1. Nominate someone from his list of justices to replace Antonin Scalia The Promise:
“I am looking to appoint judges very much in the mold of Justice Scalia. I'm looking for judges — and I've actually picked 20 of them so that people would see.”
Update January 31st, 2017: Trump nominates Neil Gorsuch to fill empty Supreme Court seat left by Scalia
2. Slash federal regulations The Promise:
"A requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existingregulations must be eliminated."
Update January 31st, 2017: Trump signs executive order directing that for every new regulation, two be repealed
3. Place lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign government The Promise:
"I'm going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government and I'm going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered for in lobbyists from raising money in American elections and politics.”
Update January 30th, 2017: Trump signs order placing lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign government
4. Stop TPP The Promise:
"I'm going to issue our notification of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership."
Update January 23rd, 2017: Trump orders TPP withdrawal
1. Guarantee 6-week paid leave (Result: Not Yet) 2. Repeal Obamacare (Result: In The Works) 3. Build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it (Result: In The Works) 4. Suspend immigration from terror-prone places (Result: In The Works) 5. Stop TPP (Result: Kept)
I want to stay above the rancorous political debate, but if I didn't I would point out that Trump is an ignorant, obnoxious clown who's only accomplishment is sucking Putin's dick.
Let's see...make Mexico pay for the wall. LIE. You and I will pay for it every time we buy a Mexican import. Ban Muslims from coming to the US? Nope. Despite liberals protesting, Muslims are not banned. Repeal Obamacare? Nope...in fact he's going to keep the provisions and just call it Trumpcare or something. Get a SC justice to repeal abortion? Gorsuch is very unlikely to do that.
Trump makes a lot of noise, but he's finding out what Obama found out: the only way to get anything done is by executive order. I remember conservatives wanting to string up Obama for using that power and calling it an unconstitutional over-reach if they didn't like the order. Where are those guys today? Oh yes, applauding. Apparently xenophobia is more popular than government funded birth control.
Like under Obama, the courts are the arbiter of what the President can and cannot do by executive order and like Obama, Trump will lose some of his actions in court, as we have already seen.
Schadenfreude | Definition of Schadenfreude by Merriam-Webster Merriam-Webster › dictionary › schaden... Definition of schadenfreude for English Language Learners. : a feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing about the troubles of other people.
They will be crying soon enough don't worry time wounds all heels.
Actually, Trump has not been illegally using executive orders to circumvent existing laws, which Obama is guilty of having done. Trump has simply used executive orders to undo the unlawful executive orders and actions illegally implemented by Obama. If I were Trump, I would have a list compiled of every single executive document, placement, appointment, and signature executed by Obama from the end if his term to 30 days before the election. I would then go through it line by line to determine what needs to be countermanded and who needs to be fired.
Last Fall, the gloating left wing news published article, after article about the demise of the Republican party. Where do the Reublicans go from here theyy sneered: And the classic demographics will make you irrelevant. If I look worldwide and see Brexit and the rise of the right. Will LePen win? I see Putin as a totalitarian, who took over on the world stage as we bumbled around the world the last eight years. I see Socialist Venezuela crumbling. So those who make smarmy comments about who gets harmed in the future seem frightened to me, as if they are beginning to realize that as an exploding world populace fights over diminishing resources people will become more nationalistic and progressives, who support others over Americans don't stand a chance. The only caveat is that as always, people with money, no matter their politics, will be just fine.
The melt down on the left has been quite hilarious. While I agree with a lot of their general points, it's not nearly as bad as they are making it seem. This isn't the start of a "new holocaust" as one liberal whacko tried to tell me.
On the other side I see some of my conservative friends using ludicrous logic and saying things they never would have said 12 months ago to justify some of what Trump has done. I also see a lot of others tugging at their collars as Trump does a lot of the things they were sure he wouldn't actually do.
I happily sit in the middle neither thrilled nor terrified, mostly just amused.
rockstar666 --> "Trump is drowning and they have no idea. He won't even last a year at this rate."
President Trump had better last longer than that. President Pence sounds even less appealing.
Granted I will give the dude some credit. Sure he signed the ridiculous religion freedom law in Indiana but after the backlash (especially from corporations, pulling out of Indiana events) -- the law was a mean spirited attempt to legal discrimination against gays -- he did make right and signed updated legislature to neuter that stupid law. So I give him credit for that. He'll make practical religious freedom compromises. but still I prefer President Trump to a President Pence, YMMV.
After Trump had garnered the nomination, I wondered - hopefully- if maybe his intention would be to win the presidency, govern for a year or two, and then step down and allow a truly classy leader like Pence to take over. In contrast to Dom, I really admire Pence. His wife is ugly as hell, but he seems to be a truly dignified and classy politician. Furthermore, I do not see protecting peoples' religious liberties as anti-gay or discriminatory. If Muslims can be allowed to apply Sharia law in the US - and there are courts that do this- then what harm can there be in an evangelical cake shop turning away business?
People here talk about Trump not getting things done and that its like Obama not getting things done. They seem to have gotten the same amount done, except it too Obama 8 years and Trump less that 2 weeks. Simple fact is that no empire lasts forever and that those of you who had kids are leaving this world in worse shape than your parents did to you. Shame on all y'all. There is no doubt in my mind t hat if America is here in 40 -60 years there will be a movement to amend the Constitution to endorse Sharia as the law of the land. This is the true demographic time bomb in the west that Progressives are simply too ignorant to understand.
skihomo609: "you who had kids are leaving this world in worse shape than your parents did to you."
You out of your mind if you think the world is in worse shape now than it was 30 years ago or whatever parrot the party line non-sense you are talking about. World has never been better. (Now, of course, you'll try to refute by finding one or two minor things that are worse and ignoring the 100s that are better. I know the way people on your side operate!)
You don't just wave a magic wand and lower taxes. You build a budget. You look for excesses and unnecessaries. You plan cuts. You see what the revenue needs will actually be. Then you cut income (taxes). And this all has to be done in concert with congress. It's too early to call "liar", so settle down and watch.
Trump would never do anything reasonable. Neither would Paul Ryan.
If they want to grow the economy and create jobs, then they should hire Hillary Clinton. 2% upper income extra tax, making college debt free. These are things which grow the economy.
last commentWho is this Trump dude? Never heard of him...
1. Nominate someone from his list of justices to replace Antonin Scalia
The Promise:
“I am looking to appoint judges very much in the mold of Justice Scalia. I'm looking for judges — and I've actually picked 20 of them so that people would see.”
Update January 31st, 2017: Trump nominates Neil Gorsuch to fill empty Supreme Court seat left by Scalia
2. Slash federal regulations
The Promise:
"A requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existingregulations must be eliminated."
Update January 31st, 2017: Trump signs executive order directing that for every new regulation, two be repealed
3. Place lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign government
The Promise:
"I'm going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government and I'm going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered for in lobbyists from raising money in American elections and politics.”
Update January 30th, 2017: Trump signs order placing lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign government
4. Stop TPP
The Promise:
"I'm going to issue our notification of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership."
Update January 23rd, 2017: Trump orders TPP withdrawal
Top 5 Promises
1. Guarantee 6-week paid leave (Result: Not Yet)
2. Repeal Obamacare (Result: In The Works)
3. Build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it (Result: In The Works)
4. Suspend immigration from terror-prone places (Result: In The Works)
5. Stop TPP (Result: Kept)
Trump makes a lot of noise, but he's finding out what Obama found out: the only way to get anything done is by executive order. I remember conservatives wanting to string up Obama for using that power and calling it an unconstitutional over-reach if they didn't like the order. Where are those guys today? Oh yes, applauding. Apparently xenophobia is more popular than government funded birth control.
Like under Obama, the courts are the arbiter of what the President can and cannot do by executive order and like Obama, Trump will lose some of his actions in court, as we have already seen.
Merriam-Webster › dictionary › schaden...
Definition of schadenfreude for English Language Learners. : a feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing about the troubles of other people.
They will be crying soon enough don't worry time wounds all heels.
LOL! Talk about clueless!
The melt down on the left has been quite hilarious. While I agree with a lot of their general points, it's not nearly as bad as they are making it seem. This isn't the start of a "new holocaust" as one liberal whacko tried to tell me.
On the other side I see some of my conservative friends using ludicrous logic and saying things they never would have said 12 months ago to justify some of what Trump has done. I also see a lot of others tugging at their collars as Trump does a lot of the things they were sure he wouldn't actually do.
I happily sit in the middle neither thrilled nor terrified, mostly just amused.
President Trump had better last longer than that. President Pence sounds even less appealing.
Granted I will give the dude some credit. Sure he signed the ridiculous religion freedom law in Indiana but after the backlash (especially from corporations, pulling out of Indiana events) -- the law was a mean spirited attempt to legal discrimination against gays -- he did make right and signed updated legislature to neuter that stupid law. So I give him credit for that. He'll make practical religious freedom compromises. but still I prefer President Trump to a President Pence, YMMV.
You out of your mind if you think the world is in worse shape now than it was 30 years ago or whatever parrot the party line non-sense you are talking about. World has never been better. (Now, of course, you'll try to refute by finding one or two minor things that are worse and ignoring the 100s that are better. I know the way people on your side operate!)
If they want to grow the economy and create jobs, then they should hire Hillary Clinton. 2% upper income extra tax, making college debt free. These are things which grow the economy.