She's the DIY type

avatar for Itsmytime
Last night I got high mileage private dances with a mediocre looking brunette (she was the best available option in the club).

We started with mutual touching and soon junior made an appearance for the dancer to provide some stroking while I gave FIV. The dancer was really wet and embarrassing noisy. She started to give me instructions, and eventually put her hand over mine to guide the movements. Finally she told me to stop and just sit still. She the proceeded to rub herself to a toe-curling O.

Should I feel guilty that I wasn't able to help her get there, or should I be pleased that she was comfortable enough with me to DIY?


last comment
avatar for a21985
8 years ago
Were you just finger banging her, or were rubbing her clit or finding her g spot? If you were just finger banging away thinking you'd get her to a climax, you should feel guilty since many/most women need clitoral stimulation for that to happen unless you have knack for effectively finding her g spot.

Then again, it's an honor and a pleasure to be used as a sex toy for an attractive woman. I assume the HJ you got was on the house for the service you provided her?
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
You should feel scammed. You paid her and she got the orgasm, not you.
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago
Lol jackslash wins again!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Well - you're paying *her* - foremost on your PL-mind should be what *you* enjoy - if she can get hers along w/ you getting yours; all the better; but o/w no-need to put too-much focus/worry/concern on her needs IMO - if she's an OTC regular then it's a bit different but it still should be about you if you're paying, IMO.

I've had some chicks wanna get theirs more than worrying about me getting mine; and I felt I paid for her pleasure instead of mine and I did not really feel it was a good investment/expenditure.
avatar for bubba267
8 years ago
Feel lucky that she was comfortable enough to guide you in that way. I actually find that factor a turn-on. In most cases I have been rewarded with an awesome session, by or fs afterwards.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
I've had something like that before, I would prefer her rubbing me to orgasm.
avatar for K
8 years ago
Are you really asking or just bragging?
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
If more strippers (and women in general) were vocal about what they want and need, maybe they wouldn't be so sexually frustrated. We are not mind readers and even I need instruction from strippers from time to time. I say kudos to you for trying and kudos to her for getting the job done.
avatar for bubba267
8 years ago clank when I walk. I was responding to his original question " should I feel guilty that I wasn't able to help her get there, or should I be pleased that she was comfortable enough..." Several others turned it into an analysis about whether the correct party was being rubbed right. Loved the Meryl Streep line....good chuckle first thing this morning.
avatar for K
8 years ago
As with anything else in this hobby, did you enjoy it? Did you think it was worth the money? If you answered yes then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks nor does it matter if it was real
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
Meryl Streep is the most overhyped actress. She's like Houdini in the fact that she is a great self promoter. Can't stop doing it. Even at the awards show she has to spout off some irrelevant political point to draw attention to herself. Of course half of Hollywood is that way these days, too.

To the OP. I agree with K. If u had fun with your session then claim it a success. Sometimes another good entry in the spa just bank will help you have sex with your wife, or significant other.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
^^^ AGree w/ K... if you enjoyed it, it's golden. And I know I probably would have enjoyed the lesson, although when I was younger, I probably would have been offended lol

Where did OP say he didn't get off, also? If so, I am sad about that and will probably cry later. But, if this was a no extras club anyway, then he got some great mileage
avatar for BrotherFogHorn
8 years ago
I would have prayed to Gawd with her. She needs help cumming to the lawrd
avatar for Duke69
8 years ago
God bless you Foghorns
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
I'm liking the Foghorn.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Well if she "busted a nut" so to speak, and you "helped her" get there, she'll certainly be friendly to you next time you come to the club.

It takes repeated experiences with a woman (stripper or civie) to learn how to get them off. Some women cum very easily where others are quite complex. Most people can't win the Daytona 500 by just taking one lap around the track, so it's perfectly okay if she helped herself get across the finish line.

avatar for rickdugan
8 years ago
Good for you, but the main problem I see here is that you were also left to DIY later on. To each his own I suppose.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
shailynn +1
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
This is similar to the way my OTC relationship with the MILF started, except I went down on her instead of fingering her.

Even if I'm paying, it's incredibly erotic to watch a woman twitching and trembling in orgasm. If you enjoyed it, then you shouldn't feel scammed at all.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Goes better if you know the girl a little bit and have gotten her prepped with DFKing and titty massage. Otherwise, you just need more experience. :)

avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
^^^ yeah because just by grabbing a girls boobs and kissing her will totally enable you to help her achieve orgasm quickly.

Oh Lloyd you're so silly.
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