opposition to his policies is just sheer orneryness. Even you know that's ridiculous.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Twenty, what I am specifically saying is that a group of politicians have abandoned certain principles in favor of using whatever means necessary to stop Trump from enacting his agenda. For some this may be because they truly believe that his agenda is bad and that the ends justify the means. Others I suspect continue to push this high on hyperbole, yet light on substance circus act in order to curry favor with their constituencies. For some, it may even be some of both.

    But it is shameful regardless of the underlying motives. The folks who truly hate his agenda need to grow up, accept that the election is over, and find some adult way to work with the President. The opportunistic types among them are simply not going to stop so long as the have a complicit press willing to publish every unsubstantiated allegation and hyperbolic unsupported speculation as some indication of grave wrongdoing.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    rickdugan is gay!

  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    There's a solid reason why shows like this don't make network TV. And it's not even the Democrats that are pushing this issue as bad as Republicans are trying to demonize it. You guys are just trying to distract from the most prominent issues your president is causing.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Dugan I hate to keep going around in circles but Trump really has no agenda, repealing Obamacare is still stuck and if he would lay out a real plan for tax reform we might start a legit convo but lurching from crises to crises and making up a lot of shit is no agenda. BTW before you start with the scandals that seem to be never ending you need to admit all of the shots that they have taken is because their aim sucks, and their weapon of choice is very flawed. Using twitter as a shotgun to kill ants and shooting off your toe is all that they have accomplished. Or maybe you are talking about self dealing as an agenda, that's not an agenda that is what a con man does all of the time. Trump has never been anything but a film flam man his whole, life I'm surprised that such a large group of folks have fallen for it.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    He's only "lurching from crisis to crisis" if you believe the goofy articles on Yahoo, Huffpost and CNBC, among others, which is essentially all noise.

    In reality, he has already signed a significant executive order freezing up federal agencies from adopting new regulations (including some bad ones in the pipelines at some agencies), appointed business friendly people to hundreds of key regulatory agencies, backed us out of a horrible and one-sided climate deal that could have dramatically increased costs here in the U.S. over time, made sure that the Arab world understands that aggression will be met with force (aka Syria rocket attack) and appointed a well respected and capable Justice to the Supreme Court. And yes, he is also pushing health care (which has already made in through the House) and tax reform, though these require legislative cooperation and will no doubt take time.

    These are real accomplishments. Also keep in mind that he's only been in for 4 months. I am actually very optimistic with what he can accomplish in the next 8 years given what he has already done. Though I do wish that he would stop tweeting so damned much.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Geez Louise you are another that thinks whatever news is not flattering, is fake news. I guess we really can't have a conversation you can't even agree that Trump is a fat fuck can you.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @rickdugun evidence for these facts please. You don't want to sound like a "libretard" or a democrat that you Republicans constantly begrudge
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I think maybe if the GOP wasn't so determined to chase out moderate and liberal Republicans we might see more compromise.

    The Russian conspiracies seem rooted in a distraction from strong possibility that the polling methodologies aren't representing the voters are thinking or acting at any point now or the future. I'm not sure if back in July 2016, JohnSmith69 was a genius and saw something the pollsters could not or would not, or if like a broken clock, he was just lucky.

    But, one think we should all be able to agree on, it President Trump is getting fatter. A fat fuck, if you will. ;)
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I think maybe if the GOP wasn't so determined to chase out moderate and liberal Republicans we might see more compromise.

    I'm not so sure that is the Republican agenda but it sure fits with the storyline and bill of goods that this president and his cadre of bullies are pushing.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^That was in reply to @Dominic
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Trump followers are like a cult its ok you can criticize him.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Looks like the faggot RickyBoy is in love with The Donald.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @analasshole Still want to know if Hillary had Biggie & Tupac killed LOL
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