Obama has been taking it up the ass from Putin for 8 years while he sucks chinese cock. just a point of reference since I expected no better from Obama.
Obama has been bow and bending over for 8 years to every tin pot thug in the world. Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama have been making the USA take it up the ass from the UN for the last 28 years and it is time for it to stop. I am tired of small time punk regimes condemning us while lining their pockets with our money. Pour those billions of "foreign aid" money into energy research, infrastructure and the military instead of the pockets of enemies and cronies. If the world does not want us to "interfere" then they do not want our money! The money for nothing the USA throws around needs to stop. You take our money you buy our products and you at least do not condemn us or no more money.
Trump & Pence are fucking morons and represent you guys very well. You guy repeat the bullshit fed to you like the obedient twits you are and kneel before your masters while thanking them as they piss in your mouths.
The absolute best thing about the moron and chief is that he will guarantee a return to the left in 2020 and that skanky cunt Hillary will be completely out of the picture so we'll have a good chance of returning to some semblance of respect again. The way I look at it is hooray for the idiots and trailer park trash cuz the 1% are going to fleece this country like never before and when the dust settles and the only fucking thing you own is your precious Glock you can stick it in your toothless mouth and pull the trigger "BLAM".
Good fucking riddance. News flash! You redneck shit piles are not the middle class in this country. Oh you may scream louder and be better bullies than the rest of us but for Christ sake would it hurt you to wipe your ass and brush your teeth once and a while? I can smell your stench even through my internet connection and even though I'll swerve to miss a squirrel in the street I'd gladly run your lice infested asses over just to hear the crunch of your bones under my tires.
So have your fun for the next four years and party it up while the moron and chief's robbing you blind, pissing on your heads, fucking you up the ass and selling your daughters to the highest bidder... WooooHoooo Motherfuckers!
As a member of WWC, I'm optimistic for President Trump but then again I was optimistic for President Obama, too. I'd like to see more of the corporate profits shared among the working class that you know actually works instead of just lining CEOs, legal, senior mgmt, and investors' pockets.
I do agree with some of the other conservatives that the welfare to the those who are unappreciative (foreign contras, foreign aid, US corporations, poor who don't work, all needs to end or at least get ratcheted down.
I'm also optimistic that President Trump isn't going to waste time waging against lost battles (women's reproductive rights, gay marriage rights, etc).
I was really surprised when he pledged to keep support for Medicare (the doughnut hole for medicare prescriptions, which is really just corporate welfare for big pharma, but w/e) and support for medicaid. I personally support short-term medicaid but not long term (I was on it for 8 months as a kid, personally that's enough for most families). Again, medicaid just seeks to distort wages downward in the market.
He's got enough on his plate with the line items the other conservatives have outlined. .. many of which I agree with. So maybe we're not as far apart as we seem?
I don't know much about MondoGoGo, but I like his or her style.
The hatred, vitriol, hypocrisy, presumptiveness, and bias of posters like MondiGoGo is music to my ears. I love watching libtards freak out with their Trump Derangement Syndrome.
When Obama took office, his supporters acted like he was a political savior who would fix everything.
Turns out, he didn't. The President doesn't have that power. Not really.
Eight years later, Trump supporters are acting like he's a political savior who will fix everything.
He won't. The President still doesn't have that power.
That said, it's been interesting that some of my more nervous left-leaning friends have been quietly pressing me for information on the dynamics of gun ownership.
Ha Ha Ha @gammanu95 thinks I'm a liberal. How funny... His inbreeding has resulted in a binary sense of the world where everything is either black or white. It's exactly that kind of mental retardation that's got us in the position we're in. In reality Mr gammanu95 I am not a liberal by the strictest definition, although I suspect that I am more liberal than you, I am a rational thinking American citizen who actually gives a shit about what right for this country, my community and my family.
I realize that that's a lot to take in given your pre-dispossession to drink from the fountain of piss and spew the rancor of your masters. Slaves like you frankly are the dead bodies over which soulless fucks like Trump climb to their penthouse suites flicking the ashes of their $100 cigars in your eyes. The wonder of it is that even as you lay prostrate in the pool of your own vomit you still think that you too might one day ascend to that penthouse. And that my friend is why you and the millions of other lab rats like you put morons like Trump into power.
You fucking idiots are the labotimized hamsters that turn the wheels of his engine and have absolutely zero chance of ever making it into the penthouse unless it's to serve as a rag to wipe the gilded shit from his ass. But hey keep dreaming dumb ass and in 4 years when this made for TV reality show ends this country will have had enough of the farce and hopefully return to center where fiscal responsibility rules, civility reigns and intelligence resurfaces.
Oh shit its almost 10 and the nurse is on her way with my meds. I sure hope I get to go out into the exercise yard today...... Ha Ha HA HA HA HA
Have liberals set up their safe spaces where they can hide from tv's showing the inauguration? Comfort each other that they'll be able to make it through the next four years if they are strong?
--> "You fucking idiots are the labotimized hamsters that turn the wheels of his engine and have absolutely zero chance of ever making it into the penthouse unless it's to serve as a rag to wipe the gilded shit from his ass."
^^ This is pretty much the American Dream, anymore.
President Obama sold some of us a vision that he would fundamentally change the way Washington worked (money, corruption, campaign finance, et al. ). It did seem to turn out that he didn't have the power as President to change it, nor once he had the power himself, he seemed to no longer agree what any of it needed changing. I think President Trump sold many of the same Obama supporters a similar bill of goods ("Drain the Swamp") that he too won't be able to deliver on.
So I guess not much changes. :-/
The safe spaces comment is ridiculous but then again there are people that actually do think like that (who need safe spaces to calm their tender sensitivities and emotions). What a bunch of faggots. The John Wayne comments are spot on, too. :)
Wow....kudos to MondoGoGo! It's rare anyone but a far right conservative can construct an eloquent flame, and that's only because they have had so much practice. The most ironic thing in this President is that he will hurt the most the segment of society that elected him (white poor stupid people), and they will cheer him on as they lose their insurance, minimum wage and social services.
I actually think I might be best for us as a country and a society to lose some of us social services. Hear me out! I'm as much for the safety net as the next guy. But:
1. I do have to admit that the continued use of the social services causes a certain type of person to lose a little self reliance. See "poor" people in person helped affirm that.
2. Since FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society, the appetite and tolerance of the rich and affluent (and corporations) to pay for all of this has dwindled to lowest desires I've seen in my 39 years. The wealthy wants to keep "MAH MOONIE" and they are systematically using politicians to dismantle this and run dis-information campaigns to smear the moochers. We are t going back to 50% let alone 90% tax rates to help pay for all of this. I think the final pains and guilt from the industrialists over the Great Depression is gone.
I think we actually shot ourselves in the foot by NOT going into a recession in 2008. Had we done that it would have given the 0.1% and the rest of the top 10% a bit of empathy for those on the bottom. The train of empathy has left he station. The rich have no more fucks to give.
A depression would have also given the rest of us some perspective on the value of the dollar, what it means to have nothing, and how good we actually do have it sometimes. This set of different expectations is what makes the Greatest Generation (1910-1924) a little different that the later generations (Everyone born after 1925 or so).
3. Continued use of social services just encourages more low paying jobs which perpetuates the cycle and perpetuates poverty. It's not that employers would pay more, I think people would be more incentivized to get skills, or work less low paying jobs, hustle for themselves, or string together a bunch of low paying jobs. Basically I think social services just encourage corporations to expand and create more crappy jobs versus more regional or local higher paying ones or people just doing their own thing (hustling). It would be a different kind of growth and less emphasis on stuff or accumulation of Chinese built junk.
4. I think rich people (post-Great-Depression) have lost the stomach for the welfare state / income redistribution for 87 years, so we might as well take the hint and adapt before SHTF.
And social services, along with other types of government spending, is what keeps the middle wage tier of jobs in place. Anyone wanting us to lose that and go the way of most every other society throughout history, dividing into the very rich and the very poor?
"To separate the deserving from the undeserving... and to do so by creating a stigma attached to those they consider undeserving. It is very similar to Psychiatry. The moment you introduce Psychiatry, remember Michel Foucault, and the story about the madhouse, you create a narrative of reason and unreason, you create a power structure. The person who has the certificate to be the Psychiatrist decides who is sane and who has the right to be a free citizen."
I am tired of small time punk regimes condemning us while lining their pockets with our money. Pour those billions of "foreign aid" money into energy research, infrastructure and the military instead of the pockets of enemies and cronies. If the world does not want us to "interfere" then they do not want our money!
The money for nothing the USA throws around needs to stop. You take our money you buy our products and you at least do not condemn us or no more money.
Hail to the Chief!
Hillary for prison.
Deport Obama.
Defund the UN.
The absolute best thing about the moron and chief is that he will guarantee a return to the left in 2020 and that skanky cunt Hillary will be completely out of the picture so we'll have a good chance of returning to some semblance of respect again. The way I look at it is hooray for the idiots and trailer park trash cuz the 1% are going to fleece this country like never before and when the dust settles and the only fucking thing you own is your precious Glock you can stick it in your toothless mouth and pull the trigger "BLAM".
Good fucking riddance. News flash! You redneck shit piles are not the middle class in this country. Oh you may scream louder and be better bullies than the rest of us but for Christ sake would it hurt you to wipe your ass and brush your teeth once and a while? I can smell your stench even through my internet connection and even though I'll swerve to miss a squirrel in the street I'd gladly run your lice infested asses over just to hear the crunch of your bones under my tires.
So have your fun for the next four years and party it up while the moron and chief's robbing you blind, pissing on your heads, fucking you up the ass and selling your daughters to the highest bidder... WooooHoooo Motherfuckers!
I mean it's not like he has the power to start World War 3 or something!
Oh, wait..
I do agree with some of the other conservatives that the welfare to the those who are unappreciative (foreign contras, foreign aid, US corporations, poor who don't work, all needs to end or at least get ratcheted down.
I'm also optimistic that President Trump isn't going to waste time waging against lost battles (women's reproductive rights, gay marriage rights, etc).
I was really surprised when he pledged to keep support for Medicare (the doughnut hole for medicare prescriptions, which is really just corporate welfare for big pharma, but w/e) and support for medicaid. I personally support short-term medicaid but not long term (I was on it for 8 months as a kid, personally that's enough for most families). Again, medicaid just seeks to distort wages downward in the market.
He's got enough on his plate with the line items the other conservatives have outlined. .. many of which I agree with. So maybe we're not as far apart as we seem?
I don't know much about MondoGoGo, but I like his or her style.
Rockstar666, Agreed.
Turns out, he didn't. The President doesn't have that power. Not really.
Eight years later, Trump supporters are acting like he's a political savior who will fix everything.
He won't. The President still doesn't have that power.
That said, it's been interesting that some of my more nervous left-leaning friends have been quietly pressing me for information on the dynamics of gun ownership.
So, there's that.
I realize that that's a lot to take in given your pre-dispossession to drink from the fountain of piss and spew the rancor of your masters. Slaves like you frankly are the dead bodies over which soulless fucks like Trump climb to their penthouse suites flicking the ashes of their $100 cigars in your eyes. The wonder of it is that even as you lay prostrate in the pool of your own vomit you still think that you too might one day ascend to that penthouse. And that my friend is why you and the millions of other lab rats like you put morons like Trump into power.
You fucking idiots are the labotimized hamsters that turn the wheels of his engine and have absolutely zero chance of ever making it into the penthouse unless it's to serve as a rag to wipe the gilded shit from his ass. But hey keep dreaming dumb ass and in 4 years when this made for TV reality show ends this country will have had enough of the farce and hopefully return to center where fiscal responsibility rules, civility reigns and intelligence resurfaces.
Oh shit its almost 10 and the nurse is on her way with my meds. I sure hope I get to go out into the exercise yard today...... Ha Ha HA HA HA HA
^^ This is pretty much the American Dream, anymore.
President Obama sold some of us a vision that he would fundamentally change the way Washington worked (money, corruption, campaign finance, et al. ). It did seem to turn out that he didn't have the power as President to change it, nor once he had the power himself, he seemed to no longer agree what any of it needed changing. I think President Trump sold many of the same Obama supporters a similar bill of goods ("Drain the Swamp") that he too won't be able to deliver on.
So I guess not much changes. :-/
The safe spaces comment is ridiculous but then again there are people that actually do think like that (who need safe spaces to calm their tender sensitivities and emotions). What a bunch of faggots. The John Wayne comments are spot on, too. :)
1. I do have to admit that the continued use of the social services causes a certain type of person to lose a little self reliance. See "poor" people in person helped affirm that.
2. Since FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society, the appetite and tolerance of the rich and affluent (and corporations) to pay for all of this has dwindled to lowest desires I've seen in my 39 years. The wealthy wants to keep "MAH MOONIE" and they are systematically using politicians to dismantle this and run dis-information campaigns to smear the moochers. We are t going back to 50% let alone 90% tax rates to help pay for all of this. I think the final pains and guilt from the industrialists over the Great Depression is gone.
I think we actually shot ourselves in the foot by NOT going into a recession in 2008. Had we done that it would have given the 0.1% and the rest of the top 10% a bit of empathy for those on the bottom. The train of empathy has left he station. The rich have no more fucks to give.
A depression would have also given the rest of us some perspective on the value of the dollar, what it means to have nothing, and how good we actually do have it sometimes. This set of different expectations is what makes the Greatest Generation (1910-1924) a little different that the later generations (Everyone born after 1925 or so).
3. Continued use of social services just encourages more low paying jobs which perpetuates the cycle and perpetuates poverty. It's not that employers would pay more, I think people would be more incentivized to get skills, or work less low paying jobs, hustle for themselves, or string together a bunch of low paying jobs. Basically I think social services just encourage corporations to expand and create more crappy jobs versus more regional or local higher paying ones or people just doing their own thing (hustling). It would be a different kind of growth and less emphasis on stuff or accumulation of Chinese built junk.
4. I think rich people (post-Great-Depression) have lost the stomach for the welfare state / income redistribution for 87 years, so we might as well take the hint and adapt before SHTF.
And social services, along with other types of government spending, is what keeps the middle wage tier of jobs in place. Anyone wanting us to lose that and go the way of most every other society throughout history, dividing into the very rich and the very poor?
This is what Dougster wants.
Yanis Varoufakis: Basic Income is a Necessity