
Looks Like Georgemicrobrain and MisterDouche Are Now Homosexual Lovers

Make sense. They have alot in common being mindless Libertarians and Randroids. And they are both old and stupid.

And, no georgiegirl, wish as you may this is not an invitation for you to suck my cock. As much you want to. The good news, though: Now you have three choice who will let you: RickyBoy, vinceygirl michaels AND MisterDouch!


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    They're good guys, I wish them the best

  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Dougster logic: "When somebody starts using a theme I've originated, it's because they're stupid, unoriginal copycats. When I start using a theme somebody else originated, it's because I'm 'clever' and they're faggots."
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    georgemicrobrain logic: if I imagine that Dougster says something he didn't it sure sounds bad. Hmmm.... can't argue against anything he actually said... I'll just make up something!
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Irony illustrated.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Both of them have me on ignore, which I feel is quite unfair considering the positive influence, constructive comments, and charitable support I've provided on this board. They do, in fact, seem like carbon-copies -- older, mindless, corpulent, Ayn Rand followers and it wouldn't surprise me if @Dong was actually an alias of @Douche. Some of grow up reading comic books, but D&D grew up reading Ayn Rand. I particularly enjoy @Douche when he goes out of his way to point out errors in our grammar and word usage. Indispensable, really.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Atlas Shrugged should be required reading along side the bullshit books that are taught like Plato's Republic,

    "Rand's heroes continually oppose "parasites", "looters", and "moochers" who demand the benefits of the heroes' labor. Shrugged is "an apocalyptic vision of the last stages of conflict between two classes of humanity—the looters and the non-looters. The looters are proponents of high taxation, big labor, government ownership, government spending, government planning, regulation, and redistribution".

    "Looters" are Rand's depiction of bureaucrats and government officials, who confiscate others' earnings by the implicit threat of force ("at the point of a gun"). Some officials execute government policy, such as those who confiscate one state's seed grain to feed the starving citizens of another; others exploit those policies, such as the railroad regulator who illegally sells the railroad's supplies for his own profit. Both use force to take property from the people who "produced" or "earned" it.

    "Moochers" are Rand's depiction of those unable to produce value themselves, who demand others' earnings on behalf of the needy, but resent the talented upon whom they depend, and appeal to "moral right" while enabling the "lawful" seizure by governments. "

    Moochers = the able bodied who CHOOSE to not earn their keep AKA undeserving welfare recipients, companies that only can exist under the protection of the looters.
    Looters = government sanctioned theft of property, earning, ideas and property to enrich themselves and their chosen , union thugs who steal from their members and the companies they extort.
    Producers = persons that produce the ideas, processes, and products that have value including entrepreneurs, business owners and the people the work for them.
    Always remember government produces nothing! It consumers the production of others at a prodigious rate while returning nothing and taking credit for everything.
    Who murdered millions in Germany and Russia in the 30's and 40's? It was not businesses, it was not money, it was not on man! It was the National SOCIALIST Party in power in Germany and the ruling party in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
    The last "president" with his telephone and pen was as close to a dictator as we have ever had yet. I do not think Trump will be worse because congress will not let him and the media hates him.

  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    As I've said before, Atlas Shrugged is allegory, not a blueprint. An illustration of principles using contrived scenarios to make the illustration painfully obvious even to a dullard, not a manual for how to run society.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    georgemicrobrain: " make the illustration painfully obvious even to a dullard"

    Yep, makes it painfully obvious that Ayn Rand was a ninny. As are her Randroid followers like georgemicrobrain.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    In the evenings georgemicrobrain and MisterDouche get together in bed and recite from Atlas Shrugged chapter and verse. This turns them on and then finish the evening by sucking each other before falling asleep. At their very early bed time because they are so old.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    "Both of them have me on ignore, which I feel is quite unfair considering the positive influence, constructive comments, and charitable support I've provided on this board. They do, in fact, seem like carbon-copies -- older, mindless, corpulent, Ayn Rand followers and it wouldn't surprise me if @Dong was actually an alias of @Douche. Some of grow up reading comic books, but D&D grew up reading Ayn Rand. I particularly enjoy @Douche when he goes out of his way to point out errors in our grammar and word usage. Indispensable, really."

    Pretty accurate assessment, @RandomMember.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    For parallel programming:


    CHON - Full Set - Audiotree Live in Austin 2015, Math Rock
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
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