After a six month sabbatical that he refuses to disclose any details of, Dougster is once again serving his essential and only function of calling Rick a fag every hour on the hour
We have more trolls than Rosie O'Donnell has fat cells
Skibum made his first ever funny post
Shadowcat still doesn't cum when he cums
Nina still claims to be the only Detroit stripper in existence who makes a decent living without providing extras
Papi knows every fact about every black strip club in Miami
last commentHere are some recent highlights
Motörhead has disappeared
Juice is not black
Shailynn and I both have a DC
SJG's identity was revealed but nobody cares
After a six month sabbatical that he refuses to disclose any details of, Dougster is once again serving his essential and only function of calling Rick a fag every hour on the hour
We have more trolls than Rosie O'Donnell has fat cells
Skibum made his first ever funny post
Shadowcat still doesn't cum when he cums
Nina still claims to be the only Detroit stripper in existence who makes a decent living without providing extras
Papi knows every fact about every black strip club in Miami
Desertscrub is the new moderator
Emily is hot.
Welcome back.
Whoa, whoa, whoa... hold up...
Emily's hot? Did she provide pics???
Damn. I missed that!
HotTuna! HotTuna! HotTuna!
Holy Shit did founder release a sex tape with Emily or summerthing
Sadly, I have not yet seen Emily's breasts. But I recently noticed that she propped me a few months ago so we're very close.