
Spousal Radar?

It's happened to me probably half-a-dozen or more times: I'm just about to or have just entered a strip club and I get a call or text from my wife.

It's happened both at local clubs, and when I've been on out of town trips (with a 3 hour time difference). Coincidence, or some kind of SO early warning system?

Now, here's the scary part. Last week I was on a trip, stopped at a club, and halfway across the parking lot I got a text. I thought it was my wife again, but turned out to be my current favorite back home, asking how my trip was going.

I can understand SO's having it, but ATF's too?


  • CCRiderm
    14 years ago
    Yep, happens to me a lot too. The scary thing is I usually get messages from my daughter too. She is an adult and off on her own, but I think she subconsciously knows her old man is up to no good and hits me with a message for some obscure topic.

    Very scary thought.
    14 years ago
    Steve, why not go sit for a Tarot card reading prior to your next strip club visit? Then you have the added dimension (of what the reader told you) to watch for and see whether or not it unfolds...
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Thanx for sharing steve...I thought it was only me that this type of thing happened to!
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    I usually leave my cell phone in my car when I go into a club. I'm never surprised when I start it up and find missed calls and messages from the wife or the daughter. As I'm usually in the club for under 2 hours, I can chalk up the time to a "shopping trip", where the reception was poor.
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