Not sure when this video came out but I think it's pretty current. It's a dash cam video of a cop trying to arrest a suspect.
The suspect is holding a shot gun out in front of him as he is standing in front of the cop yelling at the cop to shoot him and to kill him. The cop is drawn down on the suspect but refuses to shoot him and just keeps yelling for him to put the gun down.
Eventually the suspect gets distracted for a split second and then gets taken down.
The cop did a great job holding onto his composure but some people are commenting how if the guy was black he would have been shot.
They may have a point but there's a couple differences:
The guy has a shot gun and it's pointed up at the sky. Most of the police shootings involve a hand gun. It takes far less time to aim and shoot a hand gun that it does a shut gun that requires two hands. The cop would have a lot longer to react if the suspect started lowering the gun into a shooting position.
The suspects hand doesn't appear to be near the trigger either.