
Blonde or Brunette?

Avatar for Estafador
EstafadorBIG APPLE

Not only have I been hankering light skinned but specifically blondes. Just not on dark skinned people. It just doesn't look right, even if it is sometimes natural. not sure what it is about blonde light skinned women but their hot.


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

if their bodies are equal I've always been more attracted to brunettes.

Avatar for Estafador

I am thinking for me, it's due to the brightness and it just makes the face glow more. At least for me it may be a possible reason.

Avatar for larryfisherman

Brunette all day every day, that will never change for me.

Avatar for a21985

On average, I'm much more attracted to brunettes. I was actually just thinking about this very topic, and I can only recall only one blonde who was a CF of mine, and that was in a no extras club.

My preference for brunettes is stronger than I even thought...

Avatar for twentyfive

I find blondes catch my eye but the real beauties usually are darker haired girls.

Avatar for skibum609

Brunettes 98% of the time.

Avatar for StPaul101

Blondes for me, or black hair and blue eyes really get me going or brunette but I find myself looking at blondes first.

Avatar for lopaw

Brunettes, followed by auburn hair.

Blondes are least attractive to me, though of course there are always exceptions.

Avatar for rockstar666

Brunettes as a rule. The fact my CF is blonde is a complete accident.

Avatar for jayhawk123

Blondes with a nice tan have always been my favorite but have known plenty of nice tan sexy brunettes as well but blondes are my first choice

Avatar for Conundrum

^Jackslash, very nice, ...

IMO I think the hair color of a women is a characteristic that does not define her. It is a part of her that she uses to express herself, her sense of style. What she does with her hair may give you some insight to her thoughts. Women are consistently coloring, cutting, shaping, curling, flattening or chasing current pop culture trends. Some wear it long, some short, some wear wigs or extensions, all to chase the ideal of beauty. Women do it for us, the men, to attract us, to have us pay them that needed attention. Complimenting a women on her hair always wins me brownie points, but I must say I think I would notice a blonde more than I would a brunette walk into a room, but lets not forget the redheads.....

I like both. Plus the redheads.

Avatar for Corvus

I only like blondes. And brunettes. And redheads. And any other woman that I find attractive.

Avatar for rockstar666

Hmmm. There are times my club seems a sea of blondes...yet the anecdotal survey here suggests brunettes are far more popular among us. Perhaps the question should have been restricted to caucasons; as I like Asians, AA and Hospanic women, yet dislike blonde Asians, AA and Hispanics,, the survey may be somewhat skeded

Avatar for WetWilly

Hair color is probably the least important feature of a woman for me. If they're shaped well, her a pretty face, I'm not sure if I ever notice her hair color.

Avatar for Estafador

@rockstar I feel you my friend, but just SOMETIMES some Hispanics and East Asian depending on the figure can look good with blonde hair. AA not so much.

Avatar for rockstar666

Estafador, I admit my ATF Asian went many colors, but I knew her as natural first. When I met my mutt (white, black, native american mix) soul mate she was (an inappropriate to be natural) blonde....so yes....I can deal with it. With both the other attributes overshadow something as superficial as hair color.

For personal preference, I prefer women of color, and I prefer a hair color that "might" be natural to their race. Same with white girls actually; if the hair color is obviously out of a bottle I would wish it were natural. like a suicide blonde....I might like the girl anyway....but I prefer a more natural enhancement of hair color. .

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