
My wife the "Anti-strip cluber"

New York
When I was young and before I was married, I went to strip clubs once in awhile. Guys don't go because we think we can find a date there, we go for the eye candy, period. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply an idiot. My wife, doesn't want me to go and considers it cheating! She is less than accommodating in bed and sometimes downright awful. Everything else about her I love, and she is beautiful!

So I'm stuck with this dilemma. I have already gone only a couple times in the over 10 years I've been married and because of the guilt I really don't have a good time (ok, maybe a little ;-). But there was a time where it was enjoyable. I almost always go solo because I don't need anyone I know knowing. It's a thrill to go for me since I hardly do anyway, and I really don't see the harm. What should I do gentlemen?


  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I was jacking off all day
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    Why does the South Park Sex addiction episode come to mind?

    Never been married and women seem to run away after 5 years, if they are not leeces, for me. So I ain't much help. Only advice I can give is, don't hide things from her, it isn't going to end well. Try to find here inner freak.

  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Get over the guilt? Have a good time. FFS. It's just naked women.

    Do you need help rationalizing it? If anything it is a better alternative to cheating, esp. if you actually sleeping with the dancers. Your problem is your feminine side is talking. That's not attractive.

    "Take care of business, so you can take care of business." Best advice is ever got.

    FWIW, I'm married, too.

    Welcome to Tuscl forum.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I personally wouldn't feel the tiniest bit guilty. But if you feel guilty to the point that you're not having much of a good time, it seems like that's not an option. Either work through the guilt and have a good time, or (assuming you're not going to engage with your wife to try to change her mind) find some other porn-based outlet
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I agree with MrBater. It usually doesn't end well to hide things from the wife. Mine knows I go. Honestly is usually the best policy.

    Women in monogamous relationships often lose sex drive. To restart it they need sexual novelty. The trope is married couples eventually get BDSM, Dom/Sub, humiliation, swingers parties, etc. there's some truth to that. The sex can get boring without novelty now and again.

    I think I posted a link about this yesterday in fact. So this is timely.

    It also helps to be in shape, if you're after forty. She's more likely to be in the mood if you're still attractive, groomed, and pulled together. Plus you may need to reinvest some emotional capital into the marriage -- like it was when you two were first dating. It helps. You'd be surprised how it helps.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    My definition of cheating is that if you are doing something without your spouses knowledge because you know that he/she would disapprove, your are cheating.

    It's not cheating if you tell your spouse that you are stopping off at the strip club for awhile after work. In this case you would probably wind up sleeping on the couch but if she is that bad in bed, it's not much of a penalty.

    If you are unhappy with your marriage best to end it sooner than later. I made that mistake. Fuck the cost. If you do it early enough in life you have time to recover.
  • K
    8 years ago
    You have my blessing
    You have needs your wife is not fulfilling. You can stay miserable in your marriage, make her miserable and end up in a divorce. Or you can go to strip clubs, fuck a few dancers and save your marriage. I know, you won't fuck the dancers. You just want to look at them. Your comments about her being awful in bed speaks volumes.
    Be discrete. Use protection. Pay to play is good because you know she isn't going to come around trying to break up your marriage.

  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Sleeping on the couch isn't the worst thing. It happens, even to me.
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    I am truly sorry that I don't have good news for you.

    If sex with wifey is lacking after only 10 years, be afraid, be very afraid. Having been there, done that, let me tell you -- it doesn't get better. Every year, it will get a little worse. And worse. And worse . . . your resentment will only grow.

    Your choices now are:

    1.. Divorce ASAP

    2. Suggest counseling -- is there an underlying issue preventing her from being more sexually satisfying/satisfied? Could be physiological. Could be emotional. Could be you (and she just can't find the words to tell you). Could be a symptom of a deeper issue unrelated to physicality.

    3. If irreconcilable sexually, reach an agreement that she either step up her game (just servicing you) or support your SC visits in the spirit that it is NOT cheating. Maybe she can be convinced to join you.

    4. Sneak around for the next 20 years or so and don't get caught. Only spend cash which you have siphoned away surreptitiously. Never miss anything on the home-front of any consequence. Rationalize that your visits are the only thing saving an otherwise mutually beneficial marriage. As the sex with wifey will get less frequent and less satisfying through the years, eventually you will discover the rewarding world of SC extras and you'll never go back to just looking. Continue until your sex drive diminishes to that of a pet rock.

    Sadly, I'm going on more than a decade as #4. My last bingo w wife was 25 months ago (not that I am counting or anything). Many days, I regret my choices, but, at my age, I am not sure that there is another way to go for me. I am waiting for pet rock-time. Still going strong . . .

    You're young and you have options!

    If this is a serious thread -- take a beat and think through what you think you can handle for the long run before you wake one morning and have 25 years of "wedded bliss" behind you.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    certainly at this point mrbater2010 is correct. believe me... if it doesn't work out soon you best separate and maybe soon divorce. hate to say it... but you are probably screwed.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    shadowcat is also correct.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Man up. Tell the bitch to get the fuck out, and then spend all your money in strip clubs.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    as much as you might spend... it is less than divorce much later.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, marriage means fidelity, and this precludes strip clubs. Grow up!

  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i was married 34 and 11 months. cheaper to dump her.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Kudos to justme62 for deciding what is best and proceeding. Although divorce is always hard, and 34 years is a long time, one still has to stand up and do what the know is necessary.


    The Hermetic Hour:

    Dominic77 links about women, outstanding:

  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    pensionking gives excellent advice which I can really add nothing to.

    I will add luckily I travel a lot for work so my strip clubbing is never an issue and I do not club any on my home turf.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    U could always hire Douchester to poison her, be sure to leave one of his cigarette butts on the floor next to the refrigerator,
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Never been married - in my 20s I "assumed" I would get married b/c that is "what you're supposed to do" but I didn't really have a strong desire to - by 30 I felt marriage was just not for me and I looked at my married friends and to me they didn't necessarily look happy and seemed stressed out, many of them subsequently divorced (most of them actually) and some remarried and some didn't but had kids to help raise - by 40 I even stopped dating and having GFs b/c "I didn't wanna cheat on my GFs" but would get tired of being with the same chick.

    FWIW - I think you can still be a good husband and have your needs met on the side - those are genuine needs that will not go away no matter how hard you try - as I said I've never been one to cheat but now that I'm older (47) the alternative of being constantly frustrated cor years is probably worse - it's torture and probably not bealthy mentally, emotionally, and physically - FWIW there lots of married TUSCLers, probably half and most likely more.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    This is easy. You should go to strip clubs befind her back, find a DS, fall in love and spend a quick $150K fucking the hell outta your obsession, get divorced, and then find a DC
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I forgot the most important element. Start smoking weed.
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