
Controlling the press

CNN: White House blocks news organizations from press briefing. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwq_2dsz…

This is scary. This sounds like something you would read about in Russia, China, or North Korea. Is this really happening here in the U.S.?


  • Dougster
    8 years ago
  • ime
    8 years ago
    CNN is fake as fuck, so who cares if they were blocked.
  • HoHoHoDetwaah
    8 years ago
    They also blocked the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the BBC.

    The Associated Press boycotted the event because of the restrictions. Something like this is unprecedented.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    I don't know who to believe anymore.

    Maybe we should get all our news from TUSCL.

    There aren't any aliases here and everyone is who they say they are... and we all know everything here isn't exaggerated or made up at all...
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    That's right:

    TUSCL = real new and fair and balanced stock market analysis
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Lock them up!
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I have no use for the Clinton News Network.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Appalling development, and I don't let Trump choose who are my enemies or my friends for that matter.

    I choose to get my information from sources that can discern when the Ministry of (un)Truth is spewing 'Alternative Facts', and can call a boldfaced lie from the administration a lie. If he wants to withhold information based on whether or not an outlet kisses his ass, that tells me right there who to trust and whom NOT to trust.

    Yes, most journalism in America today is either in the red bubble or the blue bubble. Its a matter of reading between the lines, applying context, and trusting your own personal "bullshit" meter.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Wouldn't it be great if there was a news show that just reported the news, nowadays there is no show that just reports the news, they all convene a panel of experts and thoroughly spin every story in every direction, until you are sick of hearing them,I think that is the ultimate goal, turn off as many people as possible so you can get away with as much as possible.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    I think that this will blow up in Trump's face. After he has done this, they are going to report every wrong thing Trump does, with no opportunity for him to present his side of the story

    The arrogance he shows by doing this is just unbelievable. He's pissed about the Russia connection coverage
    Good luck keeping any control of that now!
  • ime
    8 years ago
    I'm with 25 someone just needs to report facts and full transcripts, instead of partial quotes and outlets twisting everything.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    CNN is gay and getting gayer and more of a liberal circle jerk with every passing day.
  • HoHoHoDetwaah
    8 years ago
    This goes beyond right vs. left. This is about a president trying to spin things his own way and trying to control the media by only allowing organizations access that give him good press. He's hoping this slap on the wrist will get the NY & LA Times, CNN, and other organizations to back off and treat him more favorably, so he'll give them access again. Like ATACdawg said, this will probably backfire.

    Even Fox News is supporting the free press, CNN, and other news outlets. Even Fox news is supporting the complaints about the administration in this situation.

    Both Shepard Smith and John Roberts of Fox have spiken out in support of the press and against the administration. Smith has said repeatedly that CNN is not fake news. He said fake news refers to fake news organizations publishing completely fake stories, hoping they get shared enough on social media, so that the public thinks they are legitimate news organizations and stories.

    Fox News’ Shepard Smith: ‘CNN’s reporting was not fake news’ http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIw-Z_Qsz…

  • HoHoHoDetwaah
    8 years ago

    This article quotes John Roberts saying that Fox supports the complaint against the White House.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    We in Chicago are celebrating the the Tribune was also denied access. For those who don't know, the Chicago Tribune is a moderately conservative newspaper, but not to the total exclusion of liberal ideas when it comes to issues like freedom of the press. To be lumped in with the NY Times and Washington Post is a real feather in its cap.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Some think Trump is trying to control the press, but the opposite has been true for a long time. Trump is a tiger with different stripes and few seem able to handle him. He's tired of doing nothing at all and letting the press do anything and everything they desire. Including putting forth their own agenda. Which is not Trump's agenda. Why the hell not do something to attempt to set things straight (i.e., a little balance in the equation between Trump and the press).

    As it looks these days, the White House press doesn't do anything at all except listen to the briefings and then report what they want, factual or not, that is up for debate. Make the press actually work and act like journalists again, not like political hacks.

    Currently, and for quite some time now, journalists rank right down near the bottom along with Congress and Hollywood in my book. Wouldn't cross the street to piss on any of them.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    The news needs to report the facts and stick to: who, what, when, where, why, and how. The press also needs to run stories that aren't flatting to President Obama and to President Trump. The latter is a valid criticism the right does have of the press. Just report the facts.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Are you talking to tittyfag(dot)? If so that quote is pretty funny. Let's see, tittyfag(dot) doesn't care that vinceygirl lied about military service in Vietnam-even said so in so many words, but we are supposed to believe that tittyfag(dot) holds "truth" as on one of his highest values and that's why he doesn't like Trump? Seems to me he doesn't care much for truth else he would carry about vinceygirl's lies.

    Now let's see him try to weasel his way out of that one.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago

    Lol! Too easy!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I momentarily took tittyfag(dot) off his ignore to see how he would respond to me pointing out the contradictions in his logic. As expected he had absolutely nothing. See if you stick to the truth and logic you always win in the long run. Their side might get to have their little circle jerks short term, but it's always ephemeral for them. (Or should I say eFEMEral?) That's all you have to do to put tittyfag(dot): stick to logic and the truth and there is nothing to it.

    In any case, he is back on ignore. He had his two minute there and came up with... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING... as I expected.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    OP wrote: "This is scary. This sounds like something you would read about in Russia, China, or North Korea."
    So far this just amounts to picking a fight with the press rather than shutting it down. Trump needs to pick a fight with someone -- anyone -- to deflect attention away from his administration which hasn't accomplished anything yet. It appeals only to his base supporters who eat up fake news and conspiracy theories. Right @SkiBirther?

    I would worry more if he succeeds in expanding libel laws against the press. That would require going through the Supreme Court or amending the constitution, and that's probably not going to happen:


    You can begin to really worry if libel laws are expanded. Or if you see NY Times editorial writers floating face down in the Hudson river....
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    *more concerned
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    "The press" is NOT an organized unit with an agenda. Different media outlets have different points of view, and obviously this varies. Fox "news" is not going to sound like CNN after all. Mainstream news outlets like the major newspapers and networks do not collude to forward any agenda and that's a mistake Trump continues to make. In his mind, except for the sycophants, they're all out to get him.

    Maybe he should try growing up as opposed to being a paranoid schizophrenic.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Let's be real clear what Trump is doing is just a bit of bullying and the so called press can take care of themselves quite well. Like Random said he can't change the libei laws or throw reporters in jail it's a pretty symbiotic relationship he gets the attention he craves and the press gets more eyeballs which equal more money I would be more sympathetic if either side just reported the facts no spin.
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