first day on job, stripper has a nervous breakdown and bawls on my suit

avatar for s88
This is at an underground SC (is SC an accurate word? brothel? college frat party for old men?) at a mcmansion. Upstairs bedrooms were split with dividers and an additional bed put in each bedroom. Cover was $100. Dancer house fee was $50. Open bar. "dance" prices are $30/15 mins but most girls refuse to give lapdances and just get straight to the sexy, lapdances are too much physical work. The only rule is you must agree what happens upstairs before you go up with the girl. The girls usually ask me what I want. There are bouncers roaming, but they are in street clothes, and they either pretend they are customers or get a nasty attitude and try shove me to the door if you "blow their cover" and talk to them as if they are staff. If the police raid the party, I think all the staff blend into customers/dancers and disappear. If UC LEO is at the party, its very hard for him to tell who is customer and who is staff, only way to tell is who is staff is by watching who is restocking the condoms basket and checking the bedrooms for used rubbers. Clearly the front door, bartenders, coat check, etc are staff, but they all claim they pitching in to throw an "awesome party". Of the dancers, 3 refused to make out (asked me first), 2 said they will DFK but wont take off any clothes (asked me first), 1 just pulled me upstairs without asking what I want, I later OTC DFKed her in Panera for just her meal. The last also pulled me upstairs without asking what I wanted, but this one stopped the fun and made me rethink what I am doing.

She is 5'3" skinny dark Indian with fake tits with super smooth hair. Very dark for Indian, more Sri Lankan looking than North Indian. Not AA. First day on the job as a sex worker, first time ever in a VIP room. I DFKed her, full GFE vibes, and soon I DATYed her till orgasm. I expected she'd push me away and giggle after letting me tease her thighs, like all other strippers do, but no, she smiled at me, I put my tongue under her panties, she grinned more, I then pushed aside her panties, and kept going, she fell back all the way flat and closed her eyes after this. After she orgasmed, she sat up, then started cry, tears running down her face, and told me to cuddle her, and she told me she only took the job because she has a kid, and $3K a mo sugga daddy more than twice her age from SA that she is trying to break up with due to violence. She stained my suit with tears. After holding her sobbing for a bit, she collected herself, and asked for another DATY till orgasm, and I obliged. She then started sobbing again, saying she didnt think the job involved sex, and she cant believe she was here in this sketchy club, her BF called at that time, he didnt know where she was, she didnt pickup, she said she doesnt know what she is doing with her life to be in a place like this, I had to counsel her a bit on why she should be proud to be a sex worker, and she already fucks for $ (her BF). I didnt want this stripper to kill herself tonight. I want to see her in the future. We cuddled and kissed some more, and ate the clock till 1 hr ($30/15 mins, pay the dancer). VIP room time is so cheap at this SC that her sobbing and wanting to cuddle was an acceptable use of my $ and I enjoyed it.

She later told me it was described as a hostess job, just drink and laugh with guys. She has no experience with SCs/sex work before this night. She thought sex was against the rules (I told her it is against the rules, but 100% unenforceable because its a house party with closed doors). Of the guys before me, 1 wanted his dick rubbed with her fishnet stockings, the other sucked her feet, the #3 just cuddled, me #4 DFKed then ate her pussy and gave her 2 Os, #5 wrestled with her in bed and wanted to be dominated by her, she went home after that. We talked alot by text the next day, but she eventually stopped responding to texts to meet me for OTC just-food.

So I broke her extras cherry. Heh. Fortunately she didn't commit suicide that night when she went home, and had a more positive attitude the next day then her sobbing self that night in the bedroom. My Indian stripper box on my bucketlist is now met. She seems to see that night with me as a learning experience, she also told me next time she goes she will demand $60 for 15 mins, she is "too beautiful" for just the base price. Atta girl!


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avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
She cries after round one, then asks for a round 2 and cries again??? That's one very strange woman.
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago

Sounds like sex trafficking is going on there at the "McMansion."
avatar for Sleepwalking
8 years ago
OTC DFKing in exchange for dinner from Panera. Only on TUSCL.

Underground house party strip club? Better watch out. The underground Mexican hat dancing circuit may sue for encroaching on their turf.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Every time I go to Panera I can never pass up a chocolate chip cookie.

avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
Now this is the kind of crazy story that got me reading TUSCL! Brilliant! ;)
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
I used to have a girlfriend who wept after orgasm. It always took her a long time and it was always powerful and loud and then tears. Women are weird.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
My wife used to throw up after sex.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
My wife used to throw up,after sex.

Then she'd fuck me.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
flagooner, she was absolutely the worst lay I've ever had, and I've had some real losers. You can have her. The only guy who would fuck her is just too lazy to masturbate...
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