
OT: My Escort G/F - Sometimes Stalking Pays Off - Part 2

Monday, January 9, 2017 6:47 AM
Several months ago I wrote about an escort I was "stalking". To review, I got a Backpage crush on her from her adds, and was considering calling her to meet and fuck. As I did my normal "background check" via her phone number in a Google search, I stumbled upon an old add she placed in C/L selling some stuff years ago; I was amazed it was even still there. She used her escort phone # which was a mistake! I was able to find her real name through her real email and a link in the add, and then found her FB page. I friended her and slowly made my self known through posts. After a few months, she started reading my FB page and posting back, which was a huge thrill! Then she moved 1500 miles away just as we were getting to the "lets meet" phase, but then moved back. That's where my last post on this ended; This is an update from there. She now lived 1 1/2 hours away from me which was close enough, and she invited me to her place (she doesn't drive). A week later I drove down and we met for the first time. She is highly reviewed on TER so I knew what to expect, and she was exactly that. My dilemma was if I should tell her how we really met or not. The TUSCL response from my first post on this was mostly 'No fucking way!'. Well, we talked for hours and got on really well, so after drinks and a few bowls I told her the whole truth. She seemed really flattered anyone would go to such trouble when I could have just called her in the first place! I said I wanted to meet her as a regular guy, and not as a customer which is why I went about it the way I did and she seemed to appreciate that. Lots of her customers want to date her of course, and she thinks they're mostly scum. It turned out to be a good move on my part because now she really feels safe with me ...she doesn't have to be dishonest about 'what she does for a living' etc. although for the moment she said she's at least temporarily retired. I check BP for her adds and there's been nothing for months and no new reviews so I believe her. I'm sure once she gets settled she'll have to start escorting again as she's broke, but that's okay with me as we're really just FWB's anyway. BTW I did give her $60 once before we met, but no money since. I would if she asked but she doesn't. So yes, you CAN have a g/f who is a sex worker, but it's not for everyone. If you manage to meet them as a non-customer I think it really helps!


  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    I flipped back a couple of channels in your thread history and caught up with the current scenario. Good for you man. I normally wouldn't recommend such a convoluted method, but life is all about risks. Good job
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Nice follow up. Yes you can date a sex worker - but most guys can't handle the "unknown." I "technically" dated my ATF for almost 2 years. During that time I always assumed she would do OTC here and there with guys that would come into the club, we were seeing each other once a month (lived 3 time zones apart) and she was way too much of a nympho to have sex just one weekend a month.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I dated my ATF too and it was a nightmare, mainly because I was "in love" and she wasn't; at least she wasn't with me! I knew in my head not to be jealous of her b/f's (and g/f's for that matter) but to be honest, I just couldn't hack it. My escort g/f is SO much easier! She really does like me, and her past (and future?) don't bother me in the slightest since I'm not really in love with her. Just in lust!!
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Well I've done it before. Their just people, that happen to fuck for cash. You have to be willing to enter a pseudo polygamous relationship is all really. And be prepared a month in advance for inevitable sex and make sure both of you understand each other's rules. For me, it was when it's real romantic time, no work. I don't like the feeling of sloppy seconds.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I do use condoms which is new for me, but I think we may be going BB next time...at her request! She's looking to move again to a Chicago burb near me (she's now an hour's drive), and when she does she'll be working again so maybe I should go BB while I still can!
  • Wow, I'm amazed that you told her and she reacted as well as she did. Glad it worked out the way you had hoped. As long as you can handle the relationship, without jealousy getting to you, then hopefully this will be a happy situation for you for a while. If you don't care that she's an escort, I'm surprised you are checking BP to see if she's still running ads though. If you found a new ad of hers, would that bother you? I saw an old fav of mine recently. She was a stripper. For a while, she was working vanilla jobs and escorting just a little on the side. She lost the vanilla jobs and is now basically escorting full time. She is trying to do it behind her boyfriend's back and even though she lies to cover it up, he has an idea what is going on and it's literally destroying the guy. The last time we were together, he was calling her non-stop and she was playing the voicemails right after he called. The poor guy was crying hysterically and begging her to come home. She finally told him where she was and that she would be home soon. The guy came to get her at the hotel we were staying at. She wouldn't give him the room number, so he was waiting downstairs in the lobby. He called again after waiting for a while and she told him to chill out and she'll be down in 15 minutes. We finished having sex and she left. I know she sees other guys and it's torturing the poor guy. I worry he might overdose or something because he can't handle the fact that his girlfriend is sleeping with guys all over town. After going through this past situation, I don't think I'll see her again. I think I'd feel too guilty if the guy OD'ed or something while we were together. It reminds me of Boogie Nights. First, the husband walks in on his wife, who is having sex with like two or three guys. The woman, rather than apologizing and leaving, yells at her husband and tells him that he's embarrassing her. The guy leaves. Then, it happens again on New Year's Eve and he can't handle it any more and blows his brains out. [view link]
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    ClearHeels: I check for adds just so I know; she needs the money and I'm not going to support her so I expect her to start again. Plus I want to go BB, but not if she's also fucking a couple other guys a day. When I first started this whole thing she was escorting so the fact she's not now is the surprise. When I read her TER reviews, everyone said they had a great time and will repeat. She's very friendly and eager to please which of course I like, especially in bed! It was her reviews as much as her pictures that made me crush on her. And now I have her and I don't even have to pay her! I've never had free and available sex from a sex worker before, so I'm really excited to experience it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Who's that in your avatar, somebody you know? She's cute but then again I have a preference for the dark-look (love dark black hair)
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Papi, she's a "pretend" girlfriend Alex. She's Thai and lives in Thailand; not a sex worker. Her parents are uber rich and she pretty much travels the world every few months. She's the most beautiful girl I ever knew, although in the last year she's become rather fat. I think she better find a husband before she gets any fatter!
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Papi, you'd LOVE her ass...it's now huge! LOL
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    How do you know her, from online/web?
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Yeah, we've become FB friends. She said we'll hook up when she comes to Chicago...she loves fucking white Americans! She goes to NY 2-3 times a year so hopefully next time she'll pop over here for a few days. Pics: [view link]
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    She has a thing for woman's asses as you can see in the link...but if she's bi it's just a little because she's really in to guys.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    nice link, rockstar honestly, Asians usually aren't my thing. but there are always exceptions and she's rather cute. i like her big ass (which is unusual on Asian women IMO) i also like her looooooooong hair. i love the long hair look because its very feminine IMO. and like chulo, i LOVE the dark black hair so she's hot in my book
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Thanks Vikings. I actually have some much 'better' pics of her but they'll remain private!
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    yes. i love black hair too. blonds are just... so blah... !
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    She has a cute face, which of those asses is her ass?
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    <a href="[view link]" target="_blank"><img src="[view link]" alt="image host"/></a>
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    [view link] Ah, hope this worked!
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    not for me.
  • Aravas
    7 years ago
  • MrBater2010
    7 years ago
    He Wait a minute, Is that a 3rd leg in the water?
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Bater, I can assure you she's 100% female...
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