Most clubs that serve alcohol are gonna require a custy to be 21 - you'd need to find a BYOB/ho-alcohol club but those are only found in certain areas and AFAIK Orlando is not one of them but not 100% sure.
Mons Venus in Tampa is no-alcohol so they may allow 18+ (give them a call) - and that would be a good place to take a newb PL since the club is well-managed and no-extras (no-extras = less chance for a newb to get ripped-off for big $$$).
I actually have never done Mons but have read many reviews and it has been discussed on here often.
Mons does not have enough chocolate for me to make the ~4-hour drive from Miami and pay $30/dance - but I'll probably hit-t someday just to see-it for myself.
Mons Venus in Tampa is no-alcohol so they may allow 18+ (give them a call) - and that would be a good place to take a newb PL since the club is well-managed and no-extras (no-extras = less chance for a newb to get ripped-off for big $$$).
Then recommend one in bad-conscience - bam! done deal
I actually have never done Mons but have read many reviews and it has been discussed on here often.
Mons does not have enough chocolate for me to make the ~4-hour drive from Miami and pay $30/dance - but I'll probably hit-t someday just to see-it for myself.
I really don't know if any Orlando clubs allow entry under 21. I think LarryFisherman keeps a list of clubs that allow 15 year olds.