It has not been proven there is a god or that there is no God.
As far as all you know, I fell asleep and accidentally created this universe because I was bored from living an all powerful existence and you're living my vacation. Seems like a crappy vacation though with no powers. Too much pain and suffering in this vacation. Makes you wonder if God could be a sadist allowing all this pain but doesn't the word sadist imply God is not what we think?
What if God knew the atoms in stars would fuse together and eventually form our planet and our bodies and knows everything else that follows in all possible alternative universes but was bored to death knowing all possible outcomes to everything? Wouldn't that be so boring? Would you like living a life where you already knew everything that was going to happen?ok I'll stop rambling.
You can disprove the existence of God. From the George Carlin skit: "if God can do anything could he create a rock so big that not even he could lift it?" Reductio ad absurdum.
Alien PLs crash landed on Earth and fucked chimpanzees, creating a slave labor force they used to mine gold and build cities. Stupid mutant chimps devolved into Man, who created God in his own image,
@Smith wrote: " If there's no God, where did the star dust come from?" @Dougster wrote: *** SLAM DUNKED THAT FAGGOT GOD !!! *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROFL. Both funny in entirely different ways.
Man has created the image of God so he could understand the idea of power greater than himself ascribing the best and worst attributes of man to God. Therefore the image is limited to man's selfish image. If God created man in his own image then man has yet to grow to the point of understanding what he is and is capable of achieving. Physicists continue to search for the "god particle" but if they find it and it turns out to be the foundation to all matter the next question is what or who create the particle. A scientist that does not think that there is God or at least the possibility that there God is a closed minded hack who predetermines his results and is not to be trusted to produce any results that do not fit his/her bias. The same can be said for any scientist that sates categorically that "Man Made Global Warming is Settled Science" towing official the government line. The problem with research today is the government grants are titled like "Study of the Effects of Man Made Global Temperature Rises" and if your research does not prove the title you will never get another grant. Hence science is stagnated buy government official policy. BTW the official government policy today is the government is all the god you will need and you are a retard if you believe in anything above the government. To quote a big city big government ploiticain "those stupid mid-westerners clinging to there god and guns"
The burden of proof for the existence of god lies with those claiming he does, not with those who refute that claim. That which can be claimed with no evidence may be refuted with no evidence.
GMD speaks the truth here. Logically, the burden of proof is on those who claim god does exist.
Traveler does not understand the god particle. That is a name given to the Higgs Boson for the popular press and it HAS been discovered by the CERN supercollider. It has NOTHING to do with god. The Higgs Boson is an excitation of that Higgs field that permeates the universe and interacts with certain particles like electrons and quarks mass.
But most of the mass in the universe is in proteins and neutrons that get some mass from the Higgs field but most of their mass from E = mc^2 of quark energy. You do believe E = mc^2 don't you?
If not you should know that nuclear energy is based on E = mc^2 so it is ILLOGICAL to not believe in E = mc^2
But Traveler did not behave like a VILE ATTACK DOG so I respect his right to make ILLOGICAL statements. But I think he should actually READ and LEARN about the things he says before he says them.
The initial question of a deity is phrased wrong. We all have a personal deity, but I think this thread is about a creator deity. By this, we mean was our universe created by an intelligence, or was it just the way nature is.
If we were created by an intelligence, then the universe is a fake, Like we are all just programs in some massive computer we call "The Universe". Since any being that can create universes IS a deity, the fact some people think we were created becomes very unsettling. Do we own our own soul?
OTOH, if it's the nature of reality for universes to be created, you might then ask why that is: why there's "something" rather than nothing. Werner Heisenberg answered that question by saying the universe doesn't allow zero energy. There are quantum fluctuations of + and - energy that average zero, but it's possible for enough uncertainty that universes can spawn.
Is Heisenberg a deity?
Of course, you're still stuck with why this is. He only explained the laws; M-Theory is attempting to explain why they are what they are. Bottom line in this approach is no deity, but still too many unanswered questions to say positively. Personally, I think the universe is a fake.
Although Eienstein was not religious, he did say God does not play dice with the universe. To think the universe and man were created by chance is mind boggling
last commentAs far as all you know, I fell asleep and accidentally created this universe because I was bored from living an all powerful existence and you're living my vacation. Seems like a crappy vacation though with no powers. Too much pain and suffering in this vacation. Makes you wonder if God could be a sadist allowing all this pain but doesn't the word sadist imply God is not what we think?
What if God knew the atoms in stars would fuse together and eventually form our planet and our bodies and knows everything else that follows in all possible alternative universes but was bored to death knowing all possible outcomes to everything? Wouldn't that be so boring? Would you like living a life where you already knew everything that was going to happen?ok I'll stop rambling.
yeah like that'll ever happen
@Dougster wrote: *** SLAM DUNKED THAT FAGGOT GOD !!! ***
ROFL. Both funny in entirely different ways.
Physicists continue to search for the "god particle" but if they find it and it turns out to be the foundation to all matter the next question is what or who create the particle. A scientist that does not think that there is God or at least the possibility that there God is a closed minded hack who predetermines his results and is not to be trusted to produce any results that do not fit his/her bias. The same can be said for any scientist that sates categorically that "Man Made Global Warming is Settled Science" towing official the government line. The problem with research today is the government grants are titled like "Study of the Effects of Man Made Global Temperature Rises" and if your research does not prove the title you will never get another grant. Hence science is stagnated buy government official policy. BTW the official government policy today is the government is all the god you will need and you are a retard if you believe in anything above the government.
To quote a big city big government ploiticain "those stupid mid-westerners clinging to there god and guns"
Traveler does not understand the god particle. That is a name given to the Higgs Boson for the popular press and it HAS been discovered by the CERN supercollider. It has NOTHING to do with god. The Higgs Boson is an excitation of that Higgs field that permeates the universe and interacts with certain particles like electrons and quarks mass.
But most of the mass in the universe is in proteins and neutrons that get some mass from the Higgs field but most of their mass from E = mc^2 of quark energy. You do believe E = mc^2 don't you?
If not you should know that nuclear energy is based on E = mc^2 so it is ILLOGICAL to not believe in E = mc^2
But Traveler did not behave like a VILE ATTACK DOG so I respect his right to make ILLOGICAL statements. But I think he should actually READ and LEARN about the things he says before he says them.
Great thread! Both intentional humor (@ImaMutt, @Alucard, @Dougster) and unintentional humor (@Smith, @TiredArgument).
If we were created by an intelligence, then the universe is a fake, Like we are all just programs in some massive computer we call "The Universe". Since any being that can create universes IS a deity, the fact some people think we were created becomes very unsettling. Do we own our own soul?
OTOH, if it's the nature of reality for universes to be created, you might then ask why that is: why there's "something" rather than nothing. Werner Heisenberg answered that question by saying the universe doesn't allow zero energy. There are quantum fluctuations of + and - energy that average zero, but it's possible for enough uncertainty that universes can spawn.
Is Heisenberg a deity?
Of course, you're still stuck with why this is. He only explained the laws; M-Theory is attempting to explain why they are what they are. Bottom line in this approach is no deity, but still too many unanswered questions to say positively. Personally, I think the universe is a fake.…