Means of communication with strippers

avatar for larryfisherman
I've seen on here that some of you are friends with strippers on Facebook, or follow them on Instagram and Snapchat.

I've never seen the need to do any of that. If I want to connect with a stripper OTC or see when she's working ITC I'll just get her number, that's all I need. Obviously I know you're probably not on her social media to try to communicate with her when she's working (you probably have her number).

I don't just really care to know much about a stripper's personal life, and I don't want her to know much about mine. Imagine seeing a stripper on Facebook talking about she's in love with her man, but you know she fucks multiple guys in the club lol. Also from what I've seen, what they post on social media is not really accurate of what's really going on in their life.

What do you all think about all of this?


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I don't think talking with them on facebook is a good idea. Email sometimes, but not facebook.

Better just telephone and then get her f2f and cell phone turned off.

avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
Cock to mouth. That's how we roll!
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
I use smoke signals.
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
Morse code, mostly. Sometimes drum signals.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
I have never been on facebook or snapchat. I don't follow anyone. No need for OTC or stripper's phone numbers. I like to show up and see what happens and except for work that's how I live my life.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Lol you motherfuckers
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->"I've never seen the need to do any of that."

None of this is about "need" -- it's about whether your interactions can be more fun, if you have options like Snapchat and Instagram. And the answer is: maybe, depending on what you'd like out of it. I like seeing sexy pics and vids of her. With Snapchat, for example, it's not so much that I watch their stories ... it's that it's a great platform to get sexy videos and pics from her, and she's more comfortable with it because it gives the illusion that the pics and vids are ephemeral (I can capture all her pics and all her vids). But that assumes you're interested in getting sexy pics and vids from her.

Now, it is true that I DO enjoy watching their real life (it is often a fascinating series of disasters) on snapchat, instagram, and facebook ... although in many cases, there's a lot of elaborate facade built into what they choose to share there.

-->"What do you all think about all of this?"

I think no stripper has invited you to be snapchat friends, so you're stuck just theorizing, rather than experiencing. It's worth at least a try if you really want to understand. Snapchat is the best choice -- facebook is more about a carefully managed facade, plus she will not be sexting you over facebook; Instagram is a little less carefully managed, but the potential for sexy pics and vids from her pales compared to Snapchat
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
Some of the dancers I've dealt with responded faster and more reliably via Facebook Messenger, for whatever reason. So, I have a hobby-only profile that is completely separate from my personal. It has no personal information.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
@Subra- a couple of strippers asked me to be Snapchat friends, but I don't have Snapchat. How does Snapchat work? I assumed it was just girls taking sexy pics of themselves just like Instagram. Girls send people hot pics and vids on snap? Maybe I need to check out Snapchat? If you have her phone number she could send you all that through text though. Snapchat sounds pretty cool.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
She COULD send you all that through text -- but it is a fact that ephemeral platforms like Snapchat "feel" safer, even if they are not actually safer. There's an order of magnitude difference between what she'll send you on Snapchat vs text ... not to mention that fact that 1. it's a zillion times easier to send a pic or vid through snapchat than text, and 2. Chances are, as a millennial, she already quite naturally reaches for snapchat quite often.

Snapchat works in 2 ways:
1. She can take a pic or a <10s video and post it to her Story, where it's visible to all her friends for 24 hours. There will be lots of sexy pics and vids here, but PG-13 rated at most, and more likely just PG, since all her friends are on it.
2. She can send a private pic or video to just you -- this is how she'll be sexting you. In theory, you can look at the pic or vid just once, and then it's gone. In reality, you can screenshot the pics, and use a video screen-scraper program to capture all the vids.
3. She can video call you (like google hangouts or facetime). I've had my ATF video call me, then do a little nude show for me as she was getting ready to go out for the night. Very cute.

The point is not that she COULD do some of the same things via text or hangouts. The point is that she probably WON'T do it that way, if you don't have Snapchat... Snapchat makes it easier, and it's more a part of her daily life.

DON'T EVEN get me started on the power of Snapchat as a dick pic delivery platform.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Crap, must have put in a forbidden character. LEt's try that again:

Snapchat works in 2 ways:
1. She can take a pic or a 10s video and post it on her Story, which is visible to all her friends for 24 hours. Among pictures of her meals and her pets, there will be sexy pics and vids, but PG (or PG-13 if she's slutty) only, since all her friends are on it.
2. She can send you a private pic or vid. This is where the major NC-17 and X rated action happens. In theory, you can look at the pic or vid once. In practice, there are screen-scraper programs that will capture the pics and vids for all time.
3. She can live video chat you, ala Hangouts or Facetime. I've had my ATF video chat me while she was getting ready to go out for the night, dance around for me naked, then thonged, then dressed to kill.

The point isn't that she COULD text or Hangouts you. The point is that she likely WON'T. You have Snapchat and you reap the benefits, or you don't, and maybe once in a while she sexts you a pic.

DON'T EVEN get me started on the sublime power of Snapchat as a dick pic delivery platform (DPDP).
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
Jim is correct
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago

Never fails.
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago
I like to send my strippers coded messages.

I give them enigma machines for Christmas so they can decipher them.

Loose lips sink ships.

avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Thanks Subra, I'll check Snap out.

I like to communicate with my strippers walkie talkie style. Old school.
avatar for BrotherFogHorn
8 years ago
Strippers pray to the lawrd with me
avatar for Duke69
8 years ago
Strippers use their mouth to communicate with me... slurp slurp
avatar for Duke69
8 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Try the the two paper cups with a string method works from the tree fort to the sidewalk.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
IMHO strippers and social media do not mix well for the average monger in search of either ITC or OTC action.
If I want to see her again I'll stick with texting.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I use Navajo code so their BFs wont find out
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
I've heard of strippers that won't give out their number, but they'll let you be friends on Facebook or follow them on social media.

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough (the title of the thread kinda throws you off), but my main point (communication wasn't the main point) was following strippers on social media or being friends with them on Facebook. I don't want them knowing too much of my personal life, and I don't care to know too much of their personal life.

I also communicate with strippers through sign language.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->" I don't want them knowing too much of my personal life,"

You're going to have a fake facebook, instagram, and snapchat, just for strippers, escorts, sugar babies, etc. I have nothing but strippers on my facebook, and rarely post anything to it except a random funny meme. I do add things to my snapchat story that I think the girls would like or find interesting. I never post on instagram.

-->" I don't care to know too much of their personal life."

Once I've promoted her to ATF, I love reading about her wacky personal life, that's where you and I differ.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
I don't have an aliased snapchat or instagram, but I do have a fake Facebook for this purpose. Haven't needed anything else.
avatar for Estafador
8 years ago
Sub can't wait to be apart of her Facebook lifestyle
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