[OT] Best and Worst of Obama

Best: his decisions which helped the market and economy recover after 2008 crash. All the more impressive because going in he just described the fall as unimportant fluctuations. A guy who can change his mind on a major issue is good.
Worst: his (non) handling of Syria.
last commentHis decisions helped the economy recover? Lmao. I notice you listed exactly zero decisions and how they improved the economy while leaving out the fact that only 98% of his "economic gains" came after the Democrats lost control of Congress and the Republicans took control, just the same as they did when Clinton's economy left failed status and moved forward.
^^^skibum-That is actually a complete misrepresentation of the facts you need to look up the shit you spout off about on an independent source, not rely on O'Reilly or Limbaugh to give you a twisted version. Seriously go to Factcheck.org or some non partisan site to get the real truth.
@skibum: His biggest decision was not to nationalize the banks. Others were to support the private/public partnership. To bail out the auto industry. To support infrastructure spending and tax cuts. To bring back the "uptick" rule. The program to allow relief to those underwater on their mortages. Some of these (like the uptick rule) had no impact in reality but the message was clear: he was going to do whatever it took to keep the country out of depression.
He doesn't even remotely have the power to nationalize the banks, so not doing something that he couldn't do means less than zero. His bailing out of t he auto industry caused bankruptcies among the auto suppliers and made wall street a lot of money on the IPO which cost the American taxpayer a lot of money and huge losses. Banktuptcy laws resolve the issue of those greedy, dirty people who were bailed out on the backs of the taxpayers who paid for their greed. We were never headed for a depression in the first place as the only difference between this financial crap and the S+L crisis of the early 80's is that people today are pussies and handle things poorly. He was, is and always will be a total nothing. Twenty five adds less than zero as usual. Angry, ignorant nothing bigot.
Da, fuck? Look what happened to AIG and Lehmann? The Fed and Treasury can nationalize insolvent financial institutions all they want. And even, pretending they couldn't, in an emergency they could just change the laws so they could. Look at TARP they can force them to take loans even if they think the banks think they don't need them.
@ skidum I responded nicely to you but I see that you just want to fight, you are just showing what an ignorant uneducated moron you are. Go fuck yourself you dumb ignorant jackass.
@ Dougster you are wasting your time, that moron is nothing but an alt right wing turd in the middle of the swimming pool. The only way to clean the pool is to drain it and plaster over.
Actually, thanks, skibum, you also reminded me of the bank stress tests that the Treasury required and insisting they build up their capital by offering shares in the market. That was also a big confidence booster.
The President doesn't make the times, the times make the president. He's just one person with an administration that reacts to events with a huge beuracracy behind him telling him what to do. Basically the president is a mouthpiece evident by the upcoming pres elect getting in his last bit of hysteria on social media before they shit him off. Yet anyone who complains about the POTUS is just complaining out of habit. Such a loss of energy. It's like if your gay saying you like to suck cock daily is being way better than gay licking pussy daily. If you're gay, you're gay.
Best of Obama: Killing bin Laden
Worst of Obama: Lack of support for police and lack of leadership regarding recent racial strife.
With respect to economy improving on his watch, most of credit goes to fed pumping cheap money by lowering interest rates. Not anything POTUS did himself, directly.
The man is an empty suit. Always has been.
Best, heavy economic restart spending to restart after 2008 bust.
Obama Care, actually got it passed
Worst, missed moment to nationalize banks.
Economic system unchanged, so more and more people working in shit jobs. So angry that they would vote for a complete nut.
Hank and Cupcakes, body paint!
Swanky San Jose neighborhood, use zoom outs and going back to maps to see where this is. But if you look around there are some funky one of a kind newer houses in there. Would you like to live in such a house? Alone, with wife, with wife and kids?
TJ Street
Robert Reich, total labor market instability! Highly Recommended. 2/3's of America living paycheck to paycheck!
As far as I can see, Obama has been our best President in decades. You would have to go back to LBJ and JFK to find anyone else who even comes close.
Robert B. Reich: Technological Change and the Inevitability of Unconditional Basic Income
^^^ You're the nut job as look here you spout nothing but liberal agenda propaganda! Are you a paid spokesperson for left wing media like CNN's fake news? A loser of an organization...
And you keep pitching Robert reich like he is some sort of Saint who has done nothing but academia and served a term for Clinton's administration only because he's a tiny shriveled up 5'2" weenie panderer. All of his talk spews pandering to the poor and middle class while Robert reich and SJG make $ millions off the backs of these people they claim to be helping. Such a disease liberalism is, and you are more prof of that disease.
Let me see some of those $ millions!
And Gaffigan, sounds like one round of head soaking was not enough.
Robert Reich is good man. Not a hardcore academic economist but still an enormously talented academic on public policy. I used to watch him as a guest on CNBC. He would go on that clod Larry Kudlow Show and argue points without any hostility.
I almost agree with SJG. LBJ wasn't that impressive. But could be the best president since Kennedy. Like I say Trump will have a hard act to follow.
LBJ was a prick. Quite a bit of evidence linking him to JFK's death
Best thing is that self important arrogant prick only has a little over a day left to fuck things up.
Worst? Some have been mentioned and I don't have the time or desire to list others.
I didn't vote for Trump, although I preferred him over the other option, and I don't know what our future holds but he won by the rules against tremendous odds and vitriol and deserves the chance to do it his way without the constant attacks he's already facing.
If JFK didn't get assassinated he wouldn't be thought of in a positive light.
Best: Saving the economy and getting 20 million uninsured people insured.
Worst: Not using the Keystone pipeline as a bargaining chip to get immigration reform.
Best Presidents In My Lifetime:
Everyone else is in the middle.