
skibum Tangling Himself Up in Contradictions


"The left always has a built in excuse: it failed because it isn't communism, socialism, marxism, progressive, liberal etc. Covers up the fact that their belief set has never worked anywhere."

*never* worked *anywhere*. His own words.But then people threw out the counter-example of Scandinavia so the "never" and "anywhere" were kind of invalidated. So I made fun of him of in a recent thread on socialism. How he said it never worked anywhere. Here's what he came back with:


" By the way Dougie, I realize you're a fraud, but you're also a lousy liar. I explained that socialism works when there are others to leech off; thats why it works in Scandinbavian countries. Can you please make up more strip club lies in the future and leave lying about other things to others? Thought not tahd."

There you have: " it works in Scandinbavian countries" and there are other examples of where id does work. Direct contradiction of "never" and "anywhere". Oh, but when someone points out how he did actually say "never" and "anywhere" they are liars and frauds? Actually, skibum, you are the liar and fraud for trying to deny you ever said "never" and "nowhere" and for flipping out at me for pointing our that you did. It's all there in black and white. See the first quote.

Now let's see how you try and weasel your way out of this one, you slimy little POS.


  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    How about this gem

    20 Hours Ago • You're simply a pathetic liar 25. I d on't need to use terms like that to describe vermin like you. You are a completely useless person...on the inside. You focus on race as do all pathetic losers so you don't have to admit that you're a failure, simply because you are you. Man up for a change. Try working and not beating up women. Traveler - Socially responsible is code word for liberal do nothing. If they actually did something other than talk they's have to admit to being conservative.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I guess if you are not a right wing conservative whack job, then you are everything that is evil. Anything they say about you will stick. Wife beater, liar, fraud, serial killer, arsonist... You must accept Ayn Rand completely otherwise the you are completely evil.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Logic is great, no matter what an Internet Tough Guy you think you are if you starting contradicting yourself, logic will take you down. And then when you try and weasel out of it you'll just make it worse.

    Did the moonwalk all over tittyfag(dot)'s face on Sunday, by showing how he tangles himself up in contradictions. Today it was skihomo's turn. Who will be next to act like a big tough guy, who thinks they are so tough that the rules of logic don't apply to them. Hint: sorry that is one set of rules that apply to anyone. Try to deny it and I'll show you otherwise, you stupid homos!
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Poor ignorant fixated dougie and 25. I specifically have said it only works in Scandanavia because they can leech off of our defense and not spend their on money on it. Using terms like "skifag" skihomo" etc. doesn't seem very diverse. Then again progressives are simply ignorant, hateful bigots but all y'all do make me laugh. Like kittens and a ball of twine, except dumber. I do understand why you fixate on me, jealousy is such an ugly human trait, so I pity all y'all.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    LOL Skibum is upset people have insulted him on a personal level. Kettle, meet Pot.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^Logic we don't need no stinkin logic to put this doofus in his place. He constantly proves the point over and over. The point being stupid people always think they're smart.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Yes people like you feel that way 25. I am amazed you'd admit your own stupidity and respect you for doing so.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    -^^^LOL Poor clueless bastard
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I wouldn't call you poor 25, you have 30 employees lol. You may be clueless, but I doubt you're a bastard. No matter how hard you try Titty will always be a bigger douche bag than you so you might tray managing your 30 employees, instead of making me laugh, because one of these times it will be out loud and the Court Officer will take my phone. Now you two cretins post again and declare victory.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^ YAWN
    actually it's 34 employees we started a new man this morning
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Whether or not people follow the Left, mostly depends upon their level of political consciousness. And the biggest suppressor of that is The Family.

    Marx and Engels knew that the family had to be eliminated. But beyond a point Lenin was unwilling to go that way, as he was having a hard time holding on to power as it was. And Stalin never wanted anything like that. And then in the early 1930's, challenged by the Frankfurt School, Moscow forbade and criticism of The Family.

    Starting around 1910, Israel's Kibbutzes did mitigate The Family, and this why they worked.

    But after Israel became a nation state in 1948, it had courts to enforce property ownership. So the Kibbutz movement was marginalized and The Family reasserted itself, as people looked again to private wealth accumulation, and the Likud Party emerged.




  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @skihomo: www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=47495#com…

    "The left always has a built in excuse: it failed because it isn't communism, socialism, marxism, progressive, liberal etc. Covers up the fact that their belief set has never worked anywhere.""

    *never* and *anywhere*. Right there in black and white. Sure you contradicted yourself later. Which is kind the point of this thread. Say one one day another that contradicts it the next and generally be the complete idiot that you are.

    Too funny! Lol!


  • Dougster
    8 years ago

    ^^^ skihomo. What a dumb fag.

    Do you argue that poorly in divorce court as well?
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Skidum what a pathetic loser oops, he's not even that he's just another sad sack.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I guess they never taught him in law school that it's good to keep from contradicting yourself when you are debating.


    Or maybe they did teach him but he was too dumb to get it.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    He never went to law school he just watched reruns of divorce court and started channeling his inner SJG fantasies
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Lol! I think someone here who said divorce law doesn't exactly attract the cream of the crop.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Ever notice how he gives these little fake brags, like he's in court and he's worried his phone is going to be confiscated by the bailiff, isn't he supposed to be conferring with a client or going over his notes, while waiting for his case to be called, OOPS, he contradicted himself again.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The basic argument of the American Left is for an inclusive society, Rich - Poor, Men - Women, all races, all sexual orientations, and a safety net to solve social problems instead of depending on cops and prisons. The Democratic Party rarely goes along with this.


    Wilbur Ross, Russia ties, looks like money laundering
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Lol! What a dumb fag.
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