There is a topic about stripper gifts that got me to post this topic…Back in the early 1990s I worked at an electronics wholesaler/distributor and gave a stripper a GameBoy for Xmas. That's the only gift I ever bought a stripper.
This was early in my stripping days. I would hang out at the club with her for hours (at no additional charge). When she got another job and left stripping she waited until I came in so she could say bye to me.
Anyway with that setup on a few occasions she brought out the travel version of checkers or connect four and we would play that at the table. I felt so awkward playing childhood games inside a stripclub but it was all her idea. Not something all these years later I ever saw anyone else doing.
last commentAlso early in my PL carrer I used to have a semi l-fave that all of a sudden disappeared from the club for about 2 months - apparently her live-in BF had beat the shit out of her and she was going thru a very deep depression - when I saw her after she came back she looked like the living dead w/ an extremely sad face w/ agony written all over it - I put my Capt-Save-a-Ho hat on and spent my entire 2 hour visit talking w/ her helping her feel better and she opened up a lot and felt better afterwards - as a Capt-Save-a-Ho I wanted ro make sure she didn't leave the night w/o $$$ (we had been talking for most of the night and the club closed at 2 am) so I gave her the $200 I had walked in with and left w/o any dances
Stripper was meeting me after her shift for overnight OTC. I had just arrived by flight and it was late, ran to the club to say hi (as I always did) and we were browsing the net using my phone trying to figure out where to get food after she got done.
It was weird, I always did this with her, when I got into town - go to the club, have a 15-30 minute conversation then go to my hotel and wait for her to come. We did this for over a year, at least once a month.
Anyway, she invited me to go drinking with her after her shift whenever I wanted, and I took her up on that a few times. Occasionally we met up with her friends. But the pattern always kept up -- she always bought every other round. She's the one who taught me which bars the strippers hang out in in north beach
ok, I decided.
There was a hot dancer that was like my drinking buddy in a strip club. I bought occasional lap dances from her as well. If she happens to read this, it was in the old Nepals club and the rules for Lust would likely make the club satisfactory for her to work again.
Anyway one evening I asked her if anyone else was having electrical issues in the club. She looked at me strange and asked what I meant. I asked if anyone else was getting a lot of static electricity shocks. It was summer time. She said Only You! I thought it sounded like she doubted me. I decided I would show her. I wasn't going to ground myself before tipping her when she went on stage. I had been touching the metal railing around the stages to discharge electricity before tipping all the girls. I had been doing this for a couple months.
Anyway she went on stage and touched my head. I could feel the electricity shooting out of my head. I heard it too. She got a big jolt. Then she said You shocked me. She seemed surprised. She joked that she was going to call me Electro. I'm wondering if I had too much iron or the shorts I was wearing together with new chairs in the club were just a bad combination. I vote this for most unusual thing I did with a stripper in the club. Sharing electricity.
I felt so dirty and used afterwards.
Flip side and on topic, once had a girl I routinely got dances from who was feeling ill one night. Had to work to try and pay the bills, but was really struggling with an awful headache. She talked me into a dance, but was really struggling. I let her just sit with her head on my shoulder for the three minutes. Told her to make it up to me some other time.
Also in terms of strippers hanging out at clubs off duty, I've noticed they tip/throw money well. Kind of like when you are eating with someone who works as a waiter/waitress, they always want to leave a big tip.
A long time ago, I played Grand Theft Auto with a stripper. She told me she liked to play every time she got off of work and would pretend she was killing / gunning down all of the customers in the club. Said that was the only way she could cope with the job. Fun times.