
Strippers - The Lesbian Effect

They never tell you what you need to know.
This past weekend I went on a clubbing binge which I haven't done in some time.

At one club, there was a (to me) extremely cute young dancer. She was a little chubby but wore her weight well and had a beautiful face, she was a low 7, if she was in good shape she could be a 9. Anyway, I was the only male that tipped her in a packed club, and for some reason, every single female customer went nuts over this dancer and tipper her, I'm talking at least 5 female patrons. I was there over an hour and didn't see any of these female customers ever tip any other dancer (I was sitting at pervs row). Maybe she's a known lesbian/bi-sexual but I had never seen so much attention paid to one dancer by all the female customers in the club. There was nothing notable about her appearance that made her stand out to me.


  • grand1511
    7 years ago
    Maybe her average looks made her less threatening to other females.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I don't see many female customers in my favorite club. I do see the other dancers tipping them on stage. It could be what you are seeing is other dancers in street clothes taking the day off and hanging out in the club. I do see them tipping.
  • SCPandit
    7 years ago
    I went to a strip club recently and one of the girls who sat next to me on pervs row was a lesbian, we had alot of fun, i think she threw just as much money as i did. She even got on stage, it was hilarious. I tipped for that too. I always tip the girls i know are lesbian extra, usually i know most of them after 2 or 3 SC visits. I like it when they are lesbian because it makes it more Business like, which is very attractive.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Did you check to see how long her tongue was? ;)

    But seriously....it sounds like maybe she was a friend of theirs and they were supporting her? Were these female patrons buying dances from her or any other dancers? Or were they there just as gal pals of this one dancer?
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    There are more couples in my club now than in years past; maybe it's become more mainstream? I never see single women though; maybe they have rules against it to keep out prostitutes?
  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    Every once in a while I grab a beer in a club that attracts couples and women as customers. Occasionally I see women customers pay attention to one stripper and ignore others. When I commented on it happening right in front of me, a stripper sitting with me laughed at my lack of "gaydar" and said, "everyone knows "X" (actual stripper name) is only into girls."
  • sclvr5005
    7 years ago
    @rockstar - more likely there just aren't too many women customers hanging out in stripclubs. Women like lopaw are pretty rare. There is one very butch lesbian that I occasionally see hanging out at Satin, the only topless club in the COI. She seems pretty popular with the dancers.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Every female patron was with a guy. Like said above its likely this stripper was a known lesbian/bi.

    She said she would come see me but it was 30 minutes until closing time and she never came out out of the dressing room after her set.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    The clubs I've gone to, a civilian lady has had to have a male with her.

    I've had some dancers tell me they don't like other women in the club as they view it as competition for the guys attention that are there. You know... typical stripper logic..,
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Sounds like those female custies probably did feel more at ease with a known lesbian stripper. And since they were there with a guy and not solo they also probably weren't getting much dancer attention from anyone else. One really nice thing about clubbing solo is the dancers see that I'm there for them. The worst clubbing experiences that I have had was when I was with a guy friend and the dancers thought that we were a couple. Dancers generally hate couples. That's sad.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    lowpaw, I admit I would also assume you were a couple...one just naturally assumes the woman likes girls too, or maybe wants to do a show for her s/o. Whatever.

    But I'm curious what kind of guy you'd want to go clubbing with. I assume you do separate dances with him? Like a work friend who also likes clubbing?
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    rockstar - I agree that if I am in a club and sitting with a guy, we will be construed as a couple. That's the exact reason that I rarely do it anymore.

    The few times I do hang out with a guy at a club it is always, of course, platonic. I NEVER do double dances with male friends. I'll sometimes meet up with a guy that I have chatted with on line and agree to meet at a local club, or I'll hang out with a co-worker. But mostly it's with a "club" buddy that I have previously met at a club. I have the most fun with experienced clubbers, and then usually only agree to hang out at a topless place where the mileage isn't a big consideration and with booze it has more of a party atmosphere so I don't feel like I'm missing out on some good mongering opportunities :)
  • Harderlap
    7 years ago
    There were likely her friends and were tipping to show support. They brought along their boyfriends/husbands so they wouldn't get it on by PLs. What guy would turn down an invite to go to a strip club with their girlfriend/wife?
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    lowpaw, thanks for the thoughtful reply!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    First real conflict here was over this issue. Lesbian dancers are different, don't really want to deal with them. Want straight dancers because it is fairly easy to get under their skin.

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