
Would you take a number?

Thursday, June 1, 2017 1:25 PM
The Girl is super fine; near exactly your type and one of the finest in the club, if not THE finest. The problem: There's a que to get a dance (or 7) with her. Oh she most definitely will get to you. You just don't know when. Would you wait for her fine ass or just pass?


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    At a Korean 10 day house, only one girl working. One Mamasan overseeing the guys sitting in the living room waiting their turn. No actual numbers, but just like that. I had sessioned with the girl before, very nice on her back, and very nice looking, otherwise I would have left. Seeing girls repeatedly in P4P venues is for PL's. I was married, unable to extricate myself, so I was a PL. But at least I was using what recourses were available to stay sane. In a typical strip club, no I would never go for that. Buying dances is a chump's game. Front room makeout sessions, then you invite her to the backroom, then take her home with you. SJG Sheryl Crow performs "Walk On By" [view link]
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Easy no-brainer for me, abso-fucking-lutely not. Not because I'm Mr Cool or anything, but because the experience I'm looking for at the strip club is a long drinking party with scattered VIPs, once I see a girl's business model doesn't match that, I'm pretty much checked out. No amount of hotness gets me looking back. Back when I went to extras clubs, and extras with the hottest chick I could find were the main point, I was more willing to wait around. So I would have been answering this differently 10 years ago, and if a decent extras club ever pops up here again, my answer might change again. But my mindset is pretty focused on the "hang out for 3 hours" aspect these days
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Not me. I don't do sloppy seconds. :)
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Not me. The girls I find the most enticing usually aren't the classic stripper beauty anyway.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Hell no fuckin way!
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    pass. If she's a 7 or higher in looks, her looks are no longer a factor and everything else is. If the few desirable dancers at a club are normally in this level of demand, I would find a different club.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    I wouldn't wait either. Too many other options and I'm there to enjoy myself--not get mildly frustrated because another girl is tied up for a while with other PLs
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @shadowcat I'll drink to that lol. @ppwh I'd do the same.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I guess I am the picky Pl who would wait if she was that perfect to me and time was not a major issue. Saying that I would always keep my options to shift gears if another girl she interested me enough while I was chilling. But if the back up talent is terrible then I would likely leave if I could not get her attention somehow to get in front of the queue. But y'know if the queue is too long (more than 2 gents) its a high probability she will stay either in the VIP or hang with a regular too long for my patience.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    I would never wait for her. I am not into the assembly line. Now that my atf no longer drinks we sit and chat for a bit; go smoke weed and then do a CR. She is popular and after 12 yrs I know which customers are hers, so if I see there are a lot of them. I will tip her on stage, let her know I know she is busy and then I will choose another option there; go to a different club; or go sit at the bar at Sienna and get a tasting plate, a couple of glasses of wine and then pop the sun roof and bake my way home.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Nope. Not a chance!
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Depends on the rest of the talent.
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    There's a dancer at one club here in AZ that literally has PLs stacked to the gills whenever she works. Un-freaking-believable body, great personality, A+ lap dances, never asks for tips, makes every PL she sits with and dances for feel like he's the only guy in the club she wants. Basically pegs every reason why you go to strip clubs (outside of front room make-out sessions and predatory OTC behavior). Would I wait for her? Yes. Have I waited for her? Yes again. But that does not mean I'm sitting at my table twiddling my thumbs. It's simple math: if there are 2-3 guys ahead of me, I know each guy will get 5-10 lap dances from her. I've got plenty of time to play the field and if someone else takes care of business first, then c'est la vie. And if it looks like she's close to finishing with the last PL before me, then I'll pause for a few songs to get ready for her. She'll finish up, head to dressing room to freshen up, and off we go to the races. But you guys wouldn't wait. Uh-huh. Sure. CP
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Well put ppwh
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    Fuck no! Never! Well....probably not but if she's my ideal type, maybe.
  • Conundrum
    7 years ago
    I agree with Chili Palmer. If she is the best at what she does and worth the wait, hell yes, but that does not mean I have to sit idly by, I can sample other dancers and check out other talent, you never know what you may find.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    To CP's point, there have been times where I figured a dancer was in too high demand to interact with any time soon, so I just wrote her off, only to have her slide up next to me 20 minutes later. I have gone for it in those cases, but in that kind of situation where a dancer is in high demand, I reset my sights on the one sitting in the corner that no one else is paying attention in favor of Ms. It and it's generally a more rewarding experience. It's impossible for me to feel like I'm the only guy in the club she wants after she has been making the rounds with other guys for the past hour.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    The only way I would wait would be if no one else in the club is appealing to me. Even then, there is a cutoff for how long I am willing to wait for my turn. Fortunately, I have yet to experience such a supply and demand situation.
  • mjx01
    7 years ago
    "Depends on the rest of the talent" Exactly my thoughts. If it's her or nothing, I try to wait within reason. If there are comparable alternatives, I move on to the other options. Maybe OT but, at least lately, I care far more about her being nice / friendly to me than the physical.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    In all my years clubbing there have been a few girls that are worth waiting for. I give it an hour and if she's not free by then, I persue another girl or head on down the road.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Haha doubling down on Chili Palmer. Are you guys the type of people that go into a restaurant without a reservation, then when the host(ess) says "it will be a 30 minute wait" storm out in a huff? If there's someone you want to see wait for her within a reasonable timeframe. You're a PL what else do you have to do, sit at a table and click on SJGs YouTube links he posts here - it's why he puts them here in the first place.
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    Ill wait and just tip the stage until she becomes available. I always bring at least 50 in ones for bullshit tips.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Girls who are that popular, are probably popular for a reason. She probably also won't mind if you don't feel like waiting and get dances from a different girl, or if you leave and come back on a slower day. One way to skip this is to make an appt w her. I give top priority to customers who text and set a time with me, I especially appreciate if they can make it in before busy time, and I'll throw in extra dances if they consistently spend a good ammt on me. Another way to cut in line is to grab her as she is leaving the dance area and immediately get a dance. Realize that some days she will have more time to spend with you, just like some days you will have more money and time for her. Also, I never ask for tips and I charge the advertized rates, but I do remember who tips me and consistently gives me the most money. I have regulars who always give me 100, even if they wind up only getting 3 dances. This way they always keep their place on my priority list. Then there are some guys who will get dances from me on the days when it's slow, and I can sit w them for a little, but they never get in line. Other guys ask me to grab them when I have some time, but don't expect me to sit. Sitting at a table looks really bad for a girl who has a line bc other customers see and get resentful if they are willing to spend money immediately, and she's just sitting there talking to some other guy. I ask guys to come talk for a little in the dance area for a few mins instead of the table (when very busy).
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    7 years ago
    I would just ask the drink serving gal or the manager to ask the girl to see me, so I can forget about her and enjoy the regular ones.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    The only clubs where looks are the most important factor are the air-dance no contact clubs. I don't pay for dances in those clubs anymore. I've done the pathetic, smitten wait routine before and the usual result had been disappointment after feeling like a loser moping around waiting for my turn. No thank you.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I interpreted the OP differently than Chili Palmer did. I pretty much agree with his approach. I had assumed the OP was asking if we'd sit at our table twirling our thumbs or "fall in love with one dancer" and NOT spend on any others. What Chili described is more or less my Friday outing, minus 300 extra dollars, haha! See this thread: [view link] ^^ for some reason I was originally thinking of CP's quote -- "stop staring at "your" dancers when they give other customers lapdances (I guarantee you do this) and chill out in the club. It's so much easier and fun that way." -- when Estafador posted. Or the guys who stalk CFs and "forsake all others." What CP describe really doesn't *feel* waiting at all, even though it is waiting, and is actually quite normal IMO on a Fri or Sat night.
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    Sometimes I wish they would pass out numbers. That way I could make sure not to get cunt blocked!!!!
  • CJKent (Banned)
    7 years ago
    Whit my CF I do what Bj99 just said, we text and make an appointment, that way I make my reaervatiom and I am the first one to see her. I had another fav before and we didn't make an appointment, but she would make a bee line to see me almost as soon as I enter the club, because everyone knew I was there to see her and get VIP with her and they would let her know as soon as I walked in. It helps if she knows you are there to see her and only her and for sure you are getting VIP, so as soon as I see the one I want I go and ask her for a dance, and if she gives me a good dance I take her to VIP and if she makes the VIP worth then I let her know I will be back. I guess there is some amount of right place and right time and some luck involved, but I don't like to wait.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    ^^ this is the worst! It's so awkward for the dancer. Tell her to come get you no matter who is sitting w you and follow through when she does. Just tell the other girl you asked your cf to come get you.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    how long of a wait and how many other strippers just as fine are on shift?
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Chessmaster: Shoot. At my club, a dancer might be with a customer 10-30 minutes. So 7 deep is 1-3 hours. IMO, on a Fri or Sat night all but 1 or 2 of the dancers are attactive to me. So I'd probably pass the time with several dances and see if the 1st girl free up. If she does, great! If not, no big loss and I would have had fun with all the others.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    I've waited on a dancer only one time. I planned a visit to one of my favorite clubs on a popular dancer's birthday. Must have been 10 guys ahead of me waiting for dances with her. That night I had a very limited budget and turned down at least 12 requests while waiting. Interestingly, saying "No" to all those requests created one of the best times I've ever had in that club. Taught me to be in control of MY wallet, and spend MY money as I see fit. Of course the wait was worth it.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    The max wait I would go for at a restaurant is normally around 20 minutes. There is a breakfast/brunch place that I like that was going to be a 45 minute to an hour wait, so I just went back on a different day. The next time I went, I got a seat at the bar right away and the bartender was talking about how some people waited around for 2 hours on Mother's Day. More power to the people who are that dedicated to a particular spot, but I just don't see the point in riding a plan to the bitter end if it's not an opportune time. Last time I got a dance from the most popular dancer in a club who was always occupied, I asked her when I went up to stage tip. There was no wait, but it tied for the lamest dance I had gotten in that club. Maybe she was used to her regulars spending several hundred so ~ $100 wasn't enough to inspire any effort. Anyway, making an effort to wait around for a possibly lame dance just doesn't hold any allure for me.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    ^good point. as likely as it is a dancer is popular for her dances or extras, it's also just as likely or even more likely she is popular for looks alone. in fact, the few times I have waited for a stripper that turned out to be the case. they seem to be a high percentage of GPS strippers because they don't have to give high mileage or good dances to make money. many strip club noobs go for the best looking stripper with no knowledge of better mileage availability.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    hopefully, if you are waiting that long, you already know she does good dances. If it's your first time seeing her, cut in line by asking for one immediate dance right when gets off stage, or as she is leaving the dance area. I'll do that one/two dance even if I'm with a customer (I always ask if I can accept a dance or two when I'm on stage, and most of my customers agree). Then you will have an idea if she's worth it. If so, tell her you will let her go if she's busy, but want to get more dances next time.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Is the fact that you have to wait on Line for a girl makes it feel more mechanical than enjoyable. I know it would feel that way for me and I have felt the negative effects. She can't pretend to give you as much attention as you'd like and it just seems she's trying to tick off an agenda vs making you feel good. @chillpalmer yes I really wouldn't wait. There are plenty of desperate but fine (never understood this one bit) foreign Hispanic women look to give you good dance for long time.
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