Most unusual nonsexual thing you've ever done with a stripper in the club?

avatar for sflguy123
There is a topic about stripper gifts that got me to post this topic…

Back in the early 1990s I worked at an electronics wholesaler/distributor and gave a stripper a GameBoy for Xmas. That's the only gift I ever bought a stripper.

This was early in my stripping days. I would hang out at the club with her for hours (at no additional charge). When she got another job and left stripping she waited until I came in so she could say bye to me.

Anyway with that setup on a few occasions she brought out the travel version of checkers or connect four and we would play that at the table. I felt so awkward playing childhood games inside a stripclub but it was all her idea. Not something all these years later I ever saw anyone else doing.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Wow - that's pretty weird.

Also early in my PL carrer I used to have a semi l-fave that all of a sudden disappeared from the club for about 2 months - apparently her live-in BF had beat the shit out of her and she was going thru a very deep depression - when I saw her after she came back she looked like the living dead w/ an extremely sad face w/ agony written all over it - I put my Capt-Save-a-Ho hat on and spent my entire 2 hour visit talking w/ her helping her feel better and she opened up a lot and felt better afterwards - as a Capt-Save-a-Ho I wanted ro make sure she didn't leave the night w/o $$$ (we had been talking for most of the night and the club closed at 2 am) so I gave her the $200 I had walked in with and left w/o any dances
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Not too wild...

Stripper was meeting me after her shift for overnight OTC. I had just arrived by flight and it was late, ran to the club to say hi (as I always did) and we were browsing the net using my phone trying to figure out where to get food after she got done.

It was weird, I always did this with her, when I got into town - go to the club, have a 15-30 minute conversation then go to my hotel and wait for her to come. We did this for over a year, at least once a month.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
In the early 2000 maybe till about 2009 there was a stripper that used to go to the pistol range with me a few times a month. The great part about that was that firing one of me pistols would get her so horny that we never made it out to dinner after a few hours at the gun range.
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
I gave a stripper a Bible
avatar for MrBater2010
8 years ago
I gave a stripper a foot rub while we chatted about the weather.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
8 years ago
I was "friends" with a stripper for a while in a city I was working in and stopped in the club almost every night. Some night would sit and watch the ball game, have a couple of drinks and pick on the other girls. She would tell me about which girls were ROB's, which girls were good girls and would only give moderate two way lap dances but were honest about it, She would also tell me which girls were simple turning tricks and which really enjoyed themselves and gave a GFE experience in the back. As we know many girls have daddy issues and think old white guys are safe to have fun with. She never steered me wrong, We would often go have some fun together, face - 6.5, body - 8.5, technique,tightness, personality - 8.5, multiorgasmic - 9+. Over all fun to be with. Some night I would not even get a lat dance but always left something for her time and she knew I did not care if she got dances etc while I was there and on the other hand she would come rescue me when a ROB would not leave me alone. She had several regulars but when no one was around she wanted to be with we would hang out, have a drink and a snack. Many time she bought or brought her own drink with her.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
sounds like a cool girl.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
gridget & avalons07 both brought in birthday cakes & gifts for me and we shared the cake with some of my buddies and other dancers.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
I'm sure I have stories, but I can't think of any. Maybe I don't have interesting non-sexual stories in the club! Even my most interesting non-sexual story outside the club isn't too amazing. I showed up on an abnormally busy day and my new CF-candidate didn't get to spend much time with me, so at the end of the shift she invites me out drinking. Okay, paying for expensive shots for her (and likely her friends) with no chance of even a lapdance isn't exactly making up for it, but I enjoy drinking for the dancers, so what the hell. So I wait til shift is over, we head out and hit the first bar, I buy us shots of something expensive that she orders. I order us another round. Now here's the INTERESTING thing: she stops me as I pull out my wallet, and pays for the round. I buy us a 3rd round. She buys us a 4th round. etc. That's right -- stripper buying customer every other round. Weird, right?

Anyway, she invited me to go drinking with her after her shift whenever I wanted, and I took her up on that a few times. Occasionally we met up with her friends. But the pattern always kept up -- she always bought every other round. She's the one who taught me which bars the strippers hang out in in north beach
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
not bad subraman. any chance you got to mangos south beach miami??? awesome place!
avatar for Imamutt
8 years ago
Tipped her on stage with a bag of coke,
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
justme: north beach in SF, not miami :)
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
Tell her my real name.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
I've thought long and hard about this, the only thing I could come up with was giving a stripper a barefoot rub.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
Can't believe this but when I was single I took a stripper to dinner on her break before she returned to back the club.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I can't decide on just one unusual thing.

ok, I decided.

There was a hot dancer that was like my drinking buddy in a strip club. I bought occasional lap dances from her as well. If she happens to read this, it was in the old Nepals club and the rules for Lust would likely make the club satisfactory for her to work again.

Anyway one evening I asked her if anyone else was having electrical issues in the club. She looked at me strange and asked what I meant. I asked if anyone else was getting a lot of static electricity shocks. It was summer time. She said Only You! I thought it sounded like she doubted me. I decided I would show her. I wasn't going to ground myself before tipping her when she went on stage. I had been touching the metal railing around the stages to discharge electricity before tipping all the girls. I had been doing this for a couple months.

Anyway she went on stage and touched my head. I could feel the electricity shooting out of my head. I heard it too. She got a big jolt. Then she said You shocked me. She seemed surprised. She joked that she was going to call me Electro. I'm wondering if I had too much iron or the shorts I was wearing together with new chairs in the club were just a bad combination. I vote this for most unusual thing I did with a stripper in the club. Sharing electricity.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
My problem went away after giving blood. Now ten other people are likely having weird electrical issues after getting blood. :)
avatar for rickdugan
8 years ago
Sorry, but I'm still stuck on "non-sexual thing"...
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I've played pool with a stripper itc but that's all I can think of.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
I let a stripper spend about an hour braiding my hair once. It's long enough and she did a pretty good job. She was in cosmetology school (what a shock!) so I indulged her and sat quietly while she had at it.
I felt so dirty and used afterwards.
avatar for sshrfrsky
8 years ago
Let a dancer ride me like an animal in VIP. Like on my back . That's it.
avatar for DandyDan
8 years ago
One club I went to had a Ms. Pac-Man video game I played with a stripper once. There is nothing like topless Ms. Pac-Man. That was the warm-up to the mind-altering lapdances she gave later.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
I am not a big guy but I have won drinks by arm wrestling strippers. It is not my thing but it is a fun distraction for all parties concerned.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
I once played ping pong with a stripper in a club. Weirdly, I didn't get any lappers with her even though she was very nice and good-looking and had big breasts.
avatar for AbbieNormal
8 years ago
Several times I've taken a stripper to another strip club after her shift ended. A few were really in to it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
^ yeah - seems like strippers like visiting strip-clubs - I guess they wanna to relax and be entertained for a change
avatar for AnonymousJim
8 years ago
Deuce: One club I frequent has a super posh VIP room. Multiple thousands of dollars per hour. Boggled my mind as to why anyone would go down there. Then a dancer told me about it: It has video & board games, Twister, multiple TVs, a fireplace and whatnot, plus yes, basically no rules and drinks on the house. So if you get a group of guys together that just wants to do bro stuff with any naked women from the club of their choice for a special occasion, then yeah, have them pool their resources and that room could be an awesome time. When I thought about it like that, and not your typical one-on-one room, it made more sense.

Flip side and on topic, once had a girl I routinely got dances from who was feeling ill one night. Had to work to try and pay the bills, but was really struggling with an awful headache. She talked me into a dance, but was really struggling. I let her just sit with her head on my shoulder for the three minutes. Told her to make it up to me some other time.
avatar for goosman
8 years ago
I had a lengthy conversation once with a dancer on how to learn/improve her English.

Also in terms of strippers hanging out at clubs off duty, I've noticed they tip/throw money well. Kind of like when you are eating with someone who works as a waiter/waitress, they always want to leave a big tip.
avatar for wallanon
8 years ago
Her homework?
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
braid my hair and tie my beard in a ponytail, guilty there.

A long time ago, I played Grand Theft Auto with a stripper. She told me she liked to play every time she got off of work and would pretend she was killing / gunning down all of the customers in the club. Said that was the only way she could cope with the job. Fun times.
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