How Did You Find Out She Really DID Like You? P4P Only

avatar for rockstar666
BTW...if you paid her cash it doesn't count as a moment she liked you.

For BP g/f and I saw the last Superbowl, which we spent together (I've never paid her BTW; this is a FWB thing). She could have seen it with many people I'm sure, or gone to a party. But we had our own intimate Superbowl party for 2. I didn't even care the Pats won in record fashion! LOL

What about you guys? Did you have one moment, or at least day, that you realized your P4P girl was more than about money in HER opinion?


last comment
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Hey any girl I fuck for free likes me; by definition.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
OMG...that link is 5 years old!!! Seriously, you have too much time on your hands...
avatar for Uprightcitizen
8 years ago
I am confused. You say p4p only in your title and then say "if you paid her in cash it doesnt count".
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Exactly. I'm asking for stories where your P4P turned in to FWB.
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
Dude, it's *my* article, accessible from my profile page. Took 39 seconds. :)
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
microding, you COULD post a link....?
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
Would you prefer I just reposted the article in the thread? :)
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
8 years ago
snippet from a trip report I made back in 2006:

...My last Vegas TR mentioned a DD Brazilian hottie whom I’d met previously, but missed out on last time…we made sure that our schedules matched up, and she agreed to meet me at my hotel. Orleans security is very tight—everyone must show their room keys day or night to get onto the elevators. I went downstairs to meet her…she makes it to the hotel around 9PM and calls me. We finally spot each across the crowded lobby—OMG!! She’s wearing a nice colorful Spring dress that hugs every curve of her abundant figure. She comes over to me and gives me a hug and a nice deep kiss, with 500 guys all looking at me enviously and the women glaring with pangs of jealousy. I live for moments like that.

Up to my hotel room, we renew acquaintances and start making out like high school kids. She asks to order a drink and we get margaritas from room service (surprisingly, real drinks with real alcohol are only a couple of dollars more expensive that an 8 oz watered down dancer coke from SRI). We resume the making out and slowly all the clothes come off her and me. I live to perform oral sex on women, and she is certainly enjoying herself, but it turns out she’s not into sucking dick. At all. OTOH, she loves to fuck in as many positions as we can come up with, so we exhaust as many possibilities as we can come up with until we’re both to tired to continue. I slip off the party hat and she rubs one out Russian style. More kissing, clean-up, yada, yada, yada. She leaves for the club from my room about 1 AM. I walk her out to her car in the parking lot and a final kiss goodbye. Definitely a memorable date. Date, you say? Yep, this one was truly a freebie. If may go all Sally Field on you for a moment, she really does like me. Subsequent e-mails from her since my return confirm that. I consider heading out, but am too tired for anything but sleep…


My one and only freebie.

avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
I've had a couple providers ask me to dinner and THEY OFFERED TO PAY.
Now if THAT doesn't tell you nothing will!
avatar for a21985
8 years ago
Never got one on the house before, closest I've gotten is my ATF call randomly solely for phone sex a few times (hardly comes close to as awesome as a lot of your guys' freebies). In a combination of sour grapes for the lucky guys and wanting to keep some false sense of morality as a married PL, I prefer that at the end of the day its a business transaction on both ends rather than a purely emotional.

That said, as a moderately charismatic, cleaned up, decent looking professional in his very early 30's with a certain set of skills the ladies enjoy, I like to believe dancers like me...relatively speaking at least when it comes to PLs. I know a lot of it has been SS, but I've had a few dancers honestly tell me as much, as well as open up their menu, lower prices and drop their regulars for me even though they might not get as much money out of me. So like me like me? Nah, but like me as a customer compared to many other PLs they'd have to service? I'd say so.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Yeah but lowpaw, doubtless you look better than I do...
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
What do you look like rockstar (if you don't mind me asking)?
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Well, I think I'm very good looking, but then gay men hardly ever try to pick me up, so maybe not so much? OTOH I asked the estranged wife once why this was the case and she said, "You don't dress well enough".

That was the only funny joke she made in 33 years of marriage..
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Wow! So many good-looking studs on this site.

Never happened to me. My prostitutes leave the minute I stop paying them.
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
8 years ago
Well, there was that one dancer that I mentioned I my 2015 article that would buy me a couple of drinks in the club sometimes but that is as far as I gotten
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
A number of OTC strippers have really liked me. But they liked unemployed boyfriends and drugs even more.
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