Explosion in Machester UK: 19 dead, 50 injured

Right outside Manchester directly after Ariana Grande concert. Suspected suicide bomber, but information is still coming in. Which I had more to add but I don't. Regardless of what happened or why, it's pretty bullshit that a bunch of kids lost their lives or had to witness this and be emotionally scarred for the rest of their lives.
last commentI think this just a total of annihilation: The West versus Islam. WTF are we waiting for? Hope someone else is going to do it for us? (Maybe fake war hero vinceygirl michaels?)
Excuse me: "total war of annihilation".
Sorry a bit upset about this. Typing too fast. The West versus ISIS (not all of Islam).
i think more folks die of gun violence , but this type just freaks people out
Gun violence has nothing to do with acts of terror committed by radical Islamists. As a matter of fact, becoming a trained and licensed concealed-carry weapon holder is your best means of personal protection against these maniacs.
That said, this is an atrocity. There is no depth these cowardly maniacs will not stoop to, and then call it the will of Allah. Thank God for President Trump. Many Muslim nations have joined him in common cause against ISIS, al-Qaeda, Iran, and other supporters and perpetrators of terror. That's something that Hilary never could have done.
I feel awful for saying this, but hopefully tonight will remind the Britons that there is a dark world full of terrors that continues to exist beyond their borders while they sort out the Brexit.
Thank goodness it doesn't, but sometimes I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often in Western nations.
Prayers to all those affected.
@Janos - even as an anti-gun guy, I myself am not sure what your gun comment has to do with any of this. This is Britain that only has like 150 gun deaths are, and this was an indiscrimate bomb attack.
@Gammanu - i'm avoiding the political side of your comments (not interested in engagin with you there) but you should indeed feel awful about saying that. I'm fairly confident the UK is much more sensitive to and aware of terrorism than we are stateside (since they are right near and in where many of these attacks are occuring in Europe) and didn't need this to remind them.
No, no. Maybe Janos has a point. B/c of incompetence ISIS isn't able to pull off bigger attacks. So we don't worry about, but focus on bigger problems until they do get that competence.
My heart goes out to the people of Manchester,England.But when Charlie is in the wire Trump is the nigger you want in your foxhole.Watch he's gonna drop the cunt sister of M.O.A.B.
tumblingdice... That comment makes me want to add a like button for comments
Birds of a feather Founder.Give Em a kiss for me will ya.
Good to see you Fag.Wheres that fag that sings Cheap Trick cover songs and likes things shoved up his ass?
@dice: welcome back, carter!
Scat is gonna be pissed but I used to bang his GF Carter.
^^^ aren't strippers meant to be shared?
Only one thing to be done with those that have no respect/regard for human life
That's why I'm glad they are surrounding ISIS w/ the intent to eliminate them and not allow them to retreat so that they can keep causing more atrocities (cut the head of the snake)
Actually, no a12, I should not and do not feel that bad at all. Since you seem to be unaware of global events, I will educate you. Great Britain has their major national elections coming up in six weeks or so. Brexit has been the focus of all the election politics, as well it should. Nigel Farage explained that Brexit was a vote for Englishmen to control England's own destiny, and not be controlled out of Brussels or by Merkel. However, just like here (and again come those pesky politics), England's left are weak on terror. It is worth remembering that Brexit was not just about disconnecting England from a weakening and capricious financial coalition. It was about rejecting the centralized government of continental Europe and not needing to heel to Merkel's demands that they allow unlimited and unregulated immigration. In summary, yes, this horrible terror attack can also serve as a worthwhile reminder to all civilized western countries that they need to look for a balanced leader who can handle both domestic economic challenges and national defense and security on a global level. (Which America forgot - think about all the candidates and try to identify one that had real national security creds)
@founder - I think an upvote (and a downvote) button for comments is an outstanding idea!
It never ceases to amaze me that we pretend that Isis is some kind of aberration, when the other side of the Isis coin (Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas etc.) is no different at all.
@ gammanu - you have the basics right, one or two fundamental errors though.
The piece of shit that did this is burning in hell. Fucking asshole, along with the rest of them.
Attacking young children and adults is particularly despicable.
Knew I.S. would claim responsibility, the guy may have 'followed' them and agreed with their ideologies but he wasn't I.S. in the sense they like to think it.
I'd like to know which premises londonguy disagrees with?
As for ISIS, part of what makes them so insidious is that they are savvy social media users. It seems that more and more youths are being radicalized online without ever actually travelling to the enemy territory. However, how hard is it actually to build a bomb vest? It would stand to reason that the bomber was put in touch with an ISIS handler in England who built the vest and gave it to him. To say the guy was inspired and provoked by ISIS but not ISIS is splitting hairs. Maybe this guy wasn't ISIS at all. They seem like the kind of group to take credit for everything just build up their own cred.
Never thought I'd write these words, but Dougster's initial comments are 100% spot on.
In order to stop this two things must happen:
1} energy independence of the west-nuclear (fission and fusion), develop our own oil, gas, coal, solar, wind, ocean current etc,. In order to cut off their money supply.
2} deal harshly with ALL! that harbor these criminals against humanity. We cannot fight other peoples wars for them unless they pay for it. If we do we level the entire country and let them start over in the glowing ashes.
A large bounty on the heads of those who perpetrate the acts and those who tolerate and foster terrorism with money and support. (like George Soros who gives them money and politically backs people that use terrorist actions for political ends like Hillary), Barack Obama, Merkle, Iran, Syria. DEAD or ALIVE.