Question for fellow live long bachlors

avatar for JuiceBox69
I'm divorced five years and have intentionally spent the last year and a half without a live in GF I've kept them outside lol

I'm more happy and even more successful because of this life style choice

My question to you guys is working a Shit load like 80+ normal for guys like us ? Or am I just a workaholic ?


last comment
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
It can be normal, I worked 60-70 hours routinely for years.
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
I work a lot too. Keep it up and spend money on silver and bitcoins
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
That's how it is for me now....back when I was married I was just young and dicking off a lot....worked as little as possible, played video gsmes, ate fast food and fucked my wife like every day.

12 years into marriage we got two kids and we split since the relationship was based strongly on sex and 12 years of daily fucking with a diet of fast food for both of us and we both was done LMFAO...true story doh

Now I'm five years divorced almost got them kids raised, been in the gym, eating healthy, reading book after book, working 80+ and I'm at the point of investing into sticks, real-estate and some small businesses

Crazy how life has changed

If I'm blessed to live a long life I'm trying to make it possible to be like most of the older men on tuscl when I can club whenever and spend whatever to fuck whomever lol

Thanks for being a friend Vince
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Joe your crazy
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Yes one business idea or sets of similar business is YouTube slash social media website related

Others is more of bargain shopping and reselling at a higher price on different kinds of in person and online platforms

Some others is looking into a cleaning business
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
The biggest challenge seems to be balancing out the future investment I'm making and the current pleasure I need

Hell life isn't guaranteed to anyone ..we live by faith day by day

So enjoyment for now is a must

But at the same flip of that coin I might be around like shadow, clubber and Vince lol..oooo and jack as well as others

If so I need to wisely invest into my future just in Case
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
Good news, Clubber is still kicking. I've PM'd him, waitng for a response, but he's been here.
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
You are quite welcome, Juice.
avatar for Cowboy12
8 years ago
60 hours a week is normal, once in a while 70 hours when working on special projects
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago
Many times businesses take advantage of single people with regards to work hours. They figure since single people may not have a family at home that they can work extra.
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago

Also: "Stay single and your pockets will jingle"

Words to live by. lol.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I used to work pretty long hours and weekends. Now I'm more in a position where it's about coming up with ideas to get others started on things. I never work on weekends anymore and rarely late. This gives me more time for hobbies. Things I might spin off into their own venture one day.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Another thing I've learned is that sometimes the worst thing you can is work late trying to plow through a problem. These days if 5 or 6pm rolls around and I don't see any solution to the problem, I'll just go home. Quite often the solution just comes to me overnight. As recently as just a couple of years I would have stayed to 8 or 9pm trying to plow through.

Work smart is probably 8x as important as work hard at this point in my career.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
When I was single, pre-married and between marriages, I worked two and sometimes three jobs at once. I saved a lot of money because I was busy all the time. Once I got married and picked up the additional income I gave up the extra jobs and settled down.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I think single guys tend to work longer hours. Fair or not, they are favored by startups.

But then for me, I worked very long in order to avoid my wife, because spending time around her started to make me feel sick.

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