
Tijuana In-Depth

My intention with this discussion is to elaborate on san_jose_guy's posts about Tijuana. There are many pieces of valuable information that is left out that I believe will be beneficial for newcomers and veterans alike. I will repeat some of the things I have said in a previous post in case you have not read it. Peep game.

Payment. Almost everyone here on TUSCL that has been to Tijuana always mention how they bring the price down as far as they can in order to take the girl upstairs, this is a flawed way of going about taking care of business. A comparable sex worker in the US or Europe will demand a far higher amount of money and not service you very well, I know from experience. 100 dollars for a 30 minute session with a beautiful exotic women is NOTHING! If she asks for 100, then give it to her. If you low-ball her I promise you she will alter her performance to your detriment. If you are polite, generous, and dressed well then you will have an amazing experience I guarantee.

Sorry to have to break it to you all but HK is not necessarily the best place to find the hottest women in TJ, it can be, but more often than not you're better off exploring other places. The first place tourists go when hitting up Zona Norte is HK, so already you will be at a disadvantage. The hot girls are snatched up very quickly for room sessions and when they come back down they are snatched up again. That leaves you with an abundance of 4's, 5's, and 6's, and trust me, there are plenty of those numbers in HK. Check out the talent in HK and try to pick up a lady that you like but don't depend on that place. Now let's talk about great alternatives.

Adelitas. The women here on average are better looking than HK in my personal opinion because they are not snatched up every 60 seconds, that gives you much more purchasing power. The environment is very different to that of HK, it has a brothel feel to it, well because it actually is. They get to the point much quicker and that can be a turn off for some men so be warned. Tropical Bar Is third on the list from what I have experienced. The women are very beautiful but the venue is a bit dirtier for lack of a better word. Coming from HK you might find it to be too Mexican. It is best to hop around to find the best women. Go to Chicago, Las Chavelas, La Gloria Bar, El Corral, La Velentina, and Bar Gold Palace. Please don't limit yourself to only HK.

I know this is probably the last thing people here on TUSCL care about but I will talk about it anyway, and that is cleanliness. I fucked a girl at HK and did pretty much everything with her for an hour, after she just wiped her pussy with baby wipes and put her clothes back on without taking a shower, that's pretty fucking sick. Numerous girls have done that to me at HK. They have guys slobbering and screwing them all night long and they don't clean up after, that means YOU get some of those guy's funk on YOU. So I recommend finding a girl that has either just started her shift or go to a quieter club where the girls don't see too much action and pounce. Do not go after the girls that ever guy wants later in the night otherwise you will be sharing some ball sweat.

STD's/STI's. This ties in with cleanliness but in a different way. Always, and I mean always give a quick vaginal inspection before entry. Make sure she does not have any sores, lesions, discharge, or any other abnormalities. Do not perform oral sex on her. Do not go raw dog. Kiss her on the lips if you must, but you can bet your money that those lips were probably on my nuts an hour before. The condoms they provide are very tough and reliable which is a good thing, but it may lack in the feeling department so I suggest getting a condom from a reputable brand like Trojan. Stay away from bare skin condoms because they do tend to break according to users. The Trojan enz are a classic and will never let you down. After your session is complete, take a shower and thoroughly wash your genital region with soap and water. When washing pay special attention to the base of your penis and scrotum because those areas are exposed.

Try to refrain from drinking too much because that will make you a target for many different people like strippers, maseros, police, and random Mexicans looking for a mark. I would suggest tipping the bouncers/security some money just in case something goes down they will help you. People always say scatter your money across your body in case the police shake you down, again, very flawed way of thinking. The police know people scatter their money so when they shake your ass down they will check your socks and every other nook around you. Best advice I can give; avoid police interaction at all costs. If you so happen to be involved with a police encounter and they want money, be polite and negotiate a price with them, DO NOT CHALLENGE THEM IN ANY WAY.

If you follow these suggestions you will have a safe and fun visit to Tijuana.


  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    "I know this is probably the last thing people here on TUSCL care about but I will talk about it anyway, and that is cleanliness."

    Thanks for your vote of confidence in us.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Probably good advice but frankly all that crap makes me not want to try Tijuana. I know lots of clubs where I can fuck a cute young American stripper who showers and who fucks far fewer customers. The cost savings doesn't sound like it's worth the hassle.
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    the best part about going to TJ is the 100% guarantee that san_jose_guy will never in a million years ever be there
  • Sleepwalking
    8 years ago
    I agree with some of what OP is saying, but not all of it. I agree that being a hard ass negotiator may save you a few dollars, but lessen the girl's enthusiasm to please you and diminish the quality of the session. However, 2 things on this. 1. If you state your price first (80 for arriba at HK, 60 Adelitas), the girls almost always agree. If you ask them how much, they'll sometimes quote you a higher price. From experience, if a girl asks for $100, she'll usually lower her price within seconds, without having to haggle with her, if you don't immediately say yes. Example: Her: $100 for arriba. Me: contemplating it while staring off into space. Her: okay, for you, $90. Me: bueno. So, it's possible to get a better price without causing ill will or diminishing the experience.

    About half of the HK girls have showered after we were finished. The other half cleaned up at the sink, with soap, water, towel, baby wipes, etc. I agree, if you can find a girl who has just started her shift, that's your best scenario. This is the case at any bar and not just HK.

    I still think HK has the best quantity of hot girls. OP seems to be implying that HK is full of 4's, 5's, and 6's and there are only a few hot girls that every guy is lining up to fuck. Not the case at all and I've been there quite a bit. Sure, there are some 5's and 6's, but on a Friday or Saturday night I've seen close to 20 women who would be considered 8.5's or 9's or higher. There are a lot of guys at HK, but it always seems like there are more women. I almost always see at least a half dozen 8 or 9's standing around by themselves for a long time, without a single guy approaching them. Supply > demand.

    I think the OP stating that you can find a hot girl at another bar, that hasn't been with a single guy that day, is fantasy, unless she just started her shift. Sure, there are some hot girls at other bars, but not as many, so they stand out more and will definitely be picked to go arriba.

    I've walked through other bars and the overall quality hasn't been as good as HK. There will be a few lookers, but not as many. And usually, like at Adelitas, they seem a little older.

    Anyway, just my 2 cents.

    I think the showering and scrubbing advice afterward is a good suggestion.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Filthy whores
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    kenleyva and Sleepwalking,

    Thank you both so much for sharing your expertise with us. I do understand about these cleanliness issues. But on the other hand, I won't be there to stay completely clean. Bodily fluids will be exchanged. Sorry.

    About the value in these 2nd tier venues, I do understand. But one issue is simply that there are so many details one needs to understand, that even learning how to work it in the Cascadas and the HK is going to be quite a challenge. With these other places, that will be something else again.

    For myself, I eventually want to be working it with SG, they being their own bosses and all. But I know that starting with BG will be easier.

    Someone on another forum posted,
    If you stay at Cascadas, they key to your entire stay is to keep loading up on sheets, towels, soap, shampoo and toilet paper whenever you can. Make sure you have what seems like a week's worth of towels, soap, and TP. Make sure you always have an extra set of sheets on hand. They run out of them constantly. When I stay in TJ, I bring along some sex toys, condoms, and lubricant, too. The condoms they provide are crap. And, I've had a blast with the right girl when you whip out a Hitachi Wand and go to town.

    And that fits with what I had gleaned from TMojo's article, that you need a supply of bedding.

    Is bringing a Hitachi Wand really a good idea? Never used such a thing myself.

    I love DATY w/FIVing them. And I'd be inclined to start with DFK + FOV/FIV. I could go just as many rounds with them as any Hitachi Wand.

    As I see it, the real issue is just like it is in US Strip Clubs and AMPs, get your girl DFKing before anything more is discussed, because that is the key to getting your girl off script and letting it be a mind blowing session, as well as having a girl supercharged for subsequent visits.

    This one with little more than chains over her huge tits, just blows me away:

    Do you like girls with the huge areolas?

    I sure do.



    In my opinion, this girl needs to be sent on her way. Let her finish her drink, be polite, maybe a thank you tip. But don't let her sell you on another drink or on arriba.

    Don't know how their encounter started, maybe on some subsequent visit it can work out better.

    This girl on the other hand, she's a keeper.

    More front room friendliness -> arriba + food + Jacuzzi -> toda la noche -> continuing contact and repeat visits.

    What do our TJ experts think?

    kenleyva and Sleepwalking, thank you both for explaining about not negotiating them down too hard. I do understand that. After all, as I see it, it is more about a sexual aesthetic, than short term sexual gratification. So economizing is not that important. The girls I session with, I'll be trying my best to maintain contact with, and they could well end up on my regular payroll, as operations get going in Mexico. No reason to economize with them. What I would probably do is let them have their price, but try and negotiate the time up. Usually that is still good for the girl, and it will make a good impression.

    About DFKing TJ girls. I think those $1 feel ups in the HK are very conducive to it. And the fact that the girls are not wearing much is conducive to those feel ups.

    Possible to do it on the sidewalk, if one learns? Sounds like possibly.

    But in Bar Tropical and Las Chevalas, they wear more. Maybe not so much with the feel ups? But dancing with them would be great. Latinas are real good at that.

    I can see that the HK girls tend to be enhanced. So this is why probably more young ones at BT, even though the pricing a bit lower. This is what I surmise. To get the boob job a girl has to be really committed to the profession.

    Some have said, more girls jumping onto your lap and DFKing at BT. Sound plausible?

    Don't know why these places have to use shaving cream and can't put on a whipped cream show.

    As I think about all this, I think I would be approaching girls:

    1. Stage side
    2. While they are standing
    3. While they might be sitting in a row

    Get as friendly as possible.


    1. Maybe sitting and fichas, tell them I don't drink and suggest they keep it non alcoholic ( as I will want to be talking with them and spending lots of time. ) I don't in principle mind the house and staff making money, I just don't want to be forced to introduce alcohol.

    2. Some balcony areas up in the Cascadas, good for GFE?

    3. Then either to food or arriba, and assume that it will turn into toda la noche.

    What I won't do is wait for girls to jump onto my lap, and then expect alcohol. And I would never ask waiters to send me girls.

    Thank you so much for sharing your expertise.

  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    in my few visits to dvtj only one girl appealed to me. only one.
    ab can be good sometimes. hk has been more consistent to me. but as always... the girl selection can change rather quickly. when you see a girl that you are attracted to... grab her before someone else does. i am a shallow person and living for the moment. interaction with a girl beyond an hour is rare for me.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "i am a shallow person and living for the moment. interaction with a girl beyond an hour is rare for me."


    Thank you justme, for that frank disclosure.

    Really multiple visits to dvtj and most of the girls don't measure up? Do you have any idea why that aren't drawing HK Bar quality girls?

    How is the front room GFE at DVTJ?

    What some are saying is that they like Bar Tropical and Las Chavalez better.

    1. Some girls younger ( probably seen as less 'hard core', boob jobs not needed )
    2. More easy going, laid back.
    3. More often you have to approach the girl yourself. ( fine with me )
    4. Get to dance with girls. ( Latina's very good at this, can turn a guy to jello in just one dance. With three dances they can turn you into a show donkey. )
    5. And most of all, MORE LIKELY TO GET FS WITH ALL EXTRAS AND DFKING than at HK bar.

    Any thoughts about this?

  • Sleepwalking
    8 years ago
    I wouldn't say there are that many boob jobs at HK. Some, but a very low percentage. Less than 20% of the HK girls have boob jobs in my opinion.

    I disagree with 5 completely. You are just as likely to get complete GFE at HK as anywhere else, if that is what you are looking for. It all depends on the girl. Some are strictly business, some aren't. If you go, you'll find that out.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    hk and then ab have been wonderful so far. lots of opportunities and choices.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    And again, Sleepwalking and justme62, thank you both for that encouraging information about HK and AB!

    It really does look like at HK, that tradition of feel ups is the way to go. Looks like near the stage they have a feel up station. Not really a pole, but a curved horizontal bar. Girls can support themselves on that bar, and push their ass out, etc.

    Seems like as good of a place to approach a girl as any, that and the stage.

    Some are saying that girls don't want to kiss in the front room, because their mesero BF will see it, but they will be fine in the hotel room.

    Maybe in Bar Tropical and Las Chavales, they are wearing more, mini-dresses, and so there are not so many feel ups?

    I assume that you guys are finding your girls in the HK main room. Ever take a girl up to the VIP Room? Girls cruising around for dates in the VIP Room, more GFE up there?


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  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    @san_jose_guy. why don't you set your sights on something that you might be able to achieve in , oh say the next ten years or so. you know, something like a trip to the taco bell down the street from your mom's house cause you know, you just might be able to really do that but you, me and everyone else knows that there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that you will ever go to tijuana
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