One night stand sites legit??
I came across this website Craigslist and it advertises local girls in your area under Casual Encounters, you email and meet up with them and supposedly have "fun" it posts pictures of ordinary girls. Most of these women look like real women not escorts, i was wondering if anyone has any experience with this site or knows any better hook-up sites like it??……
- Never reply to a request for your real email address until you've verified that it's a real person who really wants to fuck. What constitutes "verification" might vary from ad to ad.
- Requests for your pics should not be honored until you've verified that it's a real person.
- Ads with a local phone number, however obfuscated, are more likely to be real.
- Ads that have a location of something other than the general area are more likely to be real. For instance, here locally, an ad with "Okalona" is more likely to be real than one with "Louisville," all else being equal.
- Ads with out of area phone numbers might be real, but are more likely to be actual escorts or traffickers.
- Any ad with duplicate pictures is fake.
- Any ad with text that looks like it was pasted from multiple ads is fake.
- Any ad with tons of white space at the end is fake.
- Any ad that responds to your note with any variant of "if you're real, email me at..." is fake.
- Any ad, or a response to your note, with English that looks like it was created using google translate is fake.
- Any ad that says they're some age, some body type, or any other characteristics but has a picture that doesn't reflect those characteristics is fake.
- Most ads with pics are fake. Exceptions might be if it includes a local phone number.
- Ads in the other sections, e.g. ww4m, mw4m, etc., are more likely to be real than those in w4m. I've also found some w4m in the m4m section; as long as the the poster includes "w4m" in the ad, it will show up in the search when you search for "w4m".
That's not something I'm going to easily find in strip clubs here. Not without a decent investment, anyway. If it pans out, I've only spent some email correspondence time.