As anybody with half a brain (ok...that excludes Doogie an' most o' the conservadudes...) know that the 1848 question was stoooopid. But once China destroys our armed forces and takes over America, deposing Trump and expelling the Russian oligarchs, they will reverse a certain treaty.
Can y'all guess what treaty that might be Doogie? Pull out volume G of your trusty World Book...
Nice try jestie, but we also know about your love for RickyBoy so try as you may to deny it, does not seem like "asshat" is an obstacle to you having a love affair with anyone here.
last commentYou know, when you thought your parents said you had "ass burgers" you misunderstood them!
BOOOOM!!! Zippycup wins again!
That takes 'shit for brains' award of the day away from Dugly.
But I was testin' Doogie. Guess he didn't read 'bout the Mexican-American war in his 1977 World Book encyclopedia's.
BOOM!!! Zippycup wins again!