Fox News decides to let go of Bill O'Reilly

avatar for JimGassagain
Good riddance to the most arrogant prick on television. It's blowhards like him that make me despise the media. No spin zone my ass!

Although it's unrelated, I hope this is what Trump means by "draining the swamp".

In other news, my friend Louis C.K. has made a new release of his stand up show titled "2017"! I highly recommend having a ball busting laugh out loud time streaming it on Net Flix. His opener about abortions and suicide amazes you how he can tip toe into the gray area of disturbing comedy, and he pulls it off! His sick as fuck mind really comes through in this one. Watch it and tell me what you think.


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Yeah; it looks like they had a good-ole-boy thing going-on at Fox
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
They're talking about giving Dana Perino a show in the open time slot. MILF-tastic idea.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
He was always a pompous ass-kisser, lets see who they replace him with, probably still won't watch.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Yeah; O'Reilly was cocky and arrogant; would not doubt he did what he did o/w Fox would fight it.

That's 2 very powerful guts @ Fox getting canned for sexual harassment - it's a sign of the times.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
^ guys not guts
avatar for WetWilly
8 years ago
I never trusted the guy, and his attitude made things significantly worse. Glad to know he's gone, hope he is not to able to convince any other networks to carry his B.S. to the American viewers.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
He'll wind up somewhere although not on prime time news - he has too many followers.

Howard Stern has been riding his ass for weeks on his show.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Dumb move. I'm not a fan, he brings in ratings. Sponsors would come back because the ratings would stay high.

I really hate when the bullying tactics from the left get results.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@flagooner he shot himself in the foot there was no bullying from the left.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
^ women's groups started demanding his ouster and pressuring sponsors to not advertise on his show
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^^Yes a lot of that is true but he has been a prick and is very disliked throughout the FOX studio in case anyone forgot he has had spats with most of his fellow hosts so when it came time they enjoyed throwing him under the proverbial bus.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Not very often you'll find me in agreement with Gaffigan. But this is one. Sooner Bill O'Reilly is gone the better.

avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
8 years ago
Not sure what to think about Bill being kicked to the curb at Fox News.

I'm sure Alex Jones is laughing his ass off, or would be if his high profile divorce wasn't singing his backside.

If Bill has played his cards smart (other than legal fees on cases Fox seems to have settled for him) he has a fair nest egg, including royalties on a number of books. Bill will have more time to right more historical fiction about killing off dead presidents, generals and historical or religious icons, mostly in poor taste (but they sell like hot cakes). Maybe Woodrow Wilson or Garfield or FDR next? Buddha or Gandhi or Muhammad?? He's got time...

In spite of his 'Conservative' image Bill has declared he is NOT an conservative, liberal, libertarian- he eschews labels and prior to Fox was an element of the 'Mainstream media' many of his viewers purport to despise. Makes me wonder if his basic allegiance is to what is best for Bill's wallet- and yes, a formerly 'progressive' commentator comes to mind here: Bill Schultz. The 'Prairie Populist' made a transition from sports broadcaster to mild conservative talk show host to the flagship lefty voice of MSNBC and is now (ulp) the American face of Putin on RT USA. Bill's recent scandal doesn't look great on a broadcasting resume and I'm thinking he might be doing some similar ideological gymnastics (Glenn Beck comes to mind here), because when you're yesterdays news in the industry, you spout the line of the person who writes the checks. I may be cynical but in the end I think these guys are just media whores anyway. Bill would do well to stay retired and work on his 'historical novels' or other books, or just do stump speeches for true believers at 50k a pop, if he does anchor again we could see what a chameleon is really behind Bill O'Reilly's face .

Then again, you never know. If Sean Spicer really fucks up I wouldn't put it past Donald Trump to make O'Reilly the press secretary, turning the no-spin zone into the constant spin zone.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Funny how Trump would be the prime man for collateral damage to his sychophents...but Billy Boy brought this on without his gloating pussy grabbing pal. Sad. Got to give Clinton credit: he got BJs without lawsuits. Just an impeachment proceeding/
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I never watched him and don't give a shit about the show. However, the precedent is disturbing. If someone is accused of sexual harassment, it does not mean that they are guilty. It simply means that they are accused. Whether in a civil or criminal sense, guilt in this sort of a situation should be determined in a court of law. It should not be determined but uninformed observers who have no personal knowledge of the situation and simply bitch about what they want the true facts to be. I have no idea what he true facts are about the allegations against him, but his fate should be dictated by what those facts turn out to be, not a bunch of activists who think they know what is best for others.

Sorry for the quasi political post.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
"Shut up!"

End of an era.I don't think he was good, but not as bad as people say either.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
"... the precedent is disturbing. If someone is accused of sexual harassment, it does not mean that they are guilty. It simply means that they are accused ..."

It was an opening for the left to go after him and get rid of a high-profile conservative - they stirred the hornet's nest w/ everything they had
avatar for jester214
8 years ago
@JohnSmith, I understand your point but in this case I disagree. FOX repeatedly opted to avoid letting a court of law decide. Firing him really isn't about guilt, it's about the image he and/or FOX project. I think both he and FOX are at fault, but he's the one who gets the axe.
avatar for Aurum
8 years ago
Agree with JS69. We don't know the facts or backdrop. My issue with anything like this is trial by the press and public opinion which people manipulate. Also it appears that some women squealed to NYTs after taking money to go away for whatever reason. Can't have it both ways. In the end it's always about the money. News Corp is calculating the that they will be better off without him but it is also an easy out from $24 million dollar contract similar to how sponsers drop pro athletes that mess up. No one has a backbone these days. O'Reilly was supported by Fox just week ago and nothing has changed at least in what they know today. The world is full of pussies that stand for nothing.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Are they serious that Tucker Carlson will be replacing him?
avatar for jester214
8 years ago
Apparently there's been in-fighting over O'Reilly for a while now. Murdoch wanted to support him, his sons wanted to ditch him.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Damn a vagina is a money-maker - some of these chicks seem to have gotten paid millions just for being told they looked hot in the workplace.

The StripperWeb chicks must be having orgasms knowing how these Fox chicks got paid.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
Lol!! Timber.....

How the mighty have fallen. Good riddance is right. I never cared for him representing the conservative values. He made the leftist liberals look like saints.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
Oddly appropriate for a media star to be tried in the media. I agree that he not get his day in court, unfair? probably but when you make a living by being a prick you have got be understanding when people are willing to give you a break.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
my guess is almost all men are mongers. or wanna be mongers. what is amazing is just how much money some of these guys spend to try to cover it up.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
8 years ago
Facts? Apparently Fox paid out around 13M over many claims. Has to be some fire in all that smoke. Dude must be an idiot to have any form of sex related conversation with people he works with.

Shit, past "good morning" and work related topics I'm very careful what I say to my sexy co-workers. Those honey's are just waiting for opportunity to cash in regardless of who's life is ruined.
avatar for WetWilly
8 years ago
Steven Colbert did a full seven minute monologue on Bill O'Reilly the day he was dumped by Faux News. It is on YouTube now, along with some other comedic " tributes " to his legacy.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
8 years ago
I suspect all will turn out just fine for Bill. Probably end up in a better place.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
How come nobody has commented on Louis C.K.'s newest release on Net Flix "2017"?

I thought for sure that would be the biggest comedy hit to come out in a long time. Who else can pull off a bit about abortions and suicide and kill? Only my friend Louis.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
@Lone_Wolf: " Probably end up in a better place."
Almost sounds like an obituary. He'll end up with another job and his legion of nutcases will follow. He also gets to pocket his $25mm in severance from Fox. Poor guy.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
It more like the loss of advertising revenue was an issue that it was with the allegations, TBH.

It's no different that so-call religious freedom laws. States will pass religious freedom laws until its shown that companies will avoid your state and cause revenues to fall, then because of $, the states will change their tune. (NCAA, Apple, It's more due to the mighty dollar than any moral or noble cause.

I agree with the outcome just not the tactics.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
JimG: the Mrs and I watched Louis C.K.'s new material a few weeks back on Netflix. Dark and great! We loved it!
avatar for Estafador
8 years ago
Glad he's finally fired and all, but why was he fired?
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